

Daoistvb1DqR · Teen
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6 Chs





"Father, you will be helping her if you kîll her now. It's unfortunate that her father escaped his punîshment, but we can't just let his daughter go too.

"Rahila here should pay for her father's sin. Let's make her sûffer, let's make her beg for dèàth, let's kîll her slowly. Let's..." Prince Ardo was still talking when princess Rahila interrupted him.

"Ardo, you better kîll me now that you have the chance to, because you will be the first to dîe by hands if I am allowed to live.

"I shall kîll you all one by one. You shall all feel my wràth. You all shall pay for the dèàth of my beloved father. 

"I, the princess of Noma promise you all today. I shall bring Zuma down on her knees! I will destrôy you all!" Princess Rahila vowed with fire in her eyes.

She didn't care that she was surrounded by so many warrîors who were against her, she wished that they would just kîll her.

"Son, did you hear that? Lamido's blood runs through her veins, she is just like her father. We can't keep someone as evîl as this girl in our kingdom." King Modibbo said to prince Ardo.

He couldn't understand why Rahila would be so Stubbórn even after everything that happened. 

The girl was just as young as his 21 years old daughter so he wondered what gave her the courage to speak with so much authority even in the face of dànger.

King Modibbo was wrong because Rahila was even younger than his daughter, she was 20 years old, but could be very dàngerous unlike his own daughter.

"Father, I know how to handle people like her." Prince Ardo assured his father before facing Rahila.

"One day, you will beg for my mercy." Prince Ardo said to Rahila, looking straight into her fierce eyes.

She looked like she could kîll him any minute but he wasn't bothered, he would dèal with her in a way that she wouldn't dare to look him in the eyes ever again.

King Modibbo who trusted his son's judgement agreed to keep princess Rahila as a slàve, so the princess who thought that she was almighty, went from a princess to a slàve.

It felt like a dream to Rahila, she didn't know that someone who is at the top can fall to the bottom within a twinkle of an eye.

Her's was a grace to grass story.

King Modibbo later cût off king's Lamido's head from his body. He bûrnt the king's body and asked his servants to play around with the head like a ball.

The once powerful king of Noma couldn't do anything as his head was being played around by the people he used to call a mere pîssants.

All this happened right in front of Rahila and she was tràumàtized.

She pleaded, cried and thrèàtened, but king Modibbo still went on with what he was doing.

A lion can never be joked with when it is still alive, but even a little child can play with it when it becomes lîfeless.

King Lamido's head was played like a ball all the way to Zuma and his ashes was scattered in a dungeon where he used to keep his slàves.

The slàves who were now released to move freely without paîn and sûffering.

Rahila was dràgged by prince Ardo all the way to Zuma. She wasn't allowed to rest at all, even when she asked for water, she was asked to drink her tears.

She did drink her tears because she couldn't stop crying as she watched the painful scene beside her on their way to Zuma.

Her father's head was being played right beside her as she was being dràgged by prince Ardo who wanted to punîsh her personally. 

That day was one of the saddest days of Rahila's life. The way the prince handled her made her feel like it was personal.

Apart from fighting with him in the tunnel, she had never met prince Ardo before so she wondered why he was being so mean to her.


Rahila's life at Zuma kingdom...

Rahila didn't expect life to be easy at Zuma kingdom but the way the people of Zuma celebrated as they saw her in chains made her sîck.

News had already gotten to Zuma kingdom that the king of Noma had dîed in the battle and his daughter had been càptured even before they got to the kingdom.

The people of Zuma prepared to welcome Rahila in a very terrîble way and so they did.

Some of them were thrôwing stones at her and others were emptying dîrty pots of water on her.

Some women whose sons and husbands dîed in the bàttle threw themselves at Rahila in tears. They all wanted her to pay for her father's sîns.

Rahila was reduced to nothing, she was dràgged here and there even while the prince was still holding her chaîn, she was almost lynchèd.

At a point, Rahila couldn't cry anymore, she just took everything they did to her while remembering her father.

If only he was still alive, no one would have dared to lay a finger on her.

She was still in her father's beautiful palace just some hours ago but things suddenly changed. 

That's how unpredictable life can be. one moment you are up and another moment you may be down so be humble.

After all the humîliation and îll treatment, prince Ardo threw Rahila into a very dark hut and shut the door.

She wasn't giving food to eat nor water to drink.

Rahila made a silent vow in her heart again.

Prince Ardo would be the first person she would kîll when she gets the chance