
No Polite Fiction Is Needed When We’re a Family

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Too many things have happened recently. Xie Mangshan had no idea why he would encounter such a big calamity all of a sudden.

First, his livelihood was gone, then he encountered unfortunate events one after another. Now he was going to be arrested and sent to prison.

He was afraid that he would die in prison.

The old lady recalled the past.

There was indeed no guilt. After all, back then, their family was humiliated because Xie Niushan led the barbarians to rob the village.

However, Xie Niushan was indeed the most obedient among her few children at that time. He would agree no matter what they asked him to do. He was even more sensible than that old ox in the village.

Thinking back to the past, after so many years, even if he became a bandit or an official, he would still be polite to her.