
The prophecy to the new born vampire and a mortal

Alexandious Niccolas Tyler is destined to end the race of wolves and vampires. That is why many try to kill him, before it is even born. To prevent what was said in the prophecy, the council immediately sought a solution until they found out the secret that the Pagans had been hiding from them for a long time.

Cryptonia · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 1: The first encounter

"You are so beautiful." The old woman who worked with her in that big mansion praised her.

Even if she is uncomfortable with it. She still thanked. "Thank you."

Shee looked at her. "Are you new here?"

"Yes." She was surprised when she suddenly grabbed her right arm.

"Why are you here? You know this mansion is hell." She was still swaying while holding her arm tightly.

"I was sent here." She was surprised again when she suddenly retreated, a trace of fear on her face.

"Then the prophecy is true. The one who will destroy the world will be born. And you are the ------."

"Hey, I've been looking for you Akesha." She was very grateful when the old woman let him go.

"Go to Señorita's room, she wants to see you." said another maid who was there.

Since she came to that house. She has not seen anyone who owns that house. The housekeeper is a little bit, even though that mansion is very big. It's like an old castle that he sees in movies. And now this is the first time she will see the owner of the mansion.

She felt a sense of dread as she passed through the dark hallway of that house, going up the stairs. It's dark because of the big curtains on the window that don't want to be opened.

She remembered that the old man did not tell her where the room of the lady of that house was. There are many doors here.

She heard a creepy sound from the opening door.

She saw a human figure at the door. "Come in." His voice was cold, mixing with her breath.

Even though she was nervous, she followed him.

When she went inside, she saw a beautiful pregnant woman, she was white and had curly hair that made her even more beautiful.

She looked around inside, the equipment that was there was almost black. She looked at the man who let him in earlier. She couldn't help but be amazed because he was so handsome.

"Come closer to me Akesha." The woman's voice was soft. It was so hypnotizing that she couldn't help but approach it.

She laughed while holding her stomach. "Ohh Andious, our baby is happy because Akesha is here." She took her hand and made her hold his bulging stomach.

She couldn't help but be amazed when she felt the child move inside. " He moved."

The man named Andious sat next to her wife and kissed her on the forehead.

"My son just wants it now."

"How cute." She caressed the woman's stomach again.

He pointed the chair at her. "Sit down. By the way, I'm Alexa."

She sat down before introducing himself. "I am Akesha señorita, señorito."

"We know you." Alexa even laughed as if she was happy with what she said.

"Do you know me?"

"Of course because the people who come here have a resume."

"Oh." That's all she said.

"You will watch over my son Akesha. That's your responsibility."

She was even more confused. "Will my job be a nanny?"

She was surprised when the two laughed again. "Then, you don't know anything yet. It's good, so you don't get scared.

"Because I don't know how to take care of a child. I haven't met anyone because mom doesn't allow me to leave the house, I'm home schooling." She can't help but feel sad because of the way her youth turned out.

"We're sorry darling"

She shook her head. "It's not your fault. Mama said we owe you a debt that must be paid. The debt must be paid, right?"

She saw sympathy and pity in Alexa's eyes, but it quickly disappeared and was replaced by pain.

"Ahhh! My stomach hurts." It groaned.

Andious rubbed his wife's stomach.

"Don't be sad akesha, my son feels that. And he doesn't want you to be sad."

"Sorry. I do not know." She panicked suddenly so she approached Alexa and caressed her stomach.

"Just relax baby. Don't move because mommy is hurting." She said to the baby inside her belly.

"He calms down when you're here. But I'm afraid that----."

"Alexa." There was a threat in Andious's voice so Alexa stopped whatever she was going to say to Akesha.

"Go to the room Akesha, manang Aning will tell you."

She politely said goodbye to Andious and Alexa.

"This will be your room, Akesha. It was really made for you."

"Is this for me?" She was suddenly confused by Akesha's question.

"It's really my mouth." She clicked her mouth. "Don't pay attention to what I say Akesha." Akesha nodded.

"I'll leave you now, so you can get your stuff ready." The old woman closed the door before she left.

The furniture in her room was almost black, just like the one in the room upstairs. She went to the window and opened it. She saw towering trees and dense forests. She was about to close the curtain when someone caught her eye on the side of the big tree.

"Don't open the window and let anyone in, Akesha." She even jumped in shock when Alexa suddenly spoke.

"Have you been there before, señorita?" She approached her and pulled her away from the window and quickly closed it.

"Why did he give you that thing, if other creatures can see it too?" She even fixed some strands of hair scattered on her face.

"What was given to me?" She didn't remember anyone giving it to her.

"Just don't go far or go outside the house while I haven't given birth to Alexandious Niccolas Tyler." She was amazed at the length of the name she mentioned.


