
The Puppeteer's Dilemma: I Became an Admin of a Simulated World

In "The Puppeteer's Dilemma: I Became an Admin of a Simulated World," readers are introduced to an ordinary individual whose life is abruptly cut short, only to be thrust into a world of revelations and intrigue. The protagonist, whose identity remains undisclosed, experiences a near-death encounter that triggers a series of events leading to a profound awakening. Through a series of flashbacks, we witness the protagonist's journey from a life filled with regret and unfulfilled potential to a shocking realization: their world is not what it seems. As glitches in the fabric of reality become increasingly impossible to ignore, the protagonist is compelled to share their discoveries with the world through an online blog. However, their revelations attract the attention of the enigmatic Agents of the simulation, who will stop at nothing to maintain control over the illusion. In a harrowing confrontation, the protagonist is hunted down and left for dead, only to awaken in a hospital bed, seemingly reincarnated and endowed with newfound powers. As the protagonist grapples with the trauma of their near-death experience and the memory of their assailants, they are confronted with a startling revelation: they have been appointed as an Admin of the simulated world. With access to a myriad of controls and hacks, they must navigate the complexities of their dual existence while confronting the moral implications of their newfound authority. "The Puppeteer's Dilemma: I Became an Admin of a Simulated World" is a gripping tale that delves into themes of power, morality, and the nature of reality. It challenges readers to question their own perceptions of the world and consider the consequences of wielding ultimate control in a simulated universe.

Aruhan · Sci-fi
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5 Chs

(Bonus chapter 3.5) - "Emily's return"


In the quiet depths of the night, Emily moved through the city's streets like a shadow, her steps light and purposeful. The moonlight painted the urban landscape in shades of silver, guiding her as she navigated the familiar paths with the ease of long practice.

With a deft grace born of years of training, Emily bounded from rooftop to rooftop, her movements fluid and effortless. Each leap carried her closer to her destination, the city's skyline a playground of possibilities beneath the moon's watchful gaze. Such is the physical capabilities of an grade 2 member of the organisation.

Yet, beneath the surface calm, Emily's thoughts churned with unease. Katsuro's rejection lingered in her mind like a stubborn stain, casting a shadow over her otherwise steady resolve.

In the hushed embrace of the night, Emily moved through the labyrinthine streets of the city, her steps measured and purposeful. The moonlight cast a gentle glow upon the urban sprawl, highlighting the towering skyscrapers that loomed overhead. Among them stood their headquarters, a formidable structure cloaked in shadows and secrecy.

As Emily approached the building, she couldn't help but marvel at its imposing presence. Its sleek, modern facade rose majestically into the night sky, its darkened windows offering no glimpse of the activity within. The air around it crackled with an aura of power and authority, hinting at the secrets that lay hidden behind its walls.

Stepping through the grand entrance, Emily found herself in a vast atrium bathed in soft, muted light. The air was heavy with the scent of polished wood and expensive cologne, lending an air of sophistication to the space. She navigated through the throng of bustling employees, her gaze fixed on the winding corridors that stretched out before her.

As she made her way deeper into the building, Emily's heart quickened with anticipation. She knew that her superiors awaited her in the meeting room, their stern faces a stark reminder of the task that lay ahead.

Entering the meeting room, Emily felt a sense of apprehension wash over her. The room was bathed in soft, ambient light, its walls adorned with monitors displaying real-time data and surveillance footage. At the head of the room sat three figures, their expressions grave as they regarded her with stern scrutiny.

"Emily," one of them began, his voice like thunder in the quiet chamber. "Did you convince Katsuro to join us?"

Emily's heart sank at the question, her shame evident in the downward cast of her eyes. "I'm sorry," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "I tried, but he refused."

The room fell silent at her admission, the weight of her failure hanging heavy in the air. The three figures exchanged a look of disappointment, their expressions hardening with anger.

"Do you realize the magnitude of your failure, Emily?" one of them demanded, his voice laced with barely concealed fury. "The power of an Admin is not to be underestimated. It is immense, and it is not to be squandered."

Emily swallowed hard, the gravity of their words sinking in. She knew that she had let them down, and she couldn't shake the feeling of shame that gnawed at her conscience.

"I understand," she replied, her voice tinged with regret. "I will do whatever it takes to make it right."

With a nod of acknowledgment, her superiors dismissed her from the room, their disappointment a heavy weight on her shoulders. As she made her way back through the corridors of their headquarters, Emily vowed to redouble her efforts and prove herself worthy of their trust once more. For the fate of their organization—and the world—depended on it.