
The Princess Fall In Love With the Omega Queen

Wang Zheng is the powerful queen of the country of Wang, a beautiful and exuberant woman omega. After living almost 30 springs, much of the kingdom doubts her ability to marry and produce an heir. The council of elders of the realm obliges her to participate in the Bloody Spring: an event that forces the queen to choose a person to marry. Now she's being forced to find a good alpha... But what really catches her eye is a bold and beautiful omega with an eccentric mint scent. Fate had in store for them a challenging and exciting future. __________________ Support me and give me a gift! https://www.wishtender.com/moonsside __________________ *Isekai and Reincarnation are worked on directly from volume 005 second chance [extra]. _______________________________________ I don't own the rights to the cover image, it's an image taken from the internet and I couldn't find the author to offer the due credits.

moonsside · Fantasy
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322 Chs


Liu Wei was carefully observing the dress on her body. She didn't intend to use it on this trip, but she wanted to impress the queen.

The dress was pompous and rich, with the most expensive fabric and set with rubies and diamonds.

A bright red made it more flashy and attractive, that was definitely a great dress. She sighed in satisfaction.

But putting it on would require the help of her maid, the part above her waist was a beautiful braided corset in the back. Liu Wei watched Anna through the reflection in the mirror as she calmly pressed the small ribbon that would fasten and tighten the corset.

"Miss, how are you feeling?"

She touched her abdomen, she could breathe and it was also tight just right. Perfect. "The corset is fine."

"You will be the most beautiful of the whole feast."

Anna was very proud of her princess, serving her was an honor and a gift. The motherly feeling she lacked in her personal life was all overflowing with Liu Wei.

Liu Wei smiled at the compliment. "Thank you, but I don't intend to be more beautiful than the Queen."

Anna was happy and satisfied with her princess' answer. After all, surpassing the queen was unimaginable for any commoner, but some nobles would still dare to try.

Liu Wei didn't dare compare himself to the queen. The young omega wanted to admire the Queen in her full exuberance. She felt within her heart that this woman made her think too much, but she wanted to keep thinking more and more about Wang Zheng. She wanted to have her days filled with that thought, she wanted to dream of the sweet smell of pineapple.

"This outfit is quite different, but it's a formidable model."

"Yes. What time does the banquet begin?"

"6 pm."

"Good. We still have time. Bring me some tea."

Liu Wei slowly walked to the small table next to her bedroom window while lifting the skirt of her dress. She sat down and would watch time pass until it was time to go downstairs and join the party.


The young princess lost in her thoughts looked at the small movement in front of the palace. Workers came and went. Her room had a privileged view of the main gate and anyone who arrived would see it in advance.

The sky was already starting to darken and more and more dressed people appeared and entered.

Her tea was not as sweet as that made by the queen, she wondered in her heart if she would ever have a tea made by the queen's own hands again. Despite feeling guilty, she couldn't control her desire to have more and more of the queen for herself.

A familiar face appeared in front of the palace, in sportswear Yang Fan looked so noble and strong, she definitely was a good alpha.

Liu Wei now wondered: how would the queen look in those sportswear? She could feel her glands heating up at that small thought. Really hot.

The royal hall was full of people. There were many people and many smells.

Normally in a crowded place a high ranking omega would be stunned and nauseous with all the smells. But despite being filled with pheromone, the room was large and ventilated, she didn't feel uncomfortable.

Liu Wei actually felt strangely satisfied, it was very difficult for her to find a closed place where she didn't get extremely sick from the excess pheromone accumulated, but the ventilation system worked very well throughout the palace and at all times the pheromones were being expelled.

The young princess didn't know, but the royal ventilation systems had small devices that release a few inhibitors to reduce the effect of pheromones, this is high technology and exists in few countries. It was created especially to delay and prevent omegas estrus from excessive contact with pheromones.

The queen in a few years of government ordered a complete renovation of the palace. What was seen with bad eyes by the councils that helped the royal family, but she was soon taking the country to a prosperous and positive moment financially, there would be no reason to refuse such a request and in a few months the ventilation system had been installed. Wang Zheng didn't do that for her, but she hoped one day a king could live happily and peacefully, enjoying every inch of that place with his big family without worrying about pheromones.