"Ouch, I don't know if my son likes or dislikes what you called him." She was really surprised by this. How did she hear what she said, if she only said it in her mind.

"I will give you something." She grabbed her gift from her pocket.

"It's a necklace. It looks expensive. I can't accept that." She knows Akesha will reject it so she will force her to accept.

She smiled at her sweetly. "It will protect you temporarily. Your smell will disappear forever when I give birth to my child. I don't want him to be a monster Akesha."

"Monster?" She was really confused. She is new to that mansion so she doesn't know what is happening around her but she only knows one thing, she is scared now.

"Sleep Akesha." After hearing what she said, she fell asleep. But she heard the last thing she said that made her head hurt.

"What the supremo gave her has not come out yet because she is still affected by magic. Don't be silly and rush out my son. Because we will protect her." She felt that she was wearing something.

"Through that necklace, the Cerberus sent to stop the prophecy will not be able to smell you, there are also viriles around."

She adjusted the mosquito net so that Akesha could sleep well. When she finished doing that, she came to the window and opened the curtain. The whole environment was dark but her vision was very clear. So she easily saw the man that Akesha saw earlier.

"Do you think your race will continue? We will stop that!"

The courage of one to talk to her with her mind.

"Are you afraid, my son is stronger than those before him?"

She saw the sudden change in his form, the handsome man was gone and replaced by a monster, a scary monster. But she is not afraid of this, because she is also a monster.

"Stay away from the window." Andious pulled her away from the open window.

"Andious!" He screamed suddenly as he jumped out the window and ran quickly towards the man. She peeked outside and saw how Andious's appearance changed.

From the darkness of the night, he witnesses Andious' fight with the werewolf. Strength to strength, but no one can defeat him, his husband is a pure vampire, so is his opponent.

She couldn't help but feel fear, when the werewolf threw her husband and his body hit the tree. She was about to jump out of the window to help him when Andious suddenly bit the man on the neck, causing him to weaken, until he turned to ashes.

When Andious got to the window, she hugged him tightly. "You scared me earlier."

She even heard his soft laugh. "It's like you don't know me."

"Even." She caressed here.

He kissed her on the forehead. "Everything will be fine, hon. I promise."

She helped her with a light kiss on the lips. "I knew hon. And thank you for being a sweet husband."

He looked at Akesha who was sleeping soundly.

The concern is obvious on his face. "You will be born on the full moon."

She knew what he was worried about. "We are still strong even with a full moon."

"And they are just as strong as us. And what if Akesha is afraid of our son.?"

He squeezed her hand. "She's special, that's why she was chosen"

He smiled at her. "Come on, let's sleep"

She chuckled. "As if we were sleeping."

She was dumbfounded while wiping the bases. 'How could I be lying in bed if I didn't remember that I was lying down?' she scratched her head.

That's why she didn't notice the man staring at her.

"Hey, are you stunned by that?" She was even surprised when Martha suddenly spoke.


"Hey, I've been talking to you for a while."

She went back to wiping. "Sorry. I'm just thinking."

"You have to get used to that. You are the chosen one."

She looked at it. "Chosen-----." But it is gone, where it stood before.

She wasn't confused now but she was scared. Why did my mother send me here?

She still remembered that she should have been here when she was just eighteen years old. But her mother insisted, saying that she should be twenty-one.

So now she is here, to pay their debt here. What debt is that? Why was she sent to this weird mansion and people?

She can't go out, she can't open the windows. Andious and Alexa only call her at night and she always orders her to talk to her baby in the womb.

When she talks to the baby inside Alexa's belly, she feels the force pulling her closer to the baby. Force that she cannot deny and resist. Is that what people feel when they get close to other people?

In the twenty years of her life, she has only now met other people, except for her mother, their assistant and her teacher who taught her the strange thing.

Killing various kinds of monsters and she must be loyal to the people they owe and protect the only son of the Draven clan. She had to do that, because that was what her mother expected.

"We're going to eat." She knew Akesha was confused by what was happening but she was not in a position to speak.

She put the things her used for cleaning back in the cabinet. "How many helpers do we have here?"

She shook her head before answering. "Many. But the others only come out at night."

"Ah, the others are night shift."

Martha laughed. "You'll get used to it.

'I hope so.'

"Have our masters eaten yet?" She asked while pulling a chair. She did notice that there were only three of them. 'In that case, that old man is also on the night shift.'

"They don't go out in the morning. And their food is also different."

Nay Aning answered. "Shut your mouth Martha, if you want to stay here for a long time."

They are careful with every word they say. 'What did she really get into? Is she safe here? She will know that at the right time, the first thing she should do now is to pay the debt they owe to the Draven family.

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