
The princess with the unusual heartbeat

A magnificent castle comes into view as Anastasia is seen trying to escape through the window of her chambers as her friend Christiana passes her a thick long rope which she easily uses to climb down unhurt. They both sneaked out of the castle unnoticed as they head towards the town in excitement. Anastasia exclaimed delightedly, "I finally made it out here alive"! I thought I was going to die of boredom. Christiana feeling concerned. I hope this was a good idea by sneaking you out of the castle. His majesty will have my head if anything were to happen to you. Anastasia assures her. You don't have to worry Christiana. I can take good care of myself. After a tiring long walk, they're about to reach Christiana home as they're suddenly surrounded by a group of thugs. Christiana begins to panic as she speaks nervously. This is so not my day! Leader of the thugs smiled, aren't you ladies gorgeous? How about you both spend the night with my men and I inside our tavern and we will let you off without a scratch? Anastasia angry as she speaks out boldly. How dare you say such despicable thing to to us?! Do you have any idea who the hell I am?! Leader of the thug upset as he drags her roughly towards himself and tries to kiss her. Almost immediately, Anastasia heart begins to beat abnormally as she gasp desperately for air. Leader of the Thug exclaimed in panic. She had got the disease! We need to get  the hell out of here! They all left the arena in haste leaving Anastasia to her fate. Christiana in tears as she tries to get her unconscious friend to wake up.

Debra_daniel · Fantasy
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50 Chs

The Princess with the Unusual Heartbeat

Anastasia blurted out. You don't scare us, old man! The Wizard replied. I'm not old, I'm only 53, 'young lady'. I guess you look older than your age because you're evil. One more word from you lady and I will send you to the abyss. Where's that? Oh, you don't want to know! He yelled. Diana whispers to the others. What do you think we should do? I don't think this strange man is up to any good. Do you think he has evil intensions or he's just bluffing? Said Lucas. I sense he's no ordinary wizard. We should be wary of him. The son of the emperor replied.

Now be good and hand over the compass to me, and perhaps, I might consider letting you all live this place alive without a scratch. The wizard threatened. If you refuse, I will have no choice but to end your pathetic lives this instant! Diana replied. Why do I have a feeling you're the one manipulating the worshippers of this temple to get rid of all the witches. You also got us trapped here so you could sell us out to the worshippers. Also, most of the witches were locked in this temple for some days before being killed, they had the chance to escape, but you got them trapped, didn't you? You created a false illusion of this dead witches you killed, and used them to scare those who're been trapped in here, right? Quite correct. The Wizard answered with an evil smile. I guess you're quite smarter than you look. You know, I derive joy in watching People suffer. Anastasia yelled. You're no different from the King of hell!

You have no right to judge me, young lady. They all got what they deserved. The people of this town got rid of me and ripped my body into shreds like it was nothing, to make me an example to others. For years, my spirit wanders in abyss without rest, waiting for a perfect moment like this, where I get back to earth to get my revenge. Finally, I was reincarnated into this vessel. I presented myself as a saint to the worshippers, willing to help them dispose of bad witches. I didn't just stop at gaining their trust. I use their ignorance to capture witches, I suck out their powers and make them so weak to defend themselves during their death. Diana yelled angrily. Most of the witches you got killed were innocent and one of them was my Mistress! You're such a horrible person!

What do you do with the witches' powers after you take them away? Anastasia asked. I use them to become more powerful and potent until the time I'm able to destroy the people of the town completely to actualize my revenge. What do you what from us then? Why did you have us trapped in here since we're not witches and we can't offer you what you want? Said Lucas. The wizard smiled evilly. Haven't you realized it yet? Realize what? They all blurted out. Right now, the blood of witches isn't enough to make me powerful. I also need fresh and pure blood like yours to become invisible and stronger. Anastasia yelled. You're just being delusional! We will never allow you have your way, blood sucking monster! The wizard angrily uses his magical powers to push her upward as she struggles for her life. Lucas exclaimed! We need to save her! The Wizard uses a binding spell on him preventing him from moving as he tries hard to free himself. Diana started to enchant some spells as the crystal ball begins to glow more brightly as suddenly, the light all came rushing towards the Wizard, penetrating deep into his body, as he screams horribly eventually turning him completely into dust. Suddenly, the temple turns to normal as it becomes brighter. Diana signed in relief. It worked!

Lucas exclaimed. What just happened? Diana smiled. I guess the magical spell my Mistress had been teaching me all this while really worked. Anastasia glances around. Where's the son of the emperor? I guess he got scared and ran off. Let just go out. I guess we don't need the compass anymore.