
The Psychopath's Lie's

"Why are you doing this?" rebecca asked. She can't believe what she saw. There stood someone who she trusted the most with a bloody knife in its hand. "This is your fate, you will end up just like her" the killer smiled and point the knife at her.

Aphrodite_22 · Teen
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8 Chs

Chapter 3 : Eighth Victim

"Are you sure you want to be discharged now? Why don't we stay for another week to make sure you're really okay"

"Mom I'm good, my head doesn't ache anymore and the doctor said i can go home too"

Her mom pays their bills and processes Rebecca's discharge slip. It was afternoon when they finally got home. She sat on the sofa.

"Where's Nana?"Rebecca asked her mom. Her nana usually greets her at the front door.

" She went home to their province, she said her grandson is sick. Do you want me to call her now? "

"No ma, I'll call Nana later" Rebecca touched her necklace, and she made Paul's ring the pendant.


"Yes sweetie?"

"Any updates to the case?" Her mom sat besides her.

"Nothing, you know...i always think that officer doesn't know his job, it's been what? two decades for goodness sake and they can't still find the killer or find any clue" She signed.

The front door opened and a man came in. It's her uncle Louis. "Do you want to take part in the investigation then? let's see if you can help or maybe you can replace the chief"

Rebecca's Mom rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Which is YOU by the way"

Louis is Rebecca's mom's friend since high school, he's chief of Police, and he's the one handling Rebecca's case.

He sat and opened his notebook. He looked at her mom.

" Won't you even offer me a snack? " her uncle fake a shocked face " Do you even know common courtesy? You're supposed to offer your guest a coffee or water"

" You're not a guest, you slowpoke " Her mom got up. Rebecca thought she was going upstairs but she was headed towards the kitchen, probably to prepare some snacks.

" I can't believe she's your mother, I mean you two have many differences... especially in attitude " she laughed at what he said.

" If Mom hears you you'll be in big trouble "

"Then I'll do my job now " She shook her head, they're like little kids every time they see each other.

" Does anyone know that you will be going to that island? " Rebecca shook her head.

"I never mentioned it to anyone"

" Did you notice anything suspicious?"

"No, it was just us two...he said he sent home his caretakers"

" So it's another dead end" The cop messed his hair.

Suddenly she remember something " Did you touch anything on the house since the incident?"

" What do you mean?" The cop looked at her confused.

" I just remembered something, did you notice some shattered glass there on the floor?" he nodded.

"What about it?"

" I remember after i passed out he touch the shattered glass"

"Okay but we still won't get anything"

My eyes widened when i realized something, a smile formed in my lips. " We will"


"He's not wearing a gloves at that moment "

"Are you sure about that?"

"Yes! I'm sure" he quickly got up and gathered his things.

"I have to go their now" he left in a hurry. My heart is beating fast, finally! we have a clue, I hope thay can get a fingerprints.

Mom brought a tray of juice and cookies " Where is that man? Did he left?" i nodded.

" That jerk! he even rant about that common courtesy and he just left?! God i will kill that bastard when i see him again!"

"He had something important to do mom"

"Tsk ...right! I have to go somewhere real quick, are you gonna be okay alone or do you want to go with me? "

"I'll stay home ma, I want to rest"

" Okay lock the doors" she kissed me in the forehead and went outside. I locked all the doors and went to my room.

I want to rest but my mind is wondering somewhere. I took a shower and got dressed. I roamed around my room, the flowers that paul got me last month is still here, the flowers have withered. His jacket that he gave me cause i always wear a crop tops.

Tears started to flood my eyes, i hugged his jacket. Sometimes i think of killing my self but i thought of mom being alone.

I wiped my tears and took the box hidden under my bed. I opened it and scattered the papers in the bed. It's a news papers about the crime that's been happening around me. I'm doing my own investigation. I want to know why is this happening to me, why are all the victim's close to me? Do i know the killer?

All this questions are running through my mind everyday and i will not stop until i catch him, I swear i will finish him myself.

I put the papers in order of the incident. The first one is when i was 7. I had a friend, we used to always meet before school at the playground near our school. We played there until nana showed up to pick me up.

And one time after school, i waited for my friend to show up but he didn't show up. For several days i waited for him to show up but still nothing. One time i saw his nanny at school, i run towards her and asked about my friend.

Her expression when she looked at me was very sad " Where's natnat? I haven't seen him for a week now"

She hugged me and cried " Natnat's gone "

I let go of her embrace and looked at her confused " Gone? Where did he go? When is he coming back?"

"She's dead rebecca, we can't see him anymore "

I didn't go to school for a few days since i found out natnat's dead. I didn't leave my room and i found out about my friends brutal murder. He was found at the playground where we always play. Chopped, stuffed in a garbage bag.

Just like paul his head is missing too.

Since then incident like that always happens around me, it was always someone close to me.

Even my pets, also got killed. I always found them dead at the front door without their heads too.

They're a total of 8 victim's, including paul.

The first was my friend when i was 7. The second was my seatmate in school when I was 9. The third was my bully in school in elementary, i was 10.

Fourth was when i was in highschool, first year....a senior in my school courted me without my approval. The fifth was my very first friend in my senior year. The sixth was my first boyfriend in college. The seventh was the guy who was always there where i worked a part time job. They are all men.

And paul...the eighth victim. I hope no one else becomes a victim. My conscience can't take it anymore. I feel like I'm going crazy with all of this happening in my life.

I wish someone would save me from this pain.....if death could save me from this torture the please save me.