
The Prince Who Was Promised

Reinhold, the last remaining heir of the ancient chosen bloodline of the great house Lionheart, now bears the weight of his ancestors' legacy as reigning king of the Lionheart Kingdom. But this burden is not just one of duty and tradition; for centuries, his people have been trapped on the cursed continent of Laruthar, longing to break free. And now, as dark forces gather once more and magic slowly seeps away, Reinhold's shoulders bear an even greater weight - that of fulfilling a prophecy that speaks of a promised prince who will rise from the ashes and lead them to liberation. As he enters his twilight years, whispers swirl about whether this aging lion is truly the prophesied prince or just a mere pawn in the arrangement of fate. The stakes are high and the flames of corruption and despair threaten to consume them all. Readers can expect: Gore, slice of life, action, character focus, and some world-building (a lot, i hope so). I also like an 'animal' fighting style; like a lion, MC can reach this style later when he have crash out. This story is about: a king named Reinhold, who, in his twilight years, has to carry the fate of his kind and the burden of a prophecy.

chippubo12 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter 14.



A few days later, in the grand hall of the royal palace, it was adorned with opulent decorations but the atmosphere was heavy with tension. King Reinhold and Queen Ethelda sat at the head of a long table, surrounded by a group of somber nobles. A feast fit for a king was laid out before them, but no one had an appetite as they all awaited the imminent meeting. The silence was deafening, each one lost in their own thoughts and fears.

"Great news, my friend." Thorin declared proudly, his voice booming through the chamber. He stood at ease beside the king and queen, his posture confident and proud.

"We have taken every precaution to fortify our city," he continued. "Additional layers of metalwork have been added to the walls and gates, making them practically impenetrable. And we've dug a deep trench around the perimeter, filling it with sharp spikes and traps to dissuade any would-be attackers."

A murmur of relief ripples through the gathered throngs at the good news, and the atmosphere lightened considerably.

The king's expression softened slightly as he gazed upon Thorin, his eyes gleaming with approval. "Excellent job, my friend." he said warmly, clasping the dwarf on the shoulder. Thorin smiled back gratefully, his chest swelling with pride.

The queen, however, seemed less enthusiastic as her eyes burned with a cold fire as she remained rigid in her ornate throne. She watched the proceedings with a critical stare, her lips set in a thin line of disapproval. "That sounds like a great deal of unnecessary effort." she declared sharply.

Thorin felt a twinge of fear at her tone, but he stood his ground and met her gaze without faltering. "With all due respect, my queen, it is necessary for the safety and protection of our people- or should I say 'your people'." he countered.

The queen's expression turned to stone, her icy glare piercing through Thorin's resolve. "You may be a skilled craftsman and a loyal servant, Thorin, but that doesn't give you the authority to decide what is and isn't necessary."

"Then what would you have me do, Your Majesty? If you have better plans, I am all ears."

The queen's eyes flashed with indignation at his challenge, her fingers curling into tight fists. "How dare you question my judgement?!"

"Enough!!!" King Reinhold roared, slamming his hand on the table as he rose to his feet.

Everyone froze in fear as he fixed them with an angry glare, his eyes blazing with fury. "There will be no further discussion! I have spoken and my word is final. We must do everything within our power to ensure the safety of our kingdom, regardless of the cost."

Thorin bowed his head obediently and backed down. "Forgive my outburst." he mumbled sheepishly, his face flushed red in embarrassment.

"Enough about that," the king said, leaning forward. "In my years of absence, how has the situation been throughout the kingdom?" His voice echoed through the grand hall, bouncing off marble walls and high ceilings. His subjects sat up straighter in their seats, eager to report on the state of their home.

One member of the council, a robust man with thinning grey hair and pale blue eyes, cleared his throat and spoke up first, adjusting his monocle with trembling hands. "Your Grace, we are doing our best with the limited resources available to us. Our food supplies are holding steady, but I fear that this winter will be particularly harsh."

Another, a slender woman with silver streaking through her long brown hair, chimed in as she wrung her bony hands together nervously. "The situation in the forest is only getting worse. Countless elves have been forced to flee and the spiders are growing more aggressive by the day."

Her name is Blanka Rosendwin, lady of Dragonspire, known for her sharp wit and keen business sense that has led her house to great success. She was the lady of the prestigious Rosenwind house, a dynasty that has held power in Dragonspire for generations. Her piercing blue eyes survey her domain with calculated precision, always strategizing and seeking out new opportunities for profit.

A widow, she bears the weight of loss from a tragic fire that engulfed her firstborn son and husband several years ago. But despite this tragedy, she remains a fierce and determined single mother, fiercely devoted to protecting and providing for her remaining children.

"Ah, Lady Blanka, I assume you were already informed of the details by our raven?" King Reinhold asked.

The noblewoman greeted him with a respectful bow before answering. "Indeed I have, Your Grace. I have taken the necessary steps by deployed additional soldiers to the border of the forest and increasing patrols on all roads leading to it."

King Reinhold nodded, pleased with her initiative. "Excellent. Anything else you want to add?"

Lady Blanka's expression darkened, her mouth set in a hard line as she glanced at the other members of the Council. "There is something else I wish to discuss, though it is of a sensitive nature, Your Grace."

The king raised an eyebrow. "Speak your mind, my Lady."

Lady Blanka takes a deep breath before speaking, carefully choosing each word like weapons.

"I fear for the refugees, Your Grace. They are flocking to my city in droves, seeking shelter and sustenance. But as winter approaches, I fear we will not have enough resources to sustain them all." Her eyes pleaded for a solution, her heart heavy with the weight of their suffering.

She continued, her voice full of conviction. "I know they deserve our compassion as fellow allies, but it's tough to take care of so many when my own people are struggling to survive."

Reinhold furrowed his brow, deep in thought. "Hmmm...that is a valid concern. Perhaps we can reach an agreement with the other kingdom to share the responsibility."

A collective gasp rang out among the gathered nobles and they began talking excitedly amongst themselves at the prospect of receiving additional aid in exchange for taking in the unfortunate souls displaced by the chaos.

Lady Blanka smiled faintly, pleased that her message was getting through. "I appreciate your generosity, Your Grace. My family owes you a great debt." She bowed deeply once again.

"And until then, I'll make arrangements for them to stay outside the walls of my citadel." the queen added, her eyes glinting dangerously as she stared at Lady Blanka.

"Thank you, my Queen." The lady bowed her head in respect.

Reinhold nodded. "Good, that will be fine. Now onto the next order of business..."

The remainder of the afternoon seemed to drag on endlessly, with a barrage of monotonous reports about the state of the kingdom's infrastructure, finances, and agriculture. Reinhold sat patiently in his chair, feigning interest as his mind wandered elsewhere.

The voices of droning advisors blended together into one dull hum, the weight of their words heavy on his ears. Outside, the sun cast a warm amber glow over the royal chamber, but inside, Reinhold felt trapped in a sea of boredom and responsibility.

Suddenly, with a deep bow, the Royal Advisor, Lord Tibertus, spoke to the king in a voice that matched his formal and proper appearance.

"Your Majesty," he began, "in just 10 days, it will be the momentous occasion of Laruthar Academy's graduation day. After so many years of absence, I humbly suggest Your Majesty attends." The tall man stood straight and imposing in his black suit, his demeanor exuding formality and respect. Every word he spoke carried the weight of duty and decorum.

Reinhold looked up at the advisor, blinking slowly in surprise at the unexpected suggestion.

The Royal Advisor continued, "As I am well aware of Your Majesty's presence among our people, I humbly request that you visit the ceremony to celebrate the achievements of our future leaders and lords."

He paused, waiting for the king to speak up or offer some kind of response but Reinhold remained quiet.

After another awkward pause, Reinhold asked in a low tone. "Why do you ask, Tibertus?" His voice was tinged with suspicion as he regarded the man before him.

Tibertus took a deep breath before finally speaking up, his voice laced with apprehension. "Well, you see, Your Grace. Many of the students are the children of powerful families and important nobles.I believe your presence would greatly uplift their spirits and confidence."

The Royal Advisor's words echoed in the king's mind and his heart sank. "I suppose that would be wise. It would certainly give them hope for the future." Reinhold conceded, his shoulders slumping in defeat.

The advisor continued. "But I also know that the people are looking to you now, more than ever before, as their last bastion of hope. I urge you