
The Protectors

This is a dangerous time, college. They're learning how to be themselves, but also how to help others. Come along,view a world of danger, mystery, and intrigue.Follow our heroine through her weird and mystical life. Pay attention though, or you may get lost.

BrighterPastels · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Courage in the Face of Doubt

They smile together and Seth replies. "Sure!" Joshua holds his Mediums hand, silently walking behind Kai and I. Kai was gossiping about how much she loved a certain TV show. I was listening silently, my mind wandering to the classroom. I wondered if there was anything I could have done differently... I was pulled from my thoughts as Seth lightly bumped my shoulder. Kai tilted her head to the side and started floating, laying sideways in the air.

"We're here, Llesme." I open the door to the cafeteria and there were a bunch of people. We all got in line, getting trays. I'm not a big fan of lunch myself, so I grab some apple sauce and grapes. We find an empty table and we start talking. "What were ya thinking about earlier, Llesme?" I looked up, a spoonful of applesauce in my mouth. I swallow, preventing me from answering with a full mouth.

"Just some things about the introductions, it sounded weird the way I described my ability." Joshua shook his head. "Nonsense." Seth nodded, sticking a fry in his mouth. Joshua spoke up, slightly surprising me from the impression I got of him. "How about we introduce ourselves and give little facts and such?" Kai and I nodded. Kai was floating around the table, having fun listlessly as Seth and Joshua talked more about themselves.

"So as you guys know, I'm Seth. I used to live in Brighton but I moved to Norway in high school. That's where I met Joshua, we figured out we were both of supernatural decent and we quickly figured out we were made for each other. Literally." They held their hands closer together and I noticed a little red line between them. I held my eye, quickly getting rid of the vision. I blinked quickly and smiled. "You two are soulmates." They looked shocked.

Seth stumbled as a heavy blush spread across his face. "Well... well there isn't a way to know for sure." Joshua flicked his eyes down to their eyes, the same spot I had looked when the red line became visible. I shook my head. "No, it's possible. Only certain people can see them, right, Joshua?" His face read confusion and slowly my brain kicked in. "Sorry. Only certain abilities would be able to see the connection. It's like a string or a line of thread. It's usually red but if your soulmate dies then it turns grey and withers away slowly after time."

Joshua nods. "I can see it because of my reaper ability. I'm trained to see the connections between people to make it easier to take a soul. However, I haven't heard of an empath with this ability." Kai looks at me with a blank look as Seth and Joshua stare at me. I smile. "Well, my ability allows for moods to be changed. However, I can't change how someone thinks about another. Even if I were to induce blood-curdling rage, the feelings about a person would still be the same after my control is gone. The connection between mood and mind help me see the string. I can't do it for long though, or else the eye acts up."

Seth leans forward. "Yeah, what's with that anyway?" I hold my hand over my eye. "Well, when I was little, I had a bad accident after my powers were first used. I realized at certain times my eye will act up if I'm straining a certain emotion." I make up as I try to bullshit my way out of this. "Oh, I'm sorry." I wave my hand. "No, your fine." Kai suddenly turns bubbly again, perks of being an air nymph. "Ooh, is it my turn!?" I chuckle a bit and nod, she practically squeals and sits upright mid-air.

"Hi! I'm Kai and I am verily easily distracted at some times. I've lived here in Ireland since I was born and I highly enjoy floating!" She says as she swishes herself through the air quickly. I giggle lightly as she rests behind me gently. I look to my left to see Kyro sitting by himself at a table. He was reading a book with a red and gold cover, similar to the patchwork of scales he had on his skin here and there. I smile and cup my hands around my mouth.

"Kyro!" His eyes glance up to meet my gaze, I smile and continue. "Come over here!" He walks over with his book in hand, he takes a bite of his apple and speaks. "Yes?" I smile at him again, trying to be polite. "Would you like to sit with us?" His eyes widen for a second before closing his book. "Sure, thank you." He sat down to the left of me, Kai sat to my right now.

"So, how has your day been so far, Kyro?" His gaze seems to soften a bit as he looks at me and the rest. "Good, I suppose. And yourself?" I smile at him. "Delightful. It's a pleasure to be talking to you." He chuckles and Kai leans forward so she can see him clearly. "Oh my gosh I love your scales! Do you moisturize so your skin and scales don't flake up, because your face is flawless!" I nudge her and she giggles. "I'm Kai by the way."

He chuckles gently and nods to her. "Clearly a goddess among us." She blushes with a wide smile and my eye flickers again. I gently rest my hand on my eye and my gaze turns different colors. I see a tiny thin line leading between the two of them. I smile to myself and chuckle, looking to Joshua. He shakes his head in disbelief and I go back to them. I stand back up and Kai scoots closer to Kyro, making more conversation.

Seth and I talk about what we are majoring in and what we want to do. Us supernaturals tend to have similar jobs when it comes to skills and requirements needed. Each creature will usually pick something that pairs nicely with their species. So a Lorelei would work at an aquarium or a water park while a demon would work with law enforcement. The bell rang for us to get back to class and I only have this class with Seth and Joshua.

We all sit together towards the middle of the class and pay attention to our lecturer. After three or four hours, the session was over. I walked out and started to head to the dorms. I happened to be by myself as I slowly hummed to the beat I was walking to. Everything was calm until I heard a clank behind me.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

BrighterPastelscreators' thoughts