

God, why is everybody so fucking sensitive?

Grow a pair of balls,

And learn how to accept

That i'm human too.

I can make them fucking mistakes.

I can mess up too.

That don't mean i'm a monster.

That just means i'm tired of being your little robot.

That laughs when you tell her to.

Smiles when you yell at her to.

And cries when you're not around.

God, why is everyone so fucking blind?

Get them glasses

Cause I'm trying to show you I need help.

I'm human too.

I can have them stupid problems.

I can have feelings too.

That don't mean I'm weak or sensitive.

That just means I'm not an emotionless robot.

That only cries behind the locked bathroom door so you won't hear,

And numbs the pain with cuts revealing blood and swallowing of pills.

God, why does everyone die?

Become immortal, I don't care.

Just don't leave me.

I'm human too.

I can miss people too.

I can miss my old life and self too.

That don't mean I'm stuck in the past.

That just means that I'm trying to heal.

Not just my heart, but also my cuts, and scars.

The ones you gave me.

- Alan