
The princess perfect match

Aurelia's life was a tapestry of secrets and power struggles. Found as an orphan, her world was upended at four when Louise, a 'formidable demon', adopted her. Initially, Aurelia harbored hopes of a brighter future, but Louise's discovery of Aurelia's latent superior demon heritage marked the end of her innocence. Under Louise relentless tutelage, Aurelia was forged into a weapon of magic and combat, Louise was mean , yet her power grew exponentially. On the cusp of adulthood, a fateful blood test reveals a shocking truth: Aurelia is the destined counterpart to the human Princess, her most despised adversary. As their paths intertwine, Aurelia must navigate a labyrinth of destiny and enmity.

K_Mopo · LGBT+
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181 Chs

Seal broken

The frustration gnawed at me like a relentless beast, clawing at the edges of my sanity as I continued to grapple with the stubborn seal guarding the necklace. Each attempt to break through its magical barrier only served to fuel my mounting anger, leaving me feeling more powerless than ever before.

I tried and tried, pouring all of my energy into each desperate attempt, but it was no use. The seal remained steadfast, mocking me with its unyielding resolve. With a growl of frustration, I finally pushed myself away from the table, feeling defeated and exhausted.

I needed air. I needed space. I needed to escape the suffocating confines of this house, if only for a moment. "Where are you going, Aurelia?" asked Lydia, her voice a soft echo in the dimly lit room. But without a word, I stormed out of the living room and into the cool night air, the darkness enveloping me like a comforting blanket.