
Chapter 4.

“Stranded in this spooky town

Stoplight is swaying and the phone lines are down

Snow is crackling cold…” Closer - Kings of Leon.

February, 2137


A few days after I sent the letter to Nick I didn't get any concrete answer and I turned to Eylisha and asked her if she had any friends or acquaintances within the Royal Guard who were discreet and trustworthy and she said that she was going to check with the other chaperones and I dropped the subject for now to don’t raise suspicion.

And during those days the routine was the same, fights over breakfast, lunch in my room and endless reading through the night until I fell asleep from exhaustion, and my proposal had returned from the budget committee on Friday afternoon and by a miracle it had been approved and would start to be implemented soon and according to a note Gwen release on Saturday morning I would be interviewed to talk about the new proposal on Wednesday morning.

And today is Monday and I decided to stay a little longer in my room and I had taken a good shower earlier and decided to just stay in my nightgown sitting on my bench installed by the window to read a little and rest for Wednesday. I took the opportunity to study my proposal and think about their strengths and weaknesses and I asked Gwen for a list of previous questions that might be asked to me and I was currently waiting for someone to bring them to me.

Gwen was excited about the interview but I was still apprehensive because I didn't know if it would be welcomed by the subjects and I was afraid of being as rejected as my father, and I wanted more than ever to see my grandmother as soon as possible to talk about all the things that happened in the previous days and mainly about my future marriage.

She will probably start to freaking out.

I sighed heavily and turned another page with the guards' pay values in them and adjusted my glasses that were on the tip of my nose and made a little note in the corner of the page to go personally check the values with the general Scott later and continued flipping through the pages for the thirtieth time in one hour.

My hair was pulled back into a bun that was held up by a pen and I decided not to wear any makeup today, leaving my freckles very visible which my mother found extremely cute but sometimes bothered me a lot and added to the violet color of my eyes it made me feel weird or something ethereal as my father insisted on remembering me.

Nobody in the Taylor family had eyes in that same color, nor in any part of the family and it made my dad feel cheated on and I remember a time when I should be at most five, I'll decide to play hide and seek with my brother who at the time it must have been ten years old, we had chosen one of the endless floors of the palace to play with and I had hidden inside of my father's empty office and Jason had to find me.

While I was hiding inside one of the shelves I heard the door open and I laughed thinking that my hiding place was the best ever and that my brother would never find me there, but it wasn't him, were my parents, it was one of the first fights that I testified between the two of them, I looked through the decorative hole in the bookcase and saw my father pacing while she looked nervous, and I remember well what he told her.

“She is not and will never be my daughter, but out of respect for you and the monarchy she will be created here!" I remember him saying with anger in his voice and saw my mom freeze in place and squeeze the fabric of her dress tightly under my dad's stern gaze "I don't know who you slept with but those eyes don't belong to my lineage and you know that but I don't care too it's already done, however you know you would have been more likely to get it over with before she was born but I was perfect foolish to accept what you did and have faith that the child was mine, a big mistake of me!” He said and turned his back to her and I saw when she started to cry, and my dad kept his back to her, and then I started to understand some of the hatred he had for me, and unfortunately I always tried to have his approval of everything I did and despite the regrets I was happy to have been heard for the first time in years, but the words I heard that night still haunted me.

After the argument they left the room and I stood there alone for what felt like days shaking and crying, Jason found me a while later and I cried in his chest, my brother thought it was because he had taken so long to find me but deep down only I knew the reason for my tears and even today when my father looked at me I knew he didn't see me as a daughter, I was just a bastard, and I never had the courage to ask my mother if this was true and who it was my real father.

When I saw I was so lost in thought that I didn't see Adela, our other lady entered the room, I only realized she was there when she gently touched my face and I felt the icy tears against my cheeks, so I looked up at her who smiled weakly, her green eyes always luminous calming my thoughts.

She sat down next to me and gave me a hug which was very welcome, and as weird as it was, my best friends were my chaperones, and Adela was the most affectionate of all, always concerned about all of us, and who always found a way to make us smile in the darkest moments.

“Are you alright, your Highness?" She asked softly as she smoothed my hair calmly, I sighed and lifted my hands to dry what was left of the tears on my cheeks and turned to her who looked at me curiously looking for the cause of my torments but I just limited myself to smile.

