
The Princess and The Lord

This is the stories of two different people from two different worlds (literally) She was raised in love, while he was raised in hate Her birth was celebrated, while he was despised She was protected, while he was abused everyday. She is gentle, warm and kind, while he is cold, cruel and vicious But with the twist of fate, their world collided. They will learn from each other. He will teach her to be hopeful and live for herself, while she will teach him the joys of Friendship and Love Together they will learn to understand each other, accept each other and love each other, and soon their love will change the fate of the world ________________________________________ Princess: Can you stop staring at me while I'm sleeping? The Lord: I can't... The Princess: Are you gonna stare at me the whole night? The Lord: Yes! The Princess: Can you at least act like a normal man who will take advantage of a maiden while in her room. The Lord: …this Lord would oblige The Princess: WAIT… This princess is kidding, just kidding, wait...!

blowfish1407 · Fantasy
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1294 Chs

The Beginning of The End

Grief comes in like waves in the ocean, at first, it was so intense as if you are swept away beyond your control, hitting you at random moments with old memory later replacing all those normal feelings with familiar tears. But as time goes on the grief lessens bit by bit though it is never forgotten, and sometimes happy memories flood in that allow waves of smiles and warmth, funny or sweet things to be said.

In the blink of an eye, ten years have passed and life is back to normal, though not completely.