

That evening, everyone gathered around the village center, whilst the church and Diana distributed the food to everyone.

After she had her conversation with Serfred, she asked him to accompany him to the church. She explained the situation as she asked for their help. Of course, the church was happy to offer their assistance.

At the same time, when they were in the church, Athena took the opportunity to brew some potions. At first she was unsuccessful since she was unsure how to make them. She has thought they'll be the same as doing a chemistry experiment.

Luckily, there was someone in the church who had a small knowledge about alchemy. However, the person was not any great help as well. Since in the end, Athena failed to make a potion.

In the end, she buried herself in books that the church collected about alchemy. After reading through a few pages, she decided to put what she learned into action.

Just like how she prayed for the seedlings, and Serfred's limb, she clasped her hand together as she hoped for some miracle as well to happen.

Eventually, after a few more tries. She was able to make a low grade potion.

They may be a low grade potion, but at least they were able to restore small wounds and illness the villagers were feeling.

With her success in Alchemist has brought another surprise to Serfred and Father Roland. For they have seen her heal the man's limb, which means she is a Divine Healer. But, how is it possible for her to make a potion when she at the peak as a Healer.

Athena watched what was happening a distance from everyone. As she intended, she wished to help from the shadow.

That evening, the villagers also appointed Diana's grandfather as village chief. Since, the girl declined the offer when Diana told her.

Afterwards, the girl was allowed to explain her plan to everyone. She was worried at first that they might not listen to her. She informed them how she plans to restore the village and hopes to bring new opportunities for everyone to make a living.

She asked if any of the men would like to volunteer in assisting Tycho rebuilding the village. To her surprise, almost the entire village was willing to follow her order.

Next to her plan was to have some of the men to train with Serfred. To her surprise again, men and able women volunteered as well to train themselves. She didn't even give them an explanation as to why it was necessary, yet the villagers accepted her words without any complaints.

Diana along with the church were felt in charge with the elderly and children. She asked the able woman to assist the church when it comes to preparing the food. At the same time, caring for the children who have lost their parents.

With this, all of her worries have been solved. She smiled brightly at them as she realized things are about to change for them. She could imagine all of them having a great future ahead.

"Everyone, thank you."

Athena then left with Fuji as she continued to watch everyone from a distance. The chief continued to explain everything as he started appointing people with their tasks.

'Finally, some light.'

What she meant by the light was the fact the people were finally able to smile. When she arrived, she only saw them fading away in the dark. But now, things are changing...

Behind one of the torn-down houses, a man was watching everything from afar. He sensed a strange magic in the village and decided to check it out. But, what he saw was far from what he expected. The village was suddenly full of life and the villagers were all laughing. As he continued to observe from afar, he detected the owner of the unfamiliar presence he felt.

As he had a clear vision of the person, he covered his head with his hood and walked away. Disappearing through the night...

Fuji suddenly growled with startled Athena. She turned to the direction he was growling at but saw nothing. "Fuji, what's wrong."

"My lady, are you alright?" Serfred approached her and seated by her side.

"I'm fine, I was just resting for a bit." She answered, but was still contemplating on what caused Fuji to be so agitated earlier.

Serfred removed his cape as he wrapped it around the girl's shoulder, "It's getting late and cold, you look pale, it's best you get some rest."

"Don't worry, it's just my body is not used to all this hard work," she explained as she looked at both her palms. It had indeed been a great challenge for her. It was tiring but satisfying at the same time.

Serfred gazed at the young girl beside him who continued to impress him. He thought to himself, 'Of course, your body won't get used to it. A noble lady like you, for sure, has never done such manual labor, yet here you are fighting all odds as you put all these people's happiness before your own self.'

"Should I carry you back to your house?"

Athena was surprised by Serfred's suggestion as she confusedly looked at him. Despite her body might be the body of a young lady, inside was a matured woman already, and clearly, understand what was going on.

Yet,in the end, not only was Serfred surprised, but also the girl herself.


'What the heck? Why did I just agree to let Serfred carry me?' She complained to herself as she couldn't understand what just happened. It made her wonder whether it was her who agreed or the previous owner. 'Don't tell me she's still attached to this body as well?'

The idea that she is sharing the body with the previous owner worried her. But, as she gazes more at the man, she realizes something which she never thought of before. 'He is quite handsome.'

What annoys her since she arrived in this world is that the men in this world are handsome and sweet.

'This young heart of mine can handle this, I feel like I'm about to explode.' Her face was as red as cherry.

Serfred reached out his hand around the girl's waist as he slowly lifted her up.

Athena wraps her arms around the man's neck as she lay her head to rest by his shoulder. "Thank you."

"It's my honor, my Lady."

It caught the entire village's attention when they saw Serfred carrying the girl like a princess. They all started whispering to each other and couldn't keep to themselves.

"Tycho are you seeing what I'm seeing right now?" Diana pinched Tycho in disbelief of what just happened.

"I am, so can you please stop pinching me. I'm sure we're not dreaming," he replied as he caressed his arms to ease the pain.

"Did Serfred, by chance, fall in love with Tina at first sight?"

"Don't jump to conclusions Diana. Maybe Tina was just exhausted from all that happened today, and Serfred offered to help since he is her knight." Tycho explained as he noticed how pale Athena was during their trip together and how easily worn out she was all the time.

"You're right, for some reason. I feel like Tina is not used to her body."

Tycho was surprised that Diana notices it as well. Seeing how the girl mastered the bow earlier, he thought he was seeing another person when she released the arrow.


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