
The Prodigy: I Was Reborn As A Saintess

Emma was praised for being a gifted girl which is also known as a Progidy. But despite all the achievements in life she was not happy. One day, her life came to an end. So she thought... Emma woke up from a painful headache thinking she has survived her death. But when she opened her eyes, it surprised her to see she was clearly somewhere else. Who has Emma become? What journey awaits her as she ventured in the new world.

_AngelGrace_ · Fantasy
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77 Chs


"My Lady…" The old butler said, as he handed an envelope to her, "An invitation has arrived from House von Fray."

As Athena checked and read the invitation, she recalled that House von Fray is one of the Count in the empire, but his wife is a daughter of a fallen marque. They have three daughters all lining up hoping to be the future empress of the empire.

Despite her family being away, any member of the family can represent.

...Since my family is away, it seems it's my job to attend such gatherings. However, I am still only fourteen years old. Technically, I am not allowed to stay long since I have not debuted in society yet. Also, since it's a given fact that I am sickly so I normally don't stay. However, what bothers me is the fact the invitation just arrived now. Sending an excuse would bring a bad image to the family.

"Prepare the carriage Sebas," Athena said as she got up and headed back inside the estate.

On the way to the House von Fray's Estate.

Stupid as I ride this carriage now, I just realize how idiotic I am. I just realize now that the previous owner of this body does not even attend any gathering. It was an obvious fact because she was sick. So, what did I eat that led me to decide to accept such a death trap. I mean, they surely invite the girl to see her fall again.

To think I was called a prodigy back in my word, yet I was unable to identify something as simple as this being a trap.

What bothers me as well is the fact no one said anything. Could there be some hidden meaning to what I'm speculating?

In the end, only heaven knows what will happen.

"My Lady, are you alright?" Silvia asked, worried and surprised to find out they'll be attending a gathering. It took her by surprise when the maids informed her when she arrived. Since the girl was already dressed when she arrived, she couldn't voice out her opinion about the invitation.

"I'm fine."


Inside the grand hall, noble ladies and gentlemen gather around. Everyone was well dressed and decorated almost like a flower vase. Soon whispers about the girl's attending the gathering spread in no time.

"I heard that the Young Lady of House Adolphus is better."

"Rumors said the family changed after the accident."

"Since she came back from the dead, people are now saying she is indeed a Saintess."

"Saintess my *ss, I mean, she can't even lift her own finger."

As she walked inside the hall with Silvia anxiously by her side. She ignored all the comments about it. In fact, in her previous life, she has lived in a life in the spotlight.

'Why am I the center of attraction again? I really want to survive this new life I have and don't want any enemies.' She thought to herself whilst groaning desperately for some help.

" Lady Athena Adolphus."

Everyone's attention then turned towards the fragile little girl, to them she was a treat to power. She was just a bug, but was too difficult to crash. For them, she has no right to be the crown prince's fiance. When she has not done a single thing for the empire. What's worse, what can she do for the kingdom without her family support. She was nothing but a speck of dust...

"Lord von Fray, thank you for inviting me," Athena said as he greeted the old man with the proper manner of a lady. She is unaware of the custom of greeting a noble, but since the memory of the previous owner and talents were still intact with the body. She was able to display such grace and decorum.

"Welcome, Lady Adolphus. I'm glad you could come," he replied with a ridiculous fake smile on his face. As he watches the girl right in front of him, he couldn't help but curse her. 'To think this bug is the only hindrance for one of my daughters to be the future empress.'

As Athena continues to greet the rest of the elders, everyone's attention gathers as the royal family who were invited arrived. She watches as everyone greeted them with high respect whilst she stayed in a corner hoping to avoid them.

"Athena, you're here…" The Queen said who is the crown prince's mother. She was all surprised to see the girl right in front of her. She thought all the rumors about her were false, but now she is just a step away from her, proves they were all true indeed.

"Greeting to the sun and the moon of the empire, may your grace live a prosperous life." Athena greeted them

'Such an ugly bug to be my future daughter-in-law,' The Queen thought whilst glaring at Athena.

"My dear child, how are you feeling?" The Empress spoke in such pitiful tone as he went closer to check on the girl.

"I am well, thank you for your concern, Your Grace," Athena continued to keep her act as a proper lady. She didn't want anyone suspecting her to be not the daughter of House Adolphus.

After conversing a few words with the Empress, she excused herself as she tried to find Silvia.

Then suddenly the whole room was in an uproar, it confused Athena as she hastily searched for Silvia worried of what's going on.

As she found Silvia amongst the crowd who had stepped away, she hurriedly went and asked, "Silvia, what is going on?"

"The Duchess of House Caelestis has arrived, she hardly attends such gatherings. I wonder why she is her right now?" Silvia explained whilst curiously wondering the reason for the duchess appearance.


Silvia checks the surroundings first before explaining everything to the girl, "You see my lady… The Duke suddenly died, then they sent his son to war. The fact House Caelestis is the strongest family and much more powerful than the Royal Family. They said; the current duke is rumored to be a threat to the Royal family."

...I see, the Queen must be the one who planned everything since the Duchess is said to be the older sister of the Emperor. I'm sure he won't dare harm his sister's family. In fact, she gave up the throne for him. Also, the Empress does not have a son, meaning the Grand Duke's son is next in line. Since the Queen does not hold strong power in society, plus her son is not the best candidate to be the emperor, that is why the marriage with me is his biggest trump card.

But, why indeed is the Duchess of Caelestis here. She must have come for some reason, I wonder what that could be?

"Silvia, let's head home," Athena said as she felt something awful is about to happen.

Athena was still bothered by the duchess appearance, the fact ehr invitation had arrived late, and worst of all, since she arrived, she could predict that nothing good will happen if she stays. Since the girl was so focused on what she was thinking, she was unaware of her surroundings.

The girl has hope to avoid everyone, but it seems fate was playing some mean tricks on her.
