
Chapter 29.

TRIGGER WARNING: mentions about violence, blood, use of weapons and vulgar language.

“You need an instant ease

From the life where you got plenty

Of every hurt and heartbreak

You just take it all to the face…” - Sun Goes Down - Lil Nas X

March, 2137


Ball day - 6:45 PM

The Spring Ball preparations were supposed to be pretty much done by this time of day and me and the guards were in the main office hallway near the garage waiting for Scott to come over and supervise us. Nolan beside me looked anxious and his constant finger snapping was starting to make me so fucking pissed off.

I love the guy but fuck, it’s annoying.

“How much longer will this take?" He asked softly beside me and I sighed and wished I could smoke a last cigarette before this madness started and coughed a little before answering him, feeling a little pain at the wound in my ribs.

“No idea but I think you better try to calm down first mate, breath,” I said and patted him on the shoulder and he smiled weakly as he straightened the all-blue dress uniform we were wearing with all the medals we've had won in the chest.

“Sorry for that mate, it's just that I hate these types of events, anything can happen here,” He said and I automatically froze as I remembered what Eve had told me on Wednesday when we'd fled the palace.

Really anything could happen today.

And thinking of her, my whole body writhed in anticipation that I could finally see her dressed for the occasion, I had only caught a glimpse of the beautiful navy blue gown with crystals she was going to wear today yesterday afternoon when I went to check if she was well after another pointless tour of the city.

She was sitting at her desk reading some report while the maids arranged her dress on a rack beside her bookcase, when she saw me she grinned and her violet eyes sparkled, those same eyes that haunted me at night in my dreams, and she came to me to hug me.

I always hugged her back and found myself thinking about how, in such a short time, I had become so attached to her, maybe it was her smile, the affectionate way of treating everyone around her and the determination to fight for what she wanted I truly believed, maybe it was a union of the three, but she was always hovering around me even though I wasn't there.

And to think that two days ago we woke up tangled together in the same bed in the little greenhouse room, I can still feel the heat of her body in contact with mine, the sound of her soft, rhythmic breathing against my neck and the smell of raspberry that exuded from her hair, at some point we rolled towards each other and she ended up lying on top of me, I was a little afraid of what she would think about it when she woke up because despite the kisses and caresses I didn't want to do something without her consent or cross any barrier without her telling me it was okay, but when she woke up she didn't flinch or anything, she just smiled at me and leaned against my chest and kissed my nose which made me blush.

After that we said goodbye to each other and each one went to their side, but that little gesture made it easier to get to the end of the day. A simple smile from her did that, and despite everything that made me get here, it was worth it even knowing that at some point I would not see her again.

"Soldiers!" I was snapped out of my thoughts by Scott calling our attention and we all got into position as Kesley and the other superiors stopped beside the general who was watching us intently “You know that tonight is going to be quite a night and I need you at your proper posts to ensure the safety of the event! In fifteen minutes we will open the gates for the guests who are about to arrive and they will only pass if they are on the list previously passed by the queen to me and distributed to the guards who will be at the door and at the gate, I need you all to be on the lookout because everything can go wrong in the blink of an eye, and with the latest uprisings we can't expect any less from the rebels, they can come back and I don't intend that to happen, so don't leave your posts without a reserve guard taking over, not even to go to the bathroom, understood?” Scott asked and everyone nodded and saluted him.

“Given the message you are excused to take up your posts, Kesley will distribute your occupation to you and it is very important that you go there immediately!" He said and everyone nodded again, then he smiled and finally said “Nice talking to you guys, now you're off! To the service!”

Nolan beside me seemed to relax as the line of men went straight to where our superior was, he pointed to a paper and assigned the guys in groups of six, Nolan ended up in another group which was a setback as I didn't talk much with practically no one there, even after a month of working at the castle I hadn't made many friends, not that that was my goal there, because I didn’t liked to socialize a lot, but Nolan was a nice guy and we talked a lot when we could.

When it was my turn Kesley stared at me and frowned which made me even more confused and made me start twirling my rings anxiously in my fingers and wishing fervently for a cigarette.