Liu Wei held a half-full glass in her hand and stared intently at the space at the very center of the hall. There were the swords that were just waiting to be used. It wasn't just she that was anxious, everyone there was looking forward to the little duel between the queen and Yang Fan. There was great anticipation in what Wang Zheng's abilities would look like in the face of an experienced alpha.

Footsteps resounded. The soldiers took up their position. The queen had arrived.

"Please salute your royal majesty. Wang Zheng."

"Long live and prosper the Queen."

Wang Zheng smiled in delight at the chorus of voices greeting her. It was rare for her to see the palace so full of people and it was, to say the least, exciting all the attention over her shoulders.

The queen was dressed in boots, tight black pants and a loose white tank top with a black sports top underneath the white fabric. A high ponytail and small wrist protection. Despite the simple clothes, everyone was amazed, the queen was an omega of unique beauty and looked good in any outfit.

She smiled and nodded. She walked slowly to the center of the hall and picked up one of the swords. She handled it with ease and elegance, still remembering the moves she'd learned a few years ago.

She stared at the crowd that was looking at her curiously. Her voice was high and steady, everyone was silent and listened attentively.

"No formalities for today, enjoy yourselves and as you well know today we will have a little duel between me and Miss Yang Fan."

Yang Fan also approached and took the other sword. She smiled satisfied. The alpha was particularly excited about this little duel and she didn't really intend to fight, but she would like to know if that omega would make a good choice for a wife and that was the best way to prove it to herself.

The queen smiled at the alpha, the fight would begin. "I hope we can entertain you in the best way. Ready?"

"Of course."

The two positioned themselves in the small arena and faced each other as they studied each other carefully. Beside them, anxious looks were present.

"Would you like any specific rules, Miss Yang Fan?"

"Well, I would normally fight to the other's exhaustion or surrender, but we have a feast waiting for us…"

"I don't mind fighting to the point of surrender. It will be fun."

Wang Zheng didn't intend to lose that fight, but she also wanted people to see it as a small spectacle. She wanted everyone to savor the small excitement of someone about to lose something big, be it pride or a gamble.

Yang Fan didn't expect the queen to agree to fight to the limit and was taken aback by the easy agreement. She smiled excitedly. "I agree with what your majesty chooses."

"To make it more fun, let's bet on something."


"Of course. Whoever wins is entitled to a request and the other cannot deny it. As long as the request does not involve the Blood Spring progress, any request is valid."

"Well, I accept."


"Let's begin then."

The guests whispered between them and only stopped when they started to move, waiting for the other's attack. Both of them look strong and beautiful holding their swords and in a defensive pose.

Liu Wei is scared of the queen's proposal and even more scared of the possibility that she will get hurt. Her heart felt like it was carrying a heavy burden and even breathing was difficult.

Yang fan is more vigorous and decides to go for the queen with an intense attack, but Wang Zheng is faster in her movements. Amid the dodges and blocks, the omega thinks of a way to make Yang Fan have disadvantages.

As none of the parties defined any rules for the duel, they used all the artifices to win that contest. The queen with her quick movements ran and climbed onto her throne and leapt out of Yang Fan's field of vision.

Wang Zheng was panting and felt her legs shaking. She used the small space between the throne and the decor to rest, until she had an idea.

Yang Fan searched under the tables and even among the huddled guests. Her opponent was simply gone, but when she least expected it, she felt a kick behind her left knee and ended up losing her balance completely.

Wang Zheng when younger was good at kicking and punching moves, she wanted Yang Fan to release the sword from her hand and with the opponent's distraction she threw the sword very far. It was a move that shook everyone and some screamed in excitement.

Yang Fan was really excited about that duel and now she started to dodge the queen's continuous attacks until she slipped and ended up falling. The queen just pressed her to the ground and pointed the point of her sword at her neck. Yang Fan laughed and surrendered. "I surrender."

Both were panting and sweaty, their pheromones intertwined in an aggressive way and the people nearby moved away because they couldn't stand the intensity of the smell.

Yang Fan could taste the pineapple mixed with the bitter taste of blood, she had probably lost a tooth in one of the punches she took to her face by Wang Zheng.

