
The Progenitor's Reincarnation

"I am going to create a world full of peace where everyone can live happily.", these were the words of the Creator, The Progenitor, the almighty being. But he was wise enough to know that peace is temporary. So he infused mana in each and every being on earth so they can fight for their survival and protect the earth. The Progenitor sought for peace, but it was not possible due to the existence of monsters, interdimentional beings and constantly power hungry villains. So to protect Earth, on which the space-time of the entire verse depended on, he infused mana inside each and every human so that he can defend the earth and anything which he wishes to defend. This led to the fast pace development of Earth and some new things too. The humans started the so called, 'Arsenals' which was created for people to show their skills and power by fighting each other. This welcomed not only humans but otherworldly creatures too. But, "PEACE WAS NEVER AN OPTION!". Wars kept occuring and for this, the strong people whose mana was powerful enough were here to save the day. Those who rised to the top, were proclaimed 'Warlords' and they continued to protect their planet. After years of struggle, the Great War ended but it planted seeds for another future wars. But to everyone's surprise there was the birth of a boy who was born to rule and stop wars. This was our MC/Protag/Hero or anything you wish to call. But his name is Chlevern Nollan. Follow his journey to stop wars, meet new friends, make new enemies, and find some love . Not from one but from many(harem) hehe. A/N: Please support my book with your power stones and do add it in the lobrary. This is my first time writing a novel, so I don't know how you'll like it but pls do support. It will get better once I get the hang of it. EXTRA TAGS: Cultivation, Slice of Life, r18 Note: The cover is not mine, but is edited by me for my book, if the original owner of the cover wants me to remove the cover, I will do but if not do praise me for putting it to good use.

Yours_Lovingly · Urban
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19 Chs

Ch. 06: Preparations for the School Arena

Chlevern had been practicing and exercising to improve his fighting techniques for a week now. Sometimes the system too, helped him by providing extra stamina, speed, strength and agility to his body for a better build. He had been exercising without stopping and his stats had increased by a good number too.

Finally, it was the day of the School Arena. Everything had been prepared in advance since the day of announcement of the Arena being held. Chlevern, had sometimes seen the preparations on his way when he came out for running or cycling. He knew it was going well but the final preparations were damn awesome.

The Arena was going to commence when all the students had arrived and were fully prepared for the battle. All the teachers were excited as well to see the fights. Some were even expecting to see a marvelous performance of some students. The first student to arrive at school was the strongest, Thomas Howard. He had been hyped up to meet Chlevern for a long time since that day, when the cafeteria incident occurred.

Chlevern entered the school with all the other students walking behind with his friend, Nick. He had long seen Thomas and hid to avoid any further troubles.

"Hey bro, did you prepare well for the Arena? Did you exercise? Did you sleep properly? Did you eat proper food? Come on tell....", Nick bombarded Chlevern with all his questions.

"Bro wait for a moment pls, stop acting like my mom, I have done all these properly.", said Chlevern, with a low tone after mentioning his mother.

Chlevern's mom had been abroad all the time for work. Chlevern had lost his father when he was just 3 and since then his mom was his only parent. She was usually abroad, working out there and sent Chlevern money periodically to fulfill his daily necessities.

But one day, when he was 14, he got a call from his mother's office that she met with an accident and died on the spot while trying to save a kid from a car, which was pacing at a dangerous speed. Chlevern was devastated from inside. He knew he could never meet his mom now and this deep sadness would leave a big hole in his heart. Since then, he had been living all by himself. luckily, his mom had a huge sum of money saved up for Chlevern, so at least he would not be bankrupt. That day, Chlevern decided to be an Arsenal Fighter and make huge sums of money to fulfill his parents' wish, to see him standing on his own two legs.

Chlevern's face darkened. Tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Bro, I know what you've been through. But this is the right time to prove yourself. Prove that you can be an Arsenal Fighter too by defeating everyone.", said Nick with a sympathetic and encouraging look.

