
Chapter 12 and Credits

"Get them!" An eel guard chasing Odette, the King, and the two sisters spoke to the other guards. After a few minutes of swimming around the corridor, they were blocked by falling obstacles.

"Keep going, Odette!" The female eel who helped earlier spoke to her and they quickly swam to another corridor.

"Who is that?" The King asked.

"She helped me and Kadita made it here along with the male one." She replied.

"Speaking of which, where's Kadita?"

At the kitchen, she spoke to the other workers.

"I have to face Aqualia, alone."

"Good luck, Kadita."

Immediately, she get the trident in the dressing room, took off her uniform and quickly swam towards the throne room.

Along the way, she broke through the eel guards and when she reached the huge door before the throne room, she went in silently but was empty. Along the way to the throne chair sat on a high point, she heard Aqualia's voice.

"(Sinister laughs) You have returned, Kadita." She ready her weapon while she continued speaking, "Did you think I'm expecting this, disguising yourself as one of the waiters?"

"Show yourself!"

"(Evil laughs) We have come to the right place, for another duel between me and you!"

When she reached the chair, her shadow became Aqualia and punched her down with her powered fist. She then used the power of shadow to push her through the wall. The castle began to collapse.

Odette, the King, and her two younger sisters are still in the castle when the castle began to collapse. Then, they are encoutered by the eel guards, blocking their routes.

"No one escapes her castle!" One of them spoke.

"Father," she spoke to the King, "stay down. I'll hold them off."

"We'll help!" Coralia said to her.

"No! Escape with Father."

"You can't do it alone!"

"It's the only thing I must do. Now go!"

They swam upwards towards the collapsed roof and the eels began to chase them.

"Okay, come to me." Odette said to the eels and they swam towards her. When they are close to her, she summoned a large magical energy field, through her wand, that destroys them as they come close to her.

Meanwhile, Kadita and Aqualia continues to fight outside the castle. The latter pinned her down on a clifftop.

"Can you see it, Kadita?" She said to her, "The castle is collapsing."

"No. Odette."

"My guards will stop them."

Kadita fights back using her tail to push her away and used the trident to attack her but she moves like a shadow and dodged the blasts. Then, she tries to attack her but she used the trident as a shield and fights back. The fight continues as they went to the cemetery beside the castle. There, Kadita cannot get up because of the continuous attacks she received from Aqualia. She began to charge towards her. Kadita tries to fight back by firing a blast from the trident but she turned into shadow and goes through it. When she is about to attack her, she was shot by someone. When Kadita looks at the source, she saw Odette.

"Kadita!" She said and went to her.

"Get out of here. This is my fight." She said as she tries to get up. Odette helped her up.

"You can't fight alone. I want to help."

"She's right." Aqualia said as she too gets up. "This is between me and Kadita only. You make things unfair."

"Don't put her in this fight."

"(Sinister chuckles) She had done it." She fired magic blast from her hand towards Odette and hit her.

"No!" Kadita swam towards her but she was hit by another blast from her, landing right beside her.

Odette was hit but can still fight.

"We will stop you, Aqualia." She released an energy ball towards her.

"So am I." She fired a magical blast towards it and it hits, splitting the energy ball into two. Suddenly, Odette charged towards her an drag her through the tombstones until she powered up her fist and punched her upwards. But, Odette quickly recovers and released a huge energy through the form of a manta ray to her. Aqualia casted a magical shield to block it. Although she did successfully blocked it, it broke her shield and thus, weakening her.

"Ughhh...my shield broke." She spoke, "What kind of magic is that? Impossible."

Odette swam towards her. Along the way, she released an energy ball that immobilized Aqualia. When she reached her position, she said to her as she points her wand to her.

"I'll show you your consequences for what you've done to the kingdom."

"I'll be reunited with my mother."

"Who is your mother?"

"(Chuckles) You know her."

Suddenly, she received visions of her past, taking herself back when her mother was still alive.

"There is a mother whale taking care of five daughters." Her mother told her and her three younger daughters, "The eldest looked and went the other way while the second followed her but the mother told her not to follow her. She said to her, 'She'll find her way back to us'."

"Aqualia is our older sister." Odette spoke to herself. Just then, she saw Kadita went to Aqualia to finish her. When she points her trident to her, Odette interfered.

"Wait!" She said and Kadita faced her, "She knows Mother."