Liu Wei was very close to the two of them and could feel the pine pheromone surrounding the sweet pineapple... She refused to see that scene. She just turned her back and went to get a glass of wine. It bothered her so much to the point of being unbearable and it would probably be even worse when she discovered the request that the queen would make to Yang Fan.

The crowd began to dissipate and the queen seemed to be chatting happily with Yang Fan.

"Your Majesty is truly a great fighter."

"Thank you."

"What would be your request, your majesty?"

The order was relatively simple, but it was actually quite a challenge. This drink was known as unpalatable to most people and even alphas couldn't drink it.


The queen smiled in satisfaction and wiped the sweat from her face with a small handkerchief.

"Well, I'll take a shower and change my clothes. Please enjoy the feast, I'll be back soon and when I get back we'll have our drink."

The queen quickly left the hall accompanied by her secretary and a few more maids.

Yang Fan stared at the omega's back as she watched her leave. The sweat on her body was satisfying and the defeat was not shameful. She could feel her glands burning and the urge to follow the queen was great, that feeling of desire was really fascinating.

The queen was a smart and swift fox.

Yang Fan slowly walked to the drinks table and grabbed a glass of ice water while chatting with her employees and Liu Wei didn't bother to move away and ended up listening to what she said.

"She's really wonderful... This woman is a great omega, my glands are burning... Prepare a cold bath and my clothes..."

When she finished speaking, the employees walked away and went ahead, being soon followed by Yang Fan.

Liu Wei sighed in her heart, the queen was truly wonderful.

When she got to her room, she dropped into her chair and sighed.

"My whole body hurts."

The queen stretched her body in an attempt to alleviate the pain. Despite being very good at fighting, she couldn't compare to someone who was active and her opponent's blows were hard and accurate, she was sure she would be even more sore when she arrived the next day.

She slowly removed herboots and the simple act of putting your feet on the cold ground was a huge relief.

She was very lucky to be able to take down the alpha and quickly finish the fight, Wang Zheng was already at her limit and probably wouldn't last longer at the same rate.

Huan Yang could see that the queen was pushing her body to the limit and he should take some measures to keep her from getting sick. He made some notes so that there was no shortage of medicinal foods and drinks during meals, as well as salt baths to facilitate the recovery of the body.

He was feeling frustrated. What was within his reach as a humble servant was to offer the best conditions of recovery, he could not interfere or prevent the queen from doing as she pleased.

"Your majesty is well to return to the feast?" he asked apprehensively.

Wang Zheng could hear her secretary's worried tone and smiled to reassure him.

"I need to get back... Ask a masseuse to come here in the morning."

"Yes. She'll be here on the first dawn."

"Right. I'm going to take a shower, in the meantime, get my dress ready."

Wang Zheng was reckless, fighting an alpha to exhaustion was stupid and illogical.

The queen was a proud woman and that made her stupid many times. Her history has always been filled with awards and honors, she felt she had a lot to prove to everyone.

Wang Zheng hadn't practiced swordsmanship in years and didn't ride horses very often anymore and because of the Bloody Spring she was practicing all she could every day as if she never stopped.

Stupid and stupid.

Her body was paying the cost.

Despite having a lot of stamina and strength, when compared to another omega, she was still an omega and needed to prepare her body well for physical activities and that was something she hadn't done in a long time.

She sighed exhaustedly as she remained immersed in her bath, the hot water easing the fatigue, but she still had to go back and join the rest of the guests.

In the royal hall, everyone was worried that the Queen was taking a long time to return and the rumors that she had been injured began to emerge and spread among the guests.

Wang Zheng was not someone who would show weakness, but alpha Yang Fan was a military woman and would be able to seriously injure someone without much effort, the possibility that the queen was injured seemed like a high possibility.

Liu Wei, despite also feeling her heart heavy, still tried to hide her anxiety in a few sips of wine, she had a high tolerance and was very good at drinking. So, attending feasts and festivities was easy for her, but the anticipation of seeing the queen and the stimulation of the myriad pheromones made her feel more tipsy and unstable.

it's my first time using webnovel so cool hehe I used my power stones and I'm already my number 1 fan :P

We'll see each other again in 24 hours and I'm really excited for the next chapters, really!

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