What the fuck.

“Apparently Williams you're assigned to be at the gates, which is pretty weird since you're the princess's bodyguard, it seems they've sent another one to accompany her today and since we're just short of time I can't do much here son, it’s okay for you?” He asked really upset, especially because of what happened last Wednesday, and even though the guys were scared of the guy I really liked him.

“Yes sir, don't worry about it, Miss Taylor will understand," I said and he nodded, so I joined five other strangers and went to my position at the main gate.

The guys who accompanied me took their places and we opened the gates to see the first guests arriving. I risked a glance at her bedroom window but didn't see her so I got into position and we started the service.

Not for our sakes we didn’t know that the night was just beginning.


March, 2137


Ball day - 7:15 PM

I had finished getting ready for over an hour but hadn't found the strength to leave the room yet and was sitting in front of the mirror looking at my reflection and feeling like a stranger in my own skin.

Who I am for real? I couldn't tell, in the last month I had gone from being an ordinary and alienated girl to one who had discovered a huge and complex web of lies inside my own house, it was like I had been stabbed in the back, I hadn't been able to process this correctly for the last two days, and I just got through the days not caring too much about anything.

My mom and Jordan noticed but didn't make a point of asking me if I was okay, they just kept taking care of everything for the Ball and I continued to follow the board meetings as if nothing was happening.

I also didn't see much of Roman as he had been put on another patrol in town, he just came up to my room last night after the last dress fitting to see me and for me to take a look at the bandage, the girls didn't say anything about it, and I was grateful to them for that.

And after that night in the greenhouse something had changed between us, not for the worse, but there was definitely something very different and intense, I just couldn't say what it was, I couldn't even put into words the feeling that came over me when I I took courage and kissed his nose in the Thursday morning, it was something unexpected for him and for me, but it was still special.

And today sitting here alone I realized how much I missed him, I missed Nick too and couldn't wait for him to come back next week but Roman had something different about him, something different that attracted me and that I just couldn't say what, maybe it was all the mystery about who he really was and what they had done to him, because those scars hadn't come for nothing but I didn't want to invade his privacy trying to find out on my own, I decided to wait until he told me.

I was then pulled out of my thoughts when someone knocked on the door and I got up to answer it. I anxiously hoped it was Roman and opened the door excitedly but when I saw the other soldier standing there I knew he was as far away from me as possible and I didn't doubt Nathan was behind it. Again.

"Good night miss, I'm soldier Elton Franklin Green, I'll be your escort tonight," The boy said and I noticed he was blond and had brown eyes. I smiled politely at him and turned off the slide from the bedroom and locked the door when we left to avoid any eventuality during the event.

I then gave him my arm and we walked down the stairs in complete silence, and I saw that scattered across the floors were more guards than usual and the cameras were all pointed down the hallways and I found myself wondering where Roman could be, maybe if if I saw the General or Kesley somewhere maybe I would ask them.

When we got to the first floor we passed the dining room and down the hall to the double doors at the end of it and where music and laughter came from there were some guards at the doors and they waved to my partner but my guard tensed for a second but waved again at them as the two of them opened the doors and the lights and noise in the hall grew louder.

And before the doors closed I recorded their faces, one was brown hair and the other had black hair, so I turned to the front and my guard said goodbye to me and went to stand lined up on the wall with the others watching the whole party, I looked for Nolan too but I didn't see him, but the girls went around organizing the decorations and making sure everything was in place.

I then searched my surroundings and saw my parents taking the official photos of the event. I really wasn't in the mood as the official photos we had taken a few weeks earlier were being displayed on a screen at the back of the ballroom that was open to the winter garden and the bandstand in the middle of it.

But before I could find some corner out there to hide my mom saw me near the door and called me, so I put on the fakest smile I had on my face and went over to them to say goodnight and pose for the pictures.

“You look so beautiful dear!" My mom said as I approached and I smiled and gave her a hug and did the same to my brother and dad as reporters took several pictures.

And as our photos were being taken I could feel the eyes of the guests on us, I could almost hear the whispers about us and it made me want to laugh because the centuries passed but the gossip was never left aside.