"What? What do you mean?"

"I saw her. Aqualia is our lost sister."

"How did you know that?"

"Mother once told us stories about the five whales. Aqualia is the first sister, our older sister. I get it now, Kadita. Mother told that story about us. Please, spare her life."

When Kadita looked at Aqualia, she seems harmless to her and put the trident down.

"I see why." Aqualia said and the energy ball that immobilized her began to fade away.

When she can move her arms, she walked to her with her fist powered up. When she is about to attack, Odette spoke to her.

"Kadita, behind you!"

She began to attack but Kadita points her trident to her and it began to glow. It sucks the dark powers from Aqualia to the trident. When it is done, Aqualia looks on herself. She now wears a dark blue and white outfit, rather than black, red, and white. Her tail is also colored that way and her fins are colored white. Her hair is still black.

"Kadita, Odette." She recognized her sisters when she looked at them.

"Aqualia." The latter said to her and she began to approach her.

"No. Don't touch me. I may still have my dark powers on me."

"Not any more." Kadita said, "The Trident had removed your dark powers from you."

"Really? Well, thank you, sisters." She hugged her and Odette joined them too.

With the Kingdom liberated, the merpeople went back home. The King celebrated the return of peace to the kingdom and the lost daughter, Aqualia. It also celebrated the coronation of the three sisters on their respective positions: Aqualia and Odette as Crown Princesses, and Kadita as Queen. The latter began to rule undoubted. She made a policy of human contact that became a standard to the merpeople.

"I," Kadita said to the merpeople, "Queen of the Southern Kingdom, declared that you are free!"

They cheered. Because of this, a lot of merpeople went on the surface to explore the human world, especially Odette.

Back on the island, Odette approached the land on foot, by her powers. Her tail became a gown and when she saw Lancelot nearby, she quickly approached him. He too was glad to see her and received her hug.

"I thought you would." He said.

"I'm here now. Did you fix things, with your girl-friend?"

"How did you know about Guinevere?"

"I saved you both before. I knew it would come to this so, I hid my feelings from you. You?"

"Guinevere and her family set sail on the mainland, probable for an adventure. She just let me go after I messed her up. She told me yesterday that 'we should go our own ways' to make things right and that we promised to be friends forever. I accept it because she's right."

"I think It's my fault you had got into this mess."

"Don't think about that. She's alright now. We made peace for each other."

"Lancelot," she said and he looked at her, "do you think we can...live together?"

"Yes, I do." He kissed her smoothly and she didn't resist. The wind blew right behind Odette's hair and through Lancelot's.

A few weeks later, they were married in the hilltop church. The audiences were both human and merpeople, who now had the ability to transform their tails into legs.

When they kissed in from of them, the crowd cheered and as they run towards outside of the church, they received rose petals and she threw a boquet of beautiful flowers backwards, to a group of girls waiting to receive it. It landed over Kadita who, along with the rest of the family, attended the ceremony. After the wedding, the King thanked the humans before they swam back to the underwater. In the Kingdom, there was joy and they celebrated it in the dinner.

Sometime later, Odette was walking on the woods alone. She now wears a green, butterfly-inspired outfit while her hair turns white. Her wand appeared adopted for the outfit. Just then, a green butterfly landed on her hand.

"I am everybody's friend. You can return to your home." She said to the butterfly and it immediately flew away. When everything is quiet after walking for some distance, she crafted a statue of her and Lancelot together out of the large piles of leaves in front of her. When finished, she said to the statue,

"We will see each other again, my Love."

And then, she left into the unknown.



Written by: RedCobra12 (Edward Vincent A. Briones) for MLBB Crossover Writing Competition, May 24, 2019

Character inspired by:

• Lancelot - Royal Matador

• Odette - Mermaid Princess

• Odette - Butterfly Goddess

• Guinevere - Ms. Violet

• Kadita - Atlantean Princess

Story inspired by the songs of:

• Kizuna ni Nosete - by Eyelis, Soundtrack from the anime Snow White with the Red Hair Season 1

• Asu e no Kizuna - by Himeka (Catherine St. Onge), Soundtrack from the anime Valkyria Chronicles

Special Thanks to:

• Mobile Legends and Webnovel - for sponsoring this competition and inspiring me to take the opportunity

• My friends of the former - for making a match that inspired the story