
The Princess Fall In Love With the Omega Queen

Wang Zheng is the powerful queen of the country of Wang, a beautiful and exuberant woman omega. After living almost 30 springs, much of the kingdom doubts her ability to marry and produce an heir. The council of elders of the realm obliges her to participate in the Bloody Spring: an event that forces the queen to choose a person to marry. Now she's being forced to find a good alpha... But what really catches her eye is a bold and beautiful omega with an eccentric mint scent. Fate had in store for them a challenging and exciting future. __________________ Support me and give me a gift! https://www.wishtender.com/moonsside __________________ *Isekai and Reincarnation are worked on directly from volume 005 second chance [extra]. _______________________________________ I don't own the rights to the cover image, it's an image taken from the internet and I couldn't find the author to offer the due credits.

moonsside · Fantasy
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326 Chs


The first volume has writing problems and everything will be carefully resolved after the end of the third volume, please be patient and give the story a chance. I'm Brazilian and English is far from being a language I'm familiar with haha, I'm doing my best and I feel that as you read on you'll notice the improvement and the result of my efforts! Thank you and happy reading!


The Wang Kingdom was in its tenth dynasty and had lived in prosperity for over 500 years. Its current queen, the omega Wang Zheng, was the sole heir to the throne, but she was still unmarried even after 29 springs.


The noble elders were a little distressed, the queen was getting old and didn't show any signs of wanting to raise a family.


The Bloody Spring was summoned for the first time in three centuries. The elders did not have power superior to the queen, they for their wisdom and experience, advised the royalty to make the best choices and their only sovereign power was the power to request the Bloody Spring.


A great festival where the whole country was organized to appreciate the youth and prosperity of the royal family, while looking forward to knowing who would be chosen to be the Queen's lover.


Wang Zheng was not particularly happy with this situation, she had already made up her mind many years ago to live alone and leave no heirs, even though she knew that this would have the consequence of leaving the throne without a King.


"Your Majesty, would you like anything else?"


"How are spring preparations going?"


"Four countries are sending their candidates. So far we have a beta, two alphas and an omega, but we still don't know if other countries will send some of their heirs."


The Queen understood that many sent heirs only with the intention of honoring the Queen. When summoning the Bloody Spring, it was understood that an alpha would be chosen, but not all allies had alphas available, so betas and omegas would also be present for pure formality.


"I understand. Ask for the best rooms to be prepared to receive our guests in the best way. Also, be sure to send official notices that no inhibitors or suppressants are allowed to be used during the Spring."


"Yes, your majesty."


"That includes the omegas."




She calmly watched her secretary leave, he was an immature young man who had barely had time to differentiate himself into alpha. But he was as innocent as a puppy. She sighed contentedly.


The young man was her best friend's son, he was as efficient as he was when it came to working for her.


From her armchair she could see the sunset from her window. Days passed quickly when you had so many things to do. She still had a huge amount of paperwork to go through... The days were exhausting.


Her adult life was summed up in being in the royal hospital, where she was a doctor and director, and in her office inside the palace, taking care of the official affairs of the kingdom.


Wang's kingdom was one of the most modern and evolved countries when the concept was royalty and industry.


Wang Zheng as an omega understands the need for effective inhibitors and suppressors, as well as ensuring that the glands are not violated by alphas. This generated a strong development in research on pheromones and medicines.


The country managed by Zheng is considered by many to be the best country for an omega to live in and she without any modesty agrees with that.


She devoted many years of her own life to providing the best for her subjects and for people like her.


She took the throne at a very young age, her father died when she was just 14 years old and despite being raised all her life for this moment, when she took the throne she was still young and immature.


But let's not say that she didn't do her best all these years, she probably should be one of the most prosperous Queens of the dynasty.


Pheromone medicine within the realm is extremely advanced and can prevent numerous diseases associated with improper gland development.


In addition to the numerous conquests of other kings that continue to be maintained, such as; the large number of Olympic medalists, the country with the lowest rate of violence against omegas, the country with one of the best academic bodies having the best grades among universities in the world...


It is a country that borders on perfection. But that prosperity requires a great sacrifice: the Queen's love life.


Despite your majesty's benevolence and the unconditional love of your subjects, it is impossible to control the rumors that tend to arise.

Well, many believe that Wang Zheng is actually a beta and doesn't even have glands.


