
A Wandering Man

A sheltered life was not a happy life.

Or so Hadrian previously thought.

But the cold biting at his face, and the unknown that stretched out before him on this seemingly impossible task, made him yearn for the pampered ignorant life he had taken for granted.

The long journey from his now beloved Sacaran to this forsaken forest had left too many hours of self reflection. The striking black stallion that accompanied him on his journey seemed blissfully unaware of the existential crisis the young man was undergoing, and for that Hadrian envied the simple life of a stupid horse.

Hadrians stomach gurgled loudly as he turned his face away from a particularly shocking gust of cold air. Looking around he felt unsettled suddenly as the darkness of the surrounding trees kissed the edges of the path, as if waiting for him to mistakenly step into the blackness with anticipation.

He had no idea where he was.

"Darcy I'm afraid we might starve to death in this forest if we don't find the nearest town". He conversed with the horse, his only consistent companion for the past months. He stopped here and there at various inns to enjoy food and beverage, as well as the occasional willing woman, but over time he had learned that he much preferred the friendship of his horse over the random people who only offered him superficial gratification.

Hadrian couldn't shake the unnerving feeling that something was amiss. After several long moments he was finally able to pin point the cause of his discomfort.

The fact that no life stirred struck him suddenly as odd. Looking around he was quite alarmed as the shrill call of a raven broke through the silence followed immediately by the fluttering of wings through trees.

With no warning Darcy reared up out of fright nearly tossing Hadrian from the saddle.

The frightened scream of a woman rattled in his ears. He watched as the figure dodged flailing hooves as she scrambled to get out of the way.

He patted and soothed his only friend. "Whoa! Easy Darcy." He murmured to the horse who was chomping at the bit, eyes rolling in fear.

Hadrian looked down at the sudden intruder, as she bent over and started picking up various weeds and throwing them into a basket with extreme annoyance. Curious he observed this with concern and slight amusement.

She stood up and her cloak shifted exposing a peek of dainty features, and skin as smooth and white as freshly fallen snow.

Grumbling she adjusted her cloak quickly hiding her features from his sight, grabbed her basket and without a word or glance marched right past the duo as if they were not even there.

Frantically, before he could stop himself he called out to her;

"Pardon me! Wait!"

The figure froze on the path. He sensed she wanted to run.

Slowly, reluctantly the woman turned to face him.

The air left his lungs as a pair of emerald green eyes stared up at him, and he knew that he was in trouble.

Please leave me your thoughts and comments! It’s been so long since I’ve done this!

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