
The Promised King, "Red Haired " SHANKS

"Red-Haired" Shanks and his wild adventures.

Uncreative66 · Video Games
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45 Chs

No More Holding Back

Shanks Pov:  I spread my observation haki to envelope the entire island to see how Levi and Kenny were doing. I sensed filtered through the emotions and images of the locals running around panicking with the local militia trying to calm down and assure them that nothing was wrong. I sensed them a minute later underground fighting what seemed to be like local grunts. They were both breezing through with the occasional use of Soru and Rankyaku. I slowly retracted my observation haki from the area they're in and shortened its range. As I was doing that, I paused as my senses picked up a strong presence I hadn't picked up before . This was surprising as I made sure to scan the entire island the moment we stepped foot on it. The presence seemed to be moving at high speeds and in a straight line towards my direction . I contemplated observing the presence a little while longer before I sensed it flared its own observation haki and I retracted mine after I sensed it move faster in my direction. I focused back on the crater as I sensed some movements from the hybrid who seemed to have survived. The dust slowly dispersed as I watched the hybrid emerge while limping with one missing hand. He growled the moment he looked up and spotted me in the air using Geppo to stay in the air. I watched as the hybrid slowly started to shake and writhe before it released a loud roar that echoed and shook the entire island. I calmly focused on the hybrid as I sensed his presence grow stronger than before. He stopped growling and writhing as he transformed into an almost complete form of a grizzly bear as he only kept his human legs while missing his cut off arm. I sensed the presence that was coming towards our direction, slowed down and eventually stopped on top of a tree near the area we currently occupied. The figure seemed to be content to simply observe while sitting down as I sensed no emotional fluctuations like the intent to attack or kill from it. I ignored it after a second before focusing on the hybrid who had transformed. It seems I underestimated his mastery of his devil fruit as he seems to have taken it to a level of control that resulted in awakening. His presence was more imposing as he leaked so much killing intent it practically bathed the area. 'Seems like he hasn't managed to control  the aggression aspect that comes with awakening', I silently thought to myself. I sensed a trace of surprise emanating from the observing presence on top of the tree which I ignored after a second. I focused back on the hybrid who seems to have lost almost  all reason as he ran towards me like a berserker would. When he was close to me, he jumped up and barreled towards me like a falling spiked club. I dodged to the side while releasing a wind slash imbued with haki that reopened the red X scar on his chest that hadn't properly healed despite how long it's been. The hybrid bled profusely ,but it did not seem to care as it attacked me once again in a more aggressive manner. I jumped up while releasing two lethal wind slashes that it surprisingly dodged. This continued on for five minutes. Every time i would attack, it would either tank or dodge the attack depending on how lethal it was. The awakening seems to have amplified its sense of danger as it could unconsciously sense when I attacked with a lethal slash or a basic one that it could tank with little to no consequence. I had to increase my speed as it also seems to have gotten a speed boost in this form . After five minutes, it got boring as all I did was dodge and attack and he would dodge and or block when I attacked. I jumped back from another claw strike that devastated the ground in boredom as it was just too easy to dodge it. 'If Bjorn had full control of this form, the fight would be more fun but this is boring. His attacks and movements are too basic and easy to predict. It was honestly more fun to fight him in his hybrid form as he at least had some strategy and his movements were those of a seasoned combatant'. As i thought that, i sheathed my saber back in its guard while sighing in disappointment. I then took a deep breath as I prepared myself to end this fight. The hybrid took a stance before it barreled towards me again in its berserker rage. I took a Rokushiki stance , I momentarily sensed another wave of surprise emanating from the observer which I ignored, before I moved at a slightly faster speed than I did during the entire fight. I disappeared from sight and appeared in front of the hybrid mid-air , who seemed surprised at my increased speed, with both of my hands pointed towards the mid-section of the hybrid's body. I leaned towards the hybrids the ear before the technique I was about to perform took effect. I whispered in a chilling tone in the hybrid's ear while both my hands were covered in Ryou and emission ,[Body Destruction], and a second later there was no Bjorn the plunderer in the world of the living. All traces that remained of the plunderer were his broken body parts that included but was not limited to his ears,toes ,fingers and his heart which was not beating anymore. This just emphasized the lethality of [Body Destruction], a technique I created after mastering Rokugan. I combined both forms of advanced armament haki in order to create a huge blast with the properties of internal destruction and applied it to the body the moment I was in contact with my opponent. It was one of the techniques I designed to injure extremely durable opponents. If it can't destroy the whole body as it's initially intended to do , I can instead target a crucial organ in the body and focus all the force and pressure of the technique at that one specific point to destroy it thus killing my opponent. Even if it doesn't kill the opponent, it will gravely injure them ,even if they use armament haki to protect themselves.