Others believe that the Queen is single because she prefers a more promiscuous lifestyle and that she sleeps every night with a distinguished alpha.


Of course, these are just rumors, but they spread like a breeze and are difficult to control.


She was already dark. Zheng wore a long navy blue dress, the fabric was light and ideal for her pineapple citrus pheromone.


Her exposed shoulders showed off her milky smooth skin.


The thin and soft fabric marked her beautiful curves and despite her extremely thin waist, she was not an extremely delicate omega, she had firm and very well distributed muscles, which gave her a strong and attractive profile.


The long, black hair contracted giving a more serious and elegant aura to the young woman. Every night before going to sleep, she made a habit of writing in her diary while drinking tea. She fingered the blank pages as she thought about what should be written, until she heard a faint knock on her door.


"Queen, the committee of elders awaits you."


She sighed bored. "Let's go then."


"Queen, would you like something to warm you up?"


"I'll wear this black shawl."


The queen quickly pulled on the thick fabric covering her shoulders and headed for her office.


"Please rise and greet your royal majesty, the second of your name, Wang Zheng."


Hurriedly several men stood up at the sight of Wang Zheng, and within moments, they already felt the strong scent of pineapple enter their nostrils and permeate the entire room. Extremely uncomfortable.


The queen's pheromone wasn't naturally sweet, but when she got angry the smell resembled rotten pineapple.


Sour and inedible.


"Have a seat. What's on the agenda for the meeting?"


"As you know, we are concerned about the kingdom's prosperity... We believe that marriage to an alpha is ideal to prevent our country from falling into decline."


It was silly to say that the country would go into decline, it would take years for that to happen, it would take a lot of effort for that kingdom to go into decay.


 "I see, was that it?"


"Yes, we've seen the Bloody Spring confirmed list and the two alphas look pretty good..."


"Fine. Then I'll retire."


Wang Zheng left her armchair towards the door, and some were already reassured that the pheromone would soon dissipate, but others were dissatisfied with your majesty's posture.


"Queen, take our advice seriously, the priests warned us: immense glory in a kingdom without heirs is a sign of ill omen, fate will exact a high price."


"High price... Elder, I think you've forgotten who I am... I accept the Bloody Spring out of respect for your advice. But it's like you said yourself: it's just advice, maybe I should just ignore it."


She left in quick strides without even looking back.


Inside her office, it was possible to hear some men breathing deeply and others opening the window.


 The queen was very angry at that moment.


A few days passed and the Bloody Spring was getting closer, there were only a few days left for it to start.


It was already close to lunchtime and the Queen was wearing a loose red satin blouse, she purposely left a few buttons undone showing her cleavage and showing off her necklace with a small heart-shaped diamond pendant. Gift from your mother.


She faced herself in front of the mirror as she finished touching up her simple and light makeup for another normal day at work. Her secretary helped her with her schedule and appointments. "Most of the guests have already arrived."


"Okay. Are the guards in place yet?"


"Yes. All rooms have at least two betas to avoid major problems with pheromones."


"Great. Have you checked the exhaust system for pheromone yet?"


"All rooms in the palace are functioning properly and there will be no pheromone buildup or odor intrusion into neighboring rooms."


"Good. I'll finish my make-up and go down to the garden to meet you for tea."


"Right, your majesty."


It was still early afternoon, the weather was pleasant. The royal garden was full of flowers and trees.


Next to some centenary trees there was a large pergola covering a twelve-seat table. There were most of the Bloody Spring participants, waiting for your majesty.


One of the guards seeing the Queen's approach bowed to her. "Please rise and greet your royal majesty, second of your name, Wang Zheng."


Everyone stood up and responded in unison. "Live long and prosper the Queen..."


Despite being a round table, everyone knew that if there was a center the Queen must be there. Then an empty chair was already waiting for her.


She walked over to her spot with a friendly smile and sat down. "Have a seat. I apologize for not receiving you properly when you arrived, I've been very busy lately."


Everyone watched the queen's movements with anticipation. Her beauty managed to exceed all expectations and left everyone stupefied, especially the alphas who at that moment were making strong efforts not to release their pheromones.


One of the palace maids came forward to serve the Queen's tea, and others did the same for each guest.


"Anyway, thank you all for being here and for choosing to participate in the bloody spring... The event got its name from the little mix-up that happened 3 centuries ago...