"Yes bro, thanks.", said Chlevern while wiping his tears and a small smile on his face.

"That's the spirit! All the best! If you win I am ready to give you my special collection, if you know what I mean hehe.", said Nick playfully.

"I am not a pervert like you ha.", said Chlevern, laughing.

After sometime, all the students had arrived, looking all pumped up for the fight. They were all asked to assemble at the front.

*testing the mic*

"Everyone pls assemble as per your classrooms, alphabetically.", said the Principal, Mrs. Josephine.

Everyone assembled themselves properly after they heard the principal and stood on their respective spot according to their class. Each and every student was present there.

"Attention, attention everyone, I, Mrs. Jonasse Josephine, the principal welcomes you to the grand, School Arena.", said Mrs. Josephine.

Everyone nodded in satisfaction and continued listening to her.

"As you know, that you have to fight in the School Arena against a random student in the first round and the winner goes to the next round. The list of the fighters in the first round will be displayed here on the screen. Pls take a good look of whom you would spar against.", said Mrs. Josephine, pointing towards the screen.

"Of course, you all can use your Mana powers, but harming the opponent to a brutal extent or attacking even when the opponent gives up, it would count a loss and the fighter would be disqualified. So try not be rough. All the best everyone and Thank you.", saying that she left the stage leading to all students applauding and then looking at the screen.

Everyone looked up to see the screen. It was huge. The screen then started displaying the students and their opponents who were going to fight in the first round.

Chlevern was searching for his name too. When he found it, he was surprised to see something unexpected. He turned towards Nick, while Nick turned towards Chlev too.

"Dude, you saw that?!!", said both of them to each other at the same time, surprised too much.

On the screen, it was written:

{ Fight 13

Chlevern Nollan VS Nicholas Caesar}

"Guess, we have to be frienemies for a round. All the best though.", said Nick with a little sad smile.

"Yeah same to you too.", said Chlevern with the same expression.

*Timeskip to the first fight*

It was between the bully of class 11A, who met Chlevern at the cafeteria and a boy of class 12B.

'Hmm, that bully is pretty, strong. I have to plan a strategy for fight, maybe I would fight him again in some round. I better be prepared', thought Chlevern, while watching him fight.

'What was his name again if I remember? hmm..., yeah it was, Karnel. Wasn't he the one whom I had sent flying towards the wall first? He is strong now, his fighting style has become more aggressive. I have to be careful', thought Chlevern.

The fight was won by the bully, Karnel, with a lead from the start itself, beating that 12B boy.



'Hmmm, so this is the great, Thomas Howard huh? I am going to see him fight for the first time. Let's see how strong he is really is.', said Chlevern inwardly.

"I GIVE UP!", was the voice of Archide, heard when he entered the ring.

'What the hell?! He gave up even before fighting! Just how much strong is this Thomas, the great?', thought Chlevern shocked.


"WELL THEN, THE WINNER OF THIS ROUND IS THOMAS, THE GREAT.", said the announcer once again.

'So this is what it is to be the strongest? People even fear, fighting you.', thought Chlevern.

'Well, I don't have to worry much, maybe he will not have a spar with me. I should focus on my upcoming battle against Nick', thought Chlevern, with a determined look on his face.

'I have no time to waste. I have to come up with a strategy real quick.', thought Chlevern.

*Meanwhile in the stands*

We see a boy standing in front of the exit gates of the stand in the top row, leaning on the wall, smiling while watching everyone fight. His eyes were covered by the hood and his face was plastered with a somewhat evil grin.

"Hmmm, a fight between friends is not what you see everyday. And on top of that, it's not just some fight for a toy or a friendly fight, it's a School Arena battle. This will be interesting to watch ha ha.", said that mysterious person.

He left the stands with the same smile as before plastered on his face.

'I cannot wait to see you fight,

CHLEVERN NOLLAN.', thought the person while leaving the stands.

The End