
Chapter one

Molly was the King's illegitimate daughter. She grew up in a small village near the castle called. With no notion of a Princesses wealth or position, Molly had grown up a simple town girl. Molly was a skinny slip of a girl with curly dark brown hair. She and her mother had a small shop in the town where they sold herbal remedy' s and other cures from many different plants and flowers.

Molly sat at the top of a sand dune munching a pace of sweet bread. It was a clear day and the wind rushed past her ear, rustling her hair and reddening her cheeks with its icy sting. The sea lapped across the beach and Molly sat blissful unawares of the very real danger that sailed closer to her every moment.

P.o.v King Jack of the kingdom over the sea.

I stared out at the land ahead of me and smiled. This was the land we were going to pillage and all of my crew including myself were excited. We came a nearer and nearer to the beach until you could almost hear the boat scraping the sea bed.

The foaming water was cold far colder than any of the waters king Jack and his men were used to. The country King Jack lead was a fairly warm one, however one after another every single one of the vessels crew, except a skeleton crew of five men, jumped into the cold water.

The water came up to Jack waste as it did for most of his men. The cold water made it hard for Jack and his band of sailors to walk forward as they struck out for the shore.

Jack began to walk through the sea. The cold water lapped against his legs, instantly chilling him to the very bone. Even as the numbing pain of the icy water spread up his legs Jack saw her and his hart thumped faster than it ever had before.

When Molly realised that the men in the boats were invaders from across the sea, she began to climb the sand dune. She had to get back to the village and warn them of the impending invasion, it was all Molly could think of as she ran from the beach.

Jack had also speed up and was attempting to run. As Jack stumbled along, tripping at every step, he cursed his sea legs. Jack looked again at the beautiful girl he had seen as she tried to climb her way to the sand dunes. He had to possess her, Jack though he had to possess her smooth silky skin. He had to possess and own her completely.

When Molly finally pulled herself over the sand dunes, she raced at breakneck speed the rest of the distance into her village.

Invaders have come from over the sea, flee for your lives!

Mollys warning was headed just into time because not a second later King Jack and two of his men came bursting into the town.

Molly tried to run but as she did so she felt strong arms grip her waist and pull her to the ground. The man then tied a rope around her wrists. The ropes cut into Mollys wrists and she screamed and writhed in pain.

Jack slung Molly over her shoulders and carried Molly to his ship. The last sight Molly saw before she was taken from her village was one that would haunt her for decades to come. Molly cried as she saw fire engulf the house and shop where she and her mother lived and worked.