
Chapter 32.

“Oh, never forget me

And everything I've done

Oh, never forget me

Like I'm your favorite song…” Am I Dreaming - Lil Nas X feat. Miley Cyrus

March, 2137


The next morning I woke up with pain in all possible places but my head was lying on something soft and that smelled like vanilla, so I moved slightly and saw Roman's face beside mine, he was snoring softly and breathing with a little bit of difficulty.

His face was still pretty with all bruises but he was still as beautiful as ever, and every time I looked at him I didn't regret that I could barely get up because I would do it again for him and anyone who needed it.

I then with difficulty lifted one arm and brushed a lock of chocolate brown hair that fell over his forehead and he scrunched up his face before waking up, his hands automatically went to my waist and he buried his face in my neck and took a breath.