

  Two heads joined

  Irena's POV

  "Alright, let's start from the first enemy we ever made," I said, uncapping my pen.

  "You think he could be behind this?" Magnus whispered.

  " No, definitely not, don't even go there. He's long gone," I whispered back, dismissing him.

  Magnus laughed, "all right then, so the ones alive right?"

  I looked at him as if he had said the most ridiculous thing, " really Magnus, are you really asking that? Of course, they'll be alive Magnus why the fuck should we be worried about dead people?! " I facepalmed. Sometimes Magnus acted like a fucking child.

  “So who do we start with?” Magnus asked, opening a can of water.

  I sighed, “I don’t even know, I have so many enemies,” And trying to list them out would be so much work.