

Staring out the window never tired me, the rain lightly hitting against it and, its winter scent dances against my senses setting a serene feeling in my heart.

Sighing lightly I let my attention be drawn back to professor Han. Its the end of college and yet it still feels as if there is a much longer path to go.

Smiling softly at the memories I'd made with everyone on campus. It saddens me a bit knowing that everything has to come to an end.

At the very least there are moments to look back on and smile about.

"Alright everyone that's it for today. Since its the end for all of you, your lucky your last year was me. Unfortunately I am retiring this year."

Everyone frowns and groans in disappointment.

"But how will we visit you now?" Emma Kriel asked in her sweet deep voice.

She's witty and always curious. Everyone always got along in this lecture but I was closest with her.

Mr. Han sighs sadly and stares up at all of us intently through his glasses with his sharp green eyes.

"Your my best students, you won't need to visit me. I know one day I'll see each one of you telling your own stories and having achieved all the abundance you desire."

We cheer and smile in content, his always known how to inspire us with his quotes. The siren for the end of the day goes and everyone packs their things gingerly, leaving one by one, smiling goodbyes, handing one another gifts of appreciation and wishing goodbyes. It really is the end.

The students empty out in a hastily pace, every now and then walking past my desk and placing something down for me whereas I'd hand one to them as well, until professor and I are the only bodies left within the warm and empty lecture room.

"Yuna?" Prof. Han calls me foward.

"Yes sir?" I answer in a light response slowly stepping down the spacey staircase whilst neatly trying to press all my gifts into my empty book bag.

"You've really inspired me and your peers, not only have you motivated them but you have always encouraged them no matter how low of a space their in...I wanted to remind you that you shouldn't ever give up. No matter how hard it gets. Do you understand?"

Nodding my head in a quick manner he leaves the classroom and I sit on the ground pulling my instax camera out.

A soft click echoes in the quiet space and I close my eyes reminiscing the memories I'd made.


"LISTEN UP EVERYONE I RULE THIS CLA— oh what was that for– o-oh professor?"

All of us chuckle at Mrs. Lee huffing her cheeks and glaring at Senior Soobin.


"Hey Yun, you think we'll own this sponsor?"

The room was a heavy tense atmosphere. We all feared that our hard work and preparations would go to waste. The urge for first place was on our shoulders carrying us down heavily.

We really needed this to pass our last lecture. Our teamwork before was glorious. If we weren't down one another's throats about sharing the work properly, we wouldn't speak to one another at all.

But after everything we managed to pull this off.

I hum lightly my silvery smooth and ocean sweet voice breaking the silence of everyone's nervousness.

"Trust in yourselves and one another. I know we'll pull this off. We're top tier students. No way in hell anyone could ever beat us." I shake my head opening one eye sneakily to see them all relax and laugh lightly.


"And the winner for the sponsor...is....."

We hold our heads down patiently waiting for the answer we need.

I watch as the opposite students smirk arrogantly at our class. And I only smile lightly at them.

The smile reaches my eyes but the warning in my eyes immediately sends them off back into their places.

Everyone in our group stares at me with sad smiles and my face grows blank.

"C—Class 7.13?"

Our eyes widen and our lecturers all cheer lightly with bright and proud smiles on their faces.

"We did it guys." (Y/n) screams and we all pull each other into the warmth of our teamwork. This embrace is worth it.


Whilst walking out from the building towards our transportation vehicles that take us back to campus, everyone suddenly ruffles my hair and hits my back lightly causing me to grumble but a warm smile dresses my soft features.

"We are the best family even though we argued a lot. Most of the time it being me." (Y/n) huffs quietly at the confession and we all laugh loudly.

"Your literally the epitome of salty and extra (Y/n)." Haeun groans lowly causing us to clutch our stomachs and cackle like Hyena's.

(Y/n) gasps dramatically staring at us with warm eyes before laughing along.

"But on a serious note, we couldn't have done it without our little baby." Emma amusingly coos at me and I glare at her playfully.

"I may be the youngest but at least I don't groan about the intensity of curiosity." I stick my tongue out at her teasingly. And the night continues on with us making memories.


We silently sit on the roof of campus staring up at the night sky as the moon dances against our pajamed bodies as we give the most ridiculous names to stars.

"Peanut butter glow."

"Hell no, White Phoenix "

"I think Apprentice Shine works much better."

"Your nerds just call it Shiny!"

"But its not the brightest."

"Then how do we make it the brightest?"


"Fine, fine at least Yun agrees with me on that question."

"I'm going to miss this...."

Everyone turns their heads my way with sad smiles on their beautiful faces.

"There she goes again. No wonder I called her Noona on our first day."

The silence breaks at Soobin's comment and we all cackle once more forgetting the fact that in a week we'll no longer see one another anymore.


Standing up slowly, I press my hands into my black hoodie's warm pocket. Staring at the room one last time.

Whatever is in store for me in this moment will be something I shall overcome, not with perfection but being able to finish it with success and never having to think of giving up.

Whilst getting onto my black Yamaha bike in slow movements, I place my helmet on, the satisfying click echoes softly in my ear indicating my helmet is secure on my head.

Hard work and efforts got me this ride.

Pressing my key into the ignition I turn it lightly and the engine roars loudly, catching a few freshmen's attention.

However, before my hands can even place themselves on the handles of my steering, the sound of my full name being called and the clicking of heels draws my attention.

My head swiftly turns to the right and my eyes widen at Professor Lee standing infront of me, hair dishelved and hands on her knees, trying desperately to catch her breath.

She finally pulls herself up and hands me a dark black envelope, a happy smile dressing her face. She seems really...excited?

"Open it." Her smile widens even more.

I stare at the package questionably before opening it gingerly and unfolding the neatly folded letter. As she fixes herself up beside me.

As my eyes read across every word, they grow wider and wider, once reaching the last words I stare up at Professor Lee.

"You got into the most prestigious Building in Seoul."

"H—How?" I question lightly my voice in pure disbelief.

"I'm not sure but I have to say. Congratulations Ms. Bang."

T—The most prestigious building as in Seou—...