
The Princess of the Sea

booknerdgeek · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

Her father had been unconscious for three days. Three long, torturous days where she didn't leave her fathers side for fear that if she looked away he would be gone. Her face was red and puffy with tears in her beautiful green eyes.

Her brother was busy running the castle while her father was sick, but he came in to check on them every chance he got. He'd squeeze his fathers hand and give Arya a hug before he left.

The healer would come in once every hour to check on her father, the nurse accompanying him each time. They would change out the rag on his forehead, check his pulse, and leave.

Arya never let go of her fathers hand. She felt as if they were lost in an unforgiving sea and if She let him go for even one second he would be gone forever. So she held on. She held on for herself and her kingdom. For the many people whom her father had saved by becoming king. Her grandfather was a cruel man and an even crueler king. He had darkness in his heart and refused to let it go. During his reign at least one commoner would be executed every day for simply existing.

She remembered when she was younger before he died when she would be playing and he would yell and threaten to hurt her. She would cower in the corner of the courtyard until her brother found her and comforted her. He would see her crying and run and get her a small, beautiful sunflower flower out of the fields by the castle and hand it to her with a smile. She would smile at him and then they would hug and go back to their rooms to play.

Arya knew that her brother would make a good king. He would take care of the people, just like their father does.

Suddenly her father squeezed her hand. Her eyes went wide.

"Marie, go get the healer, and Evelyne, go get my brother, quickly" she said, and shooed them out of the room. Her maids hadn't left her side the entire time. They quickly glanced at each other and rushed out of the room.

Her fathers hand twitched right as the healer walked in, and about a minute after his eyes opened and his chocolate brown eyes met her bright green ones. The healer stood back to see how he was doing, and watched the interaction

"F-father?" Arya said, tears in her eyes.

"Arya my dear," he replied with a soft smile on his wrinkled face,

"Where is your brother darling, I need to speak to him." He continued, his face suddenly serious

"He's coming, I sent Evelyne to get him, he has taken over your duties until you get better" he nodded in response just as Gabriel rushed in the door

"Father!" He said

"You're awake!" He said with a hopeful smile on his face

"Yes son, but I don't think I'm going to make it. I need you to listen to me" he said

"Father don't talk like that, you'll get better!" Arya said, tears running down her face. He squeezed her hand as he continued talking

"You're to be the new king once I die. I trust you to be a kind king as I was, but you must be careful. There are a few nobles that will try to marry your sister and kill you in order to become king, and they are not so nice. Watch out for her. Promise me you will watch out for your sister" Her brother was holding back tears

"I promise father" he grabbed the kings hand and squeezed.

"Now, I need to talk to my children alone, healer, maids, could you step out for a moment?" Everyone looked around in confusion, but the healer, nurse and maids all filed out of the room.

"Arya, I know you want to leave this place," he said with a sad smile. Arya looked at her father in surprise, and Gabriel looked at his sister with wide eyes.

"If you want to leave you must do it soon. There is enough money in a case hidden in the bottom of your armoire. Take it, a bag and some comfortable clothes, and go as soon as you can. Don't let anyone other than your brother know, and send a letter under a different name when you get to your destination so he knows you are safe." She nodded as tears streamed down her face.

He turned to his son,

"Gabriel. You will make an extraordinary king, and Annalise will make an amazing queen. I just wish I had been here long enough to see my grandchildren" her brother was crying now, tears freely streaming down his face.

"I love you father, I will strive to be as good a king as you were" he said with a nod

"I love you too son"

"Arya, My strong, beautiful daughter," he said with a sad smile.

"You look just like your mother. You got her beautiful green eyes and dark skin, but most of all, you got her strength. Her passion. Be careful, the world is cruel and will try to take that away from you. Don't allow it to. I love you." At that his eyes closed and they knew he was gone. Arya began sobbing and her brother made his way around the bed to sit next to her. She never let go of her their fathers hand as Gabriel hugged her tight and held her close. She put her head on his shoulder and he leaned his head on to hers, and they cried for the overwhelming loss of their father. They cried not only for themselves, but for the entire kingdom that had lost the best king that they had ever had. They stayed like that while the healer came back in and officially announced him dead.

He was gone. Her father, the strong and kind King Rocco of Bridelia was dead.