
The prodigy of the Uchiha clan: the genius of the ninja arts

In a world where ninjas fight in clan wars for the control of lands and resources, the Uchiha clan is one of the most powerful and feared for their red eyes capable of seeing through any illusion and manipulating fire. Among them, there is a young man who stands out for his talent and ambition: Naruto Uchiha. He is the prodigy of the Uchiha clan, the genius of the ninja arts. His dream is to become the leader of his clan and lead it to glory. But his path will not be easy, as he will have to face enemies both external and internal, as well as his own feelings and secrets. Will Naruto fulfill his destiny or fall into darkness?

Otoshimoto · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 5:

Naruto faced off against the Hyuga clan on the battlefield. He was alone, separated from his father and his comrades amidst the chaos of war. He found himself surrounded by ten enemies, all belonging to the branch family of the Hyuga clan. Naruto recognized them by their white eyes and the cursed seals on their foreheads. They were loyal and self-sacrificing ninjas, willing to give their lives for their clan and their lord.

Naruto looked at them with defiance and curiosity. He felt a strange attraction to them, a mixture of familiarity and novelty. He remembered them from his other life, from his other world. He remembered them as his allies and friends, as his comrades and teachers. He remembered them as Hinata, Neji, Hiashi, or Hanabi. But he also saw them as his enemies and rivals, as his adversaries and obstacles. He saw them as the Hyuga of this world, of this life. He saw them as the ones who wanted to kill him and the ones he had to kill.

Naruto activated his Sharingan to its maximum level and prepared for battle. He had three tomoe in each eye and could see the chakra and movements of his enemies clearly. He could also copy their techniques and easily counter their genjutsu. Naruto relied on his dojutsu and his katonjutsu to defeat them. He knew that fire was the most effective element against the Byakugan, as it could blind their vision and burn their skin.

The Hyuga also prepared for the fight. They assumed the juken stance and concentrated their chakra in their fingers. They knew that the Sharingan was a dangerous dojutsu and that they had to attack quickly and precisely. They knew that fire was the most dangerous element against the Byakugan, but they also knew they could dodge or block it with their celestial rotation or empty palm.

The Hyuga attacked first. They launched themselves at Naruto in a circular formation, trying to surround and corner him. Naruto reacted quickly and jumped backward, evading their strikes. Then he performed hand seals and released a fireball towards them, attempting to burn them. The Hyuga protected themselves with their celestial rotation, creating a chakra sphere around them that deflected the fire. They then attacked Naruto again with greater strength and intensity.

Naruto defended himself as best as he could, blocking some strikes with his sword and dodging others with his agility. He also counterattacked with more fireballs, but the Hyuga easily evaded or blocked them. Naruto realized that he couldn't defeat them with just that. He needed something more.

Naruto remembered a technique he had learned in his other life, a technique he had created himself by combining the Kyubi's chakra with the Rasengan. A technique he had used to defeat Pain and Obito. A technique called Rasen-Shuriken. Naruto decided to use that technique against the Hyuga. He concentrated his chakra in the palm of his hand and molded it into a spinning sphere. Then he added wind chakra and expanded it into four sharp blades. Naruto created a giant shuriken made of pure chakra, capable of cutting through anything at a cellular level.

Naruto launched the Rasen-Shuriken towards the Hyuga with all his might. The Hyuga saw it coming and grew frightened. They didn't know what that technique was or how to stop it. They tried to dodge or block it, but it was futile. The Rasen-Shuriken struck them, engulfing them in a destructive whirlwind of chakra. Naruto heard the screams of pain and horror from his enemies as they were torn apart by his technique.

Naruto felt a pang of guilt and remorse for killing them like that. But he also felt a sense of relief and satisfaction for having defeated them. Naruto had killed the ten Hyuga with a single attack. He had emerged victorious from the battle. But he had also been injured in the process.

The Rasen-Shuriken was a very powerful but also very dangerous technique for the user. By launching it, Naruto had damaged his own right arm, as the wind chakra had severed his nerves and muscles. Naruto felt a sharp and unbearable pain in his right arm as he saw it bleeding profusely. He regretted using that technique without considering the consequences.