“Thanks mom, you look beautiful too,” I said and in that part I didn't lie.

Her dress was similar to mine, but it was closed and only left her collarbones showing, mine had a slit in the leg and the back were open, my father and brother were wearing blue tailored suits with a plain print and ties with floral print, I hadn't carried makeup and kept it pink just like my mom.

We're ready for a few more pictures but I was always looking around and my brother noticed, and I noticed Nate wasn't there either which was suspicious in the least.

“Vee? It's all right? You seem a little distant,” My brother said, drawing my attention and I stared into the same blue eyes as my father but which had a huge touch of affection and wanted so much to believe he wasn't throwing me into the lions' cage as I found out on Wednesday.

I really wanted it because I loved my brother so much, we were very close even though we parted ways after I took over the role, but I still missed him every day.

“I am, yes, just a little tired of having to read a thousand reports every day,” I said laughing and he looked at me a little embarrassed which made me the slightest bit confused.

“I'm sorry about that, I was supposed to take the job and I left everything in your hands,” He said and I saw guilt in his eyes and despite everything I knew I couldn't ignore him or pretend I didn't care, it was always the two of us against the world and in my heart I thought he deserved a second chance.

Second chances are sometimes put to good use and sometimes not, I should have known where it was going, but I still wasn't one hundred percent aware of what was behind that call my brother took.

“It's okay Jojo, I like what I do and you deserve to do whatever you want to do,” I said and smiled at him and my brother gave me one last hug before going to talk to my mom.

My father remained by her side during all conversations with the guests. I saw some members of the Italian houses walking around the hall and I started looking for some familiar faces among them, but I had no success and decided to eat something and drink some wine.

My parents handled the event well and I continued to walk around the hall stopping here and there to chat with some acquaintance or head of state and receive congratulations for my engagement and fiversss asks where my fiance was, I really couldn't tell and I improvised stating that he was unwell and people bought the story and I dropped the subject to pay more attention to the decor.

The decor was immaculate as always, and the blues and pinks tones were gorgeous and contrasted with the crystal chandeliers on the ceiling.

There were few tables for guests to sit as it was a ball and people wanted to dance and drink to celebrate the arrival of the most anticipated season of the year, but I was feeling more out of place than any other year and seeing all those people laughing and cheering made me want to get out of there as fast as possible.

The ball usually raised funds to help the charities my grandmother created during the war and which have been maintained to this day, but the most contradictory thing was that the founder could never cross the gates since she and my father hadn't spoken to each other in years.

I was so tired these past few days that I found myself always looking for a place to sit whenever I entered a new room. I then saw a chair outside and decided to go there to get out of the crowd a bit but as I was leaving the hall a middle aged man with black hair and eyes with the same color stopped me and smiled at me.

I didn't know him but I smiled kindly at him and he kissed my hand.

“It's nice to meet you Miss Taylor, my name is Ary Edwards, would you like to dance with me?" He asked with a very strong accent as he watched me and despite not being the least bit excited I decided to be polite and accepted the dance.

We then went to the center of the room and some very old classical music started to play, he then placed his hand on mine and placed his other hand on my waist respectfully and I did the same to him and we followed the other couples dancing around us.

“You have a different accent, what country are you from?" I asked really curious as I took in his angular but at the same time so fine and gentle features, as if they were meant to be inviting and noticed a tattoo that was sticking out of his dress shirt collar but that wasn't one hundred percent showing and I deduced that maybe he was from De'Ath or McQuoid.

“I've come a long way, miss, but the event is great,” He said and I smiled at him and I was surprised at his departure from the subject, but I decided to drop that, maybe it wasn't all that important.

“Have you ever met my parents? I can introduce you to them if you like,” I said gently as we danced and he shook his head as he twirled me masterfully and I wondered where this gentleman had come from.

"Are you sure? They love meeting new people," I said and he shook his head again as the song we were dancing was starting to come to an end and I became more and more intrigued by the man in front of me.