 King Wang Zan, also an omega and well known for always walking around with roses stuck in his hair, was almost marked by one of the participating alphas. Fortunately, he only had a strong estrus, but ended up being carried away by strong emotions and ordered that his punishment for trying to rape him, the king, would be to have 1000 roses pinned to his skin for three nights…"


It was possible to hear the whispers of the guests.


They were completely surprised by the penalty chosen by the King. "... A long time ago, it became just history. In the end the alpha returned home completely healthy, but the friendly relations between the two nations do not last. For reasons of pheromones, the guards inside the palace are all betas, they have permission to act in any circumstance that they understand is out of control. I hope you can understand, in case of punishment, I will not be as romantic as Wang Zan."


Everyone present there knew about the country's tradition with its omegas. After all, it was the country with the lowest rate of violence against omegas. The alphas felt the pressure on their shoulders, they needed to behave satisfactorily.

"Yes, your majesty."


Wang Zheng's movements were delicate and light, even cutting a small piece of cake felt like a gesture of wisdom. "Well, as you know, the bloody spring has three stages; the first is a meeting between me and the candidate. You must choose something you want to do with me or somewhere near the palace you want to go with me."


Zheng was starting to feel the excitement of her guests, in addition to the broad smiles, he could smell the pheromone rising. Someone was trying to get her attention, it was a subtle scent of roses that mixed with the perfume of the flowers in her garden. She laughed funny.


"Fine. The second is a skills and aptitudes stage, show what you can do best. It's the ideal time to show off."


"Lastly. The third phase is an intimate night, but don't confuse an intimate night with intercourse, it's a question of trust and compatibility between the pheromones... Well, any questions?"


The guests looked at each other and seemed satisfied with the explanation, but one of them raised his hand asking permission to speak.


Wang Zheng from her experience knew that the person in question was a beta, there was no pheromone emanating from him.


She could very well distinguish which scent belonged to her and some were much better than others.


The beta was a man in his early 30s, with reddish hair, wearing a suit and tie. "Only alphas have a chance of getting to share the throne with your majesty, right?"


He didn't ask, that was an affirmative. Wang Zheng was amused by the misbehavior of the man in front of her.


But she wasn't surprised because she already knew who it was. The beta was the second prince in the line of succession of his country, he was an important judge.


"Why do you think that, Your Excellency?"


"That would be what the elders would advise."


"Think I'll follow what they say?"


"I think my guesses shouldn't be said so blatantly."


She stopped drinking her tea and asked for her cup to be refilled. There was tension in the air, it was true that they didn't know how she would react to certain confrontations.


 "Well, I am the queen and my decision is the last word and even I can choose a small beta like you. Just show the best of you, the rest is up to me..."


"I understand."


The man seemed satisfied with the answer,

Wang Zheng was starting to get bored with the beta and wanted to see the commotion from others.


"In reality, everyone has an equal chance, be it alpha or omega, even beta."


The rose pheromone intensified and now the pine pheromone was more noticeable. Really funny. "Well, I hope you guys control your pheromones better, I can smell you. Anyway, don't take it for granted that I'll pick an alpha... I'll pick whoever I want."


The omega with the rose pheromone lifted her hand.


The woman was an old acquaintance of Wang Zheng, she worked as a professor of literature at the Royal University. Li Zhang, an extremely prestigious woman famous for her novels.


"Long time no see, Li Zhang. Ask."


"Long time no see, your majesty… Well, does the Queen intend to have a relationship with an omega?"


"Marriage between omegas is legal, so I don't see any problems."


The Queen looked closely at her small wristwatch, which was usually hidden by the sleeve of her blouse. She needed to get back to her duties.


She rose delicately and was followed by everyone around the table.


"Every night we will have festivities with lots of food and alcohol, hope you enjoy... Oh, we don't have inhibitors, so control your pheromones... The only one to be desired is me, I hope you understand. In the future we will have more time to get to know each other better."


She bowed her head slightly in respect and walked slowly towards the palace, being immediately joined by her secretary who updated her on her appointments for the rest of the day.

My first original and omegaverse story, I'm excited.

My English is not very good and I am far from fluent, but I hope you appreciate my effort if you are reading the English version, I hope to always improve and avoid the same mistakes! :)


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