That secret had to die with me.

“I'm fine, a little nervous for the interview on Wednesday, but it'll be fine,” I said trying to convince her or me, it was hard to tell, Adela laughed and her blond hair partially held back by a rubber band came loose and I motioned for her to sit on the bench where I was standing and I got up and stood behind her thinking about which braid to do, an old custom of ours.

“You did very well at the last meeting, the news spread quickly among the servants, everyone is happy for you, Your Highness,” she said and I smiled, relieved at her words and for at least getting something right.

We continued to talk as I finger-combed her long hair and parted it to make a wreath of braids, and Adela filled me in on all the gossip among the servants, who was keeping an eye on whom, told me the baby from our cooky had been born and I asked her to send a basket of presents to her later, and finally she spoke of the guards and I remembered to ask her about Nick.

“Do you know if Nick left someone in charge of my security? Because I sent him a letter and still got no answers, and I was thinking of asking the general about it later when I see him,” I said and she nodded thoughtfully as I fastened the first braid on the back of her neck “Recently I talk to Eylisha but she hasn't been able to tell me anything either and I need someone I can trust as soon as possible to go visit you know who with me,” I said that last part a little bit lower and she nodded as she chewed her lip thoughtfully and I finished the other braid.

“Well, for some time now I remember making a dress for you with Eileen and I remember her saying something about Nick having a good friend who was in one of the outlying provinces, I don't remember correctly the place and it’s first name but your last name had something to do with W, but it’s all I can remember right now, forgive me for not being of much help Princess,” she said a little embarrassed and I rolled my eyes at her and hugged her as soon as I finished making a low bun in her hair and she patted my hands that rested just below her neck.

"Don't say that, you gave me a clue as to where to start looking for a new guard and that's what matters," I said and she smiled and then we parted and she got up to see the result in the mirror with a giggle upon seeing my masterpiece, she turned to me and bowed which made me roll my eyes at her again "Stop it or I will use my title to punish you for your audacity to treat me with respect!" I said sickly and she laughed even harder and I threw myself back on the window seat making the most dramatic expression I could manage.

“Okay, okay I'll treat you anyway then I'll give you a reason to use your title against me!" She spoke dramatically and I laughed and watched as she remembered something and walked over to my dressing table and brought me an envelope which I frowned and looked up at her waiting “I came to ask if you want something to eat, it's almost lunchtime and bring this to you from Gwen,” she said and I nodded and thank her before I took the envelope from her hand and threw it on the pile of papers that resided in the window seat.

“I'll take you up on your lunch offer as long as you and Eylisha eat with me,” I said as I took off my glasses and watched the blonde widen her eyes, surprised as usual by something as common as our lunches in my room.

“Miss Taylor the last time the servant thought it was strange that I brought the food that is prepared for the royal family in large quantities to your room, I don't know if that's a good idea," she said embarrassed and I dismissed the idea with a hand management and I looked at her seriously.

“If he complains about something, ask him to speak directly to me, you are my chaperones but you are also my friends, and my mother doesn't mind, you forgot? We always have afternoon tea a few times per month!" I said and she nodded and smiled at me in thanks.

"I'll get our lunches then and call Eylisha so we can pick out an outfit for the afternoon and one for your interview on Wednesday!" She said excitedly and I nodded, waving goodbye to her and seeing she did the same while she was getting out of my room.

So while I was waiting for them I decided to read the questions that Gwen had sent and reflect a little, because Wednesday would be a turning point for me in the monarchy.

And I need to be sure of my decisions so that the people can get their due without my dad interfering and besides, I urgently need to find Nick's friend before things start to get messy, otherwise I will be in real trouble.

And the last thing I need is more trouble in my life.


Later, after I had lunch with the girls they dressed me up and chose a simple black dress with long sleeves with a high collar and picked up red heels to complete my look and my hair was loose and went straight down to my lower back being adorned only by a pearl peg on the side as I always wore and my makeup was very light, the only thing striking was the red lipstick on my lips that was my trademark.

So as soon as I was ready I said goodbye to them and went downstairs and walked towards the general's office on the other side of the property and greeted some employees on my way there.

The weather was a little warmer today and my choice of clothing lived up to the weather which made me decide to walk through the garden, as the guards opened the doors for me I thanked them and walked around the palace and went to the garage where our cars and military vehicles stayed and to my surprise several guys were working on the vehicles and how can I say that without sounding like a naughty girl? They were all shirtless and extremely healthy and my smile widened as I realized that my choice of path had also been correct.

“Good afternoon guys, how are you?" I asked and just then they noticed my presence there and ran to try to straighten their posture and cover their torso with a shirt or the first thing they could find that made me laugh and they all smiled at me until a redheaded boy called everyone's attention and slapped the closest friend on the back of their head and everyone looked at him confused but he bowed and the others imitated him embarrassed which made me smile and dismiss the gesture with a wave of the hand “Don't worry about it guys, I don't want to get in your way but would anyone know if General Scott is around?” I asked as I fixed my hair and they looked at each other and then the same red haired guy held up his hand and I gestured for him to speak.

“He's in the office miss, he left a few minutes ago to get lunch but he should be right back!" He spoke and I nodded and his partner who had been slapped gave him one slap back and he frowned and the other guy mumbled something to the redhead who widened his eyes at me and I just smiled without understanding anything "Your Highness!" He said and I understood what his fuss was about but said it was okay and I thanked them and apologized for the inconvenience before heading to Scott's office.

When I got to his office I knocked twice on the door and heard his voice from inside letting me in so I pushed open the door and announced my arrival and the general was extremely entertained eating what I realized was one of our cook's famous cinnamon rolls when he saw me almost gasped but I just smiled and leaned against the door so I could talk to him.

"Miss, forgive me for my manners, but how can I help you?" He said as he wiped his hands on a napkin and straightened in his chair pulling the guard's uniform lapels to put them in place.

The general was a constant figure in my life since I was little because my parents were always back and forth with my brother and they always traveled to some more distant provinces to be able to solve some state issue and left me and my brother alone and generally who took care of us was the employees because we didn't have a nanny, and usually my brother was always with the cooks and I was with the general and the guards, and I remember spending hours of the day reading or playing in Scott's office and despite that he was still ashamed to be caught eating by me.

“Don't worry Ronny, it's not like I haven't seen you like this before, usually my brother would stay in the kitchen, steal the bread that Grace left in the baskets and bring some for us so we could eat hidden!" I said and he chuckled as he smoothed his blond hair and motioned for me to sit down.

“You child know me better than anyone, you know I can't resist these breads, but how can I help you?" He asked, smirking and I smiled and straightened my hair before saying what I needed.

“Well, since Nick traveled I'm without a bodyguard and he told me over the top that there was a trusted friend of his in some of the outlying provinces, would you be able to tell me his name? Did he ever mention anything to you?” I asked and stared at him, seeing him frown and scratch his chin, always smooth since guard officers couldn't have beards.

“I remember something about this but I would have to look at the guys' files because I don't remember the guy's name, do you have any clues about it?" He asked and I nodded.

“He told me the last name starts with 'W' but I don't remember very well, do you remember the guy's face or something that will help me find him?" I asked hopefully as I didn't want anyone to be responsible for my escapades, Nick just accepted because he was a great friend and we both covered each other's backs.

If someone who wasn't trustworthy was chosen and turned me over to my father I would be in trouble.

“I really don't remember, and I needed the chips but your dad took them last week to assess the guys' conduct as there was a changing of the guard this week, he handpicked them without a advise and maybe Nick's friend might have been moved over here but I really don't know much else miss,” he said and I nodded considering my options to take next and a plan started bubbling up in my head and I then lifted my gaze to the blonde in front of me and smiled.

“Got it, I'll see what I can do, but thank you so much Ronny and I'm sorry I messed up your break!" I said and he just waved my apology and stood up to lead me to the door, and as soon as we got there he opened it and before I could leave he grabbed my wrist, I looked at him confused trying to understand his gesture.

“Whatever you're brooding over there kiddo, do it after curfew and if you need anything you know where to find me," he muttered under his breath just for me to hear and I smiled and nodded giving him a hug before leaving his office.

When I passed the boys in the garage again I said goodbye to them and went back to the garden knowing exactly what I needed to do next and how.