
The Psychopath's Lie's

"Why are you doing this?" rebecca asked. She can't believe what she saw. There stood someone who she trusted the most with a bloody knife in its hand. "This is your fate, you will end up just like her" the killer smiled and point the knife at her.

Aphrodite_22 · Teen
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8 Chs

Chapter 6 : Friends

"Hi what's your order?" My cashier is absent today because she will have her mother check up today.

"One large latte please and one chicken sandwich"

"Any add ons maam?"

"Uhm whipped cream"

"I'll repeat your order maam. One large latte with whipped cream and one chicken sandwich. That would be 834.84 peso maam"

"Do you take cards?"

"Yes maam" she gave me her card. I swipe it and confirm her payment.

I was busy taking orders when a loud group of girls came in. They're are laughing loudly that other costumers looked at them.

I sigh loudly. Give them a big fake smile. Right! Let's just smile and stay away from bad mood today.

"Hi may i take your orders?" i said still smiling.

"OH MY GOD!" they shrieked. They even banged the table.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance "Can you please shut up!? You are disturbing others"

"We miss you so much freny!" they even clapped their hands. Lunatics.

"Shhhh seriously...what are you? Kindergartens?" i facepalm. They never changed.

"You didn't contact us. We text and called you many times but you won't answer"

"I'm busy"

"You always say that. We are friends. We should always contact each other. Right girls?" they all nodded.

"Did i agree to be your friend? NO"

"We are friends. Period." i gave up. There's no ending if i continue arguing with them.

"Fine! Are you going to order or what?" i said annoyingly. They all giggled.

"3 Ice americano. 2 red velvet cake and 1 chocolate cake"

"Add ons?"

"You please. We want you at our table"

"No. Now pay up and get out of my sight. It's 1,780 pesos" she handed me her card and i swiped it.

Lunch came. I prepare chicken sandwich and ice ameracano for my lunch. I sat on the corner. I was about to sip my coffee when i notice a man next to my table. I notice him taking glances at me.

It's him again. I didn't notice him earlier. He's wearing a black jacket and a black cap. He notice me staring at him so he bowed his head and faced his laptop.

If he will do what he did the other day. I will punched him hard right away.

I took a sip and ignored him.Just when I thought I can relax and eat peacefully. These 3 idiots sat beside me. Who am i kidding ? There's no peaceful day if these three are around.

Yes, they haven't left since morning. They said they wouldn't leave until i talked to them. We don't have anything to talk.

Don't get me wrong. They're not my friends. They declared themselves my friends which i don't agree. I don't need one. I'm fine by myself. The last thing i want is to let someone die again because of me. Just because they are close to me.

These is for there own good.

They've been bothering me for almost a year now.

Jenny. Gray eyes. She had coils of leaf-brown hair. Her petite figure leaning on the window. She had an erect figure even though she was petite.

Amanda. Black haired. Blue eyes. She had a bouncy personality and a sugary voice. She had a sculptured figure which was twine-thin. Her waist was tapered and she had a burnished complexion.

Rosie. Brown haired with green eyes. Her amazonian figure sat well on her wafer-thin body. She had a decanter shaped waist and her complexion had an impeccable, ochrous hue. Her pencil - thin eyebrows eased down gently to her black, beetle's - leg eyelashes.

In short they are all amazingly gorgeous. If they don't open there mouths, they look normal. I just don't know why they are acting crazy around me. I always scolded them. I'm not nice to them. I'm not even talking friendly to them.

"We miss you freny! How are you?" said jenny.

"Upright and sucking air" i answered. They laughed at my answer.

"You're so funny freny!" Said amanda.

"I have a name and it's not freny" I replied.

"That's our nickname for you" said amanda.

I ignored them and started eating my sandwich. They talked talked about anything.

I arch my brow. "What?"

" So where have you been? You've been gone for so long" asked rosie.


"No secrets between us!"


"How are you and paul? I haven't seen him around too" i froze when i heard his name. I closed my eyes to calm down. I cleared my throat before answering.

"Stop asking, it's none of your damn business " I glared at them.

"Woah chill, I'm just asking" said jenny backing a little.

"Maybe they have LQ" they laughed.

I stood up and left them. I heard them calling me but i ignored them. I went straight to my office. I shut the door and slammed myself at the sofa.

My eyes became blurry as tears started to fall. I tried so hard to forget what happened. I kept myself busy. I want to rest my mind. I'm so fed up with my life. I'm so close taking my life. I want to rest.

But hearing his name again. Makes me remember everything.

Sometimes i asked god. Why?.Why me? Why is he doing this to me? Can he just take me so this can be over.

Uncle louis called me last night. He said he didn't see any broken glass there. He asked his team if they cleaned it up but they didn't.

They didn't see anyone come there except them.

He said the killer might have remember it and took it with him that day.

I'm back at zero again. I don't know where to start or how to find him. I got nothing now.

I have a strong feeling that i know the killer or i might have met him once. He's got to be someone i know. Maybe he's just near. I just have to catch him.

He can't mess my life anymore. I won't let him.

If he want to play hide and seek. Then I'll gladly be the seeker.

I'm not afraid to die anymore.

Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what lies inside us while we live


death seems more inviting than life.