
Chapter 13

  More Coffee


  Without having to read her mind, I could tell that she was worried if she had put enough sedative in my coffee because the effects of the drug was supposed to be affecting me already

  “So where are you and your friends going to play your game?” she asked

  “the next town” I replied placing my empty mug on the table

  She looked surprised

  “Is there any problem Lois?” I asked when I noticed her expression

  She smiled “no, no, I just remembered something”

  “oh alright”

  “So you said the game would be held at the next town?” She asked smiling. But one could read from her brows and her eyes that she was beginning to get worried

  “yes,” I nodded

  “that's Ale” she said

  I nodded “yup”

  “have you ever been here or there before?” she asked curiously “I hope you're not offend by my questions. I just want to have an conversation with you” she said apologetically