“Absolutely miss, your parents and I have been introduced before, but I appreciate your kindness,” He said as we stopped in the middle of the track and I just nodded at his mysterious figure and looked around for my family but didn't see them anywhere near me, so I turned my attention to him again and saw him smile the tiniest bit at me and pull my hand away for a kiss.

Who was he really and why when I looked at him something inside me stirred with apprehension?

"It was nice meeting you Mr. Edwards," I said sincerely as despite being so tired of the whole charade during the party it had served as a good distraction to ease my thoughts about so many lies and Roman's abstention.

“The pleasure was mine Miss Taylor, hope to see you soon," He said and with that he waved one last time at me and straightened his suit before disappearing into the crowd, so I decided to go get some air outside and I saw that the same chair from earlier was still empty so I lifted the skirts of my dress and grabbed a glass of champagne from a passing waiter and walked over.

As I sat down I took a small sip of the icy bubbly liquid and watched the people who were with me outside and as I settled myself better in the chair next to so many other guests I heard a little commotion coming from the front gates but I thought that it was no big deal until I heard the gunshots and screams.

The guests beside me got up scared and ran inside knocking everything around them and the sound of gunfire was getting louder and as I walked along with the crowd inside I heard guards yelling at each other.

"That's code red, get the royal family out of there now!"

"Hey, you there! You're not a guard, hold him!"

"We have intruders among the guards, be careful!"

And then more shots came and one of them hit the window next to my body so I bent down and tried my best to keep calm and get all the guests inside, until a lady fell and people started running all over her, so I lifted her off the ground and put her on her feet.

She was terrified and looked at me with so much fear that I almost lose my own focus.

"Lady get inside before they get here!" I said as calmly as possible and she nodded and slipped through the crowd as I scanned the tables outside for any more guests left behind but I didn't see anyone and I breathed a sigh of relief to get inside so I could take shelter.

But when I tried to go through the doors I saw that inside an even bigger mess had been set up as there were guests lying on the floor and guards shooting at each other screaming, and standing at the door I looked around for my parents and brother but I didn't see them.

I hope they are safe.

I heard gunshots behind me and with the hell incarnate that was happening there in the ballroom I didn't know what to do, but just then I heard Nick's voice in my thoughts telling me what to do and a wave of calmness run trough my body.

“Get down and always keep your silhouette low so it's harder to get shot Vee, because the first target of anyone who breaks into the palace was the royal family, and after you do, look for something to defend yourself and maintain your position until you make it through.” His soft voice ran through my thoughts and I smiled and felt my chest tighten with missing and hoped I could get out of here alive so I could see him next week.

I then went in and threw myself behind one of the tables and hid under it and looked around seeing the bodies of the guards and some of the guests down, there was blood everywhere as the shots caught the tables around me and blew out windows.

I risked looking under the tablecloth and watched as a guard without a cap was shot and fell to the floor beside the table as blood flowed from the wound on his chest. I then realized he was the guard who had taken me there early and our eyes met.

He looked surprised to see me there and for a moment he considered the options he had and then he sighed and smiled sadly at me and slid the gun he was holding towards me and then more shots were heard and then his body lay motionless beside the table. I feel the sock run cold in my spine and try my best to stay focused.

I heard footsteps and realized that there really were men dressed in the uniform of the royal guard but without the medals, and looking at Soldier Green I realized that they and the others who were running around also had medals and that's where I noticed a small hole in the whole plan the rebels had.

I then crept to the other side as the gunfire continued and knelt down to check the ammo before stepping out from under the table. When I pressed the button and the cartridge came out I counted the bullets and realized I had eight more before I ran out of anything and I didn't have a spare cartridge so those over there would have to make the job.

So I replaced the cartridge and removed the safety from the gun and tried to remember everything Nick taught me in Italy on our vacation last year.

“Hold tight. One foot behind the other to hold the recoil. Shoot and bent down.”

Taking a last deep breath I got out from under the table and looked back seeing no one behind me and not even at the windows. I looked over the table and saw several guards in the hall and some people being dragged out by the royal guards, and I waited until we didn't have so many casualties.

I saw a dark-haired boy screaming and shooting at a rebel I assumed, since he was in the wrong color uniform and was holding the gun precariously while squeezing his own shoulder, I didn't think twice and aimed at his leg and pull the trigger, his scream echoed through the hall and I could hear the guards advancing again and I took the opportunity to advance as well.

But forward new rebels filled the hall and tried to leave for the other floors where screams and a lot of crying were coming, one of them tried to advance against a guard but I shot him in the shoulder and he fell and the guards were on him.

One of my guards noticed that I was standing there beside them shooting and was amazed, I just waved away any lectures and pointed forward.

“Let's get this over before any more blood is spilled,” I said and everyone nodded as we walked forward.

They shot to kill and I just shot to take down the targets, I didn't know if I would be able to kill someone and I didn't know if I would be able to deal with the guilt that would come later, so I hit points that only immobilized the victim and didn't incapacitate him.

As we continued to advance the rebels had retreated but no one expected any more of them to come through the garden doors. My only reaction was to turn and shoot as fast as possible as some guards fell around me, too many of them for few of us but even so it was very difficult.

I was shooting from behind a table when I felt something hot go over my shoulder but with so much adrenaline rushing on my body I let it go and kept shooting until my bullets ran out and I threw the gun aside and dropped to the ground taking a deep breath and when I looked over my shoulder I realized that I had been shot.


My beautiful blue dress was stained with blood and the stain was growing more and more, many of my guards kept falling and the situation was getting completely out of control, mainly because I didn't know if the guests had made it to the red room where during the attacks the royal family could hide.

I then sighed and knelt on the floor to rip a piece of the dress and roll it over the wound until I made it to the infirmary without going into shock. When I finished the job I looked for a gun around me while I heard a commotion coming from the hallway and when I found one with few bullets I also pointed it at the door there but when I realized they were my guards I turned in the other direction and continued to shoot anyway with my shoulder hurting.

I stopped a few times to look back and saw that my people had taken bigger guns which made the rebels back off and try to flee but the guards continued to shoot, and some of them ran to the gardens, but thinking about the possible interrogation that would come later I fired in non-vital places and they fell, until one got angry and shot me just as my gun ran out of ammo, the bullet caught my thigh and this time I fell to the ground with everything feeling a hellish sting where the bullet had hit and my vision was completely blurred.

Holy shit being shot hurts like a bitch.

I heard guards screaming and running towards the gardens as I lay there, my breathing was quickening and with every beat of my heart I felt my dress getting more and more soaked with blood until I heard someone running towards me and as the face came into focus I saw the amber colored eyes of Nolan's worried.

“Miss, how are you? How many shots do you have? I'll get you out of here,” He said as he bent down to pick me up but I stopped him as the confusion began to die down around us.

“Where is my family? Did they make it to the red room safely? And the Nolan girls? Where are they?" I asked worriedly as he picked me up in his lap.

“Your parents got there, as did the guests, but we obviously had some casualties, but all the servants were taken to their safe room by Grace in time,” He said as he waited for the shooting to cease for good so he could get me out of there.

Thank god for some good news in the middle of this mess.

“It's great to hear this, but what about Roman? I haven't seen him the entire party,” I asked and he just sighed heavily before turning those different eyes back to me.

“I last saw him before the party at the guard's office and then I haven't seen him but he must be out there, we'll find him but now I need to take you to the infirmary Miss Taylor, you're bleeding profusely and you're pale,” He said and I nodded, holding on to his neck as he waited for the sign that everything was okay and that it wasn't long in coming.

So as soon as we were released Nolan carried me hurriedly through the hall and down the halls as I got colder and colder. There were several guards scattered through the halls with some kind of injury holding guns, others were lying in a lot of pain and others were covered by a white sheet.

It was a sad sight to see, and not even Nolan had escaped, he had a scar on his cheek that was also bleeding and by the time we got to the infirmary I was on the verge of passing out from the pain.

“This is the princess? What was she doing outside?” I heard some nurse ask and Nolan shrug as my conscience faded.

“I don't know, but we need to take care of her soon, she's about to go into shock," He said and she nodded and before she went out I heard him ask her to keep watch on me until he or Roman showed up and then everything got dark.