
Registering as a Merchant

Today I woke up to find Freya's face right on top of me and me gr*ping her two tomatoes.

. . . . .

(Nose bleeds.)

When I was about to remove my hand I saw she woke up blushing her face.


She slapped my face.

[I'm sorry. I didn't mean it.]


[It wasn't Jin's fault. It was yours.]

[And where's the proof?]

[Since I leveled up, I can record and show what happened until now.]

[Then show us!]

Freya was snoring loudly and turning all over the bed.

Slowly Freya started rubbing my ancient drumstick which made my pants wet.

[What my pants are wet?!]


I guess it's true. Freya slapped me and ran away.

In an instant, She took a knife and was scaring Ms.scammer by sharpening it.

[How about giving back our 50 gold.]

[umm.uumm.ummm what's given can't be taken back.]

[What's happening?]

[Let's say that our Ms scammer doesn't need gold or upgrading but certain conditions.]

. . . . .

[You Motherf*ckin Money hoardin B*tch!]

[Ya what he said.]

[Freya sama teach me loyalty skill tattoo maker.]

[Nice idea.] Freya did a thumbs up.

I acquired the skill and used it on scammer.

[For my first order from now on no secrets. Lets go to the merchant guild.]

[Y..Yes, master.]

+++ +++ +++

[G…good morning jin sama I got some breakfast for you.]


She ran back blushing.

[Ohhhhhh. jin-sama I heard some weird noises yesterday.]

Looks like tiger lady has extra ordinary hearing.

[Inn lady we..I'm going to the merchants guild, bye.]


. . . . .

(K.O. lol)

+++ +++ +++

I put on the mask made by the dwarf and went in the guild.

[Hi you seem new ,to register one gold coin fill this sheet ,one drop of blood and pass the test by at least 40%]

I payed and wrote my name as "ZERO".

[Thank you]

I wrote the test which was-

1. 1+1=?

2. 5+7=?

3. 3-2=?

4. 7 x 7=?

5. 3/2=?

6. 4 x 9=?

7. 0 x 1=?

8. 0+1=?

9. 0/1=?

10. x+3=5 .x=?

The exam is for little kids

Anyone can pass this. I gave the sheet back.

[Hmph. Couldn't even finish it ,am I right?]

[No.I completed it.]

[What?!You got full mark. How did you know the last question?]

[Using my brain.]

[Whatever ,come with me to my boss.]

We went to the owner of the guild, He was fat ,had a moustache, elephant looking…altogether he looks like Donald trump from france.

[Boss. This guy got full marks!]


He ran towards me and asked where I would like to work. To my surprise his name was also Donald.

[Actually I'm thinking of trading solo.]

[(sigh).Its a pity then what are you going to sell?]

[Something out of this world.]

[Something out of this world?]

I bought 5 premium cigarette boxes for 5 gold coins and showed it to him.

Freya was shocked.

[Don't tell me you are starting a drug business.]

[What do you think?]

[Spacial magic ?Comes handy for a merchant.]

[Thanks for the compliment I guess. I'm only selling this for now.]

[So what does it do.]

[Can you use fire magic ?]


[Then light this end and breath in smoke with mouth and exhale.]

He smoked it like a pro.

(Imagine trump smoking.)

He slammed his desk. I felt a bit scared.

[Amazing, So how would you like to sell it.]

[100 gold elf kingdom,200 gold human kingdom,50 gold beast kingdom,75 gold demon kingdom. Since this is my first sale 20% off. Also if something happens don't blame me]

[Like what?]

[Well some people will catch diseases faster by smoking too much and you will get addicted.]

[One more question?]

[Why different rates for different kingdoms?]

[Humans kicked me out and threw me in the forest. Elves sell their own kind. You guys are friendly and I don't know anything about the demon kingdom.]

[Why did they kick you out?]

He started looking suspicious .

[For having low skills even though I was summoned as a hero.]



[Hero sama, Give me all of them.]

He kneeled just like the dwarf.

[I would like to buy a place to sell instead of money for two cigarette boxes and I'm going to sell some food items.

+++ +++ +++

Afternoon, I then left the place after collecting 120 gold.

I bought a permanent resident card for 20 gold and went to my shop which I bought with 2 cigarette boxes.

It was clean and was near the inn. I bought lots of food, gadgets and gizmos.

That's when I recognized I can buy magic.

Wood magic-100 gold

Fire magic-100 gold

Water magic-150 gold

Wind magic-200 gold

Metal magic-500 gold

Light magic-1000 gold

Dark magic-1000 gold

Space magic- 10000 gold

Well I guess I'll buy it for another day.

+++ +++ +++

Total income: 100 gold 20 silver

Possessions: Mysterious egg

Double edged blade

Map of beast kin kingdom

Food store in beast kingdom

P.S. sorry for the delay,I'm in need of someone who can write English approx 500-1000 words per chapter.

I don't have any money,those who are interested to work for free can find me in discord "ghostnhoj13"

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Next episode Business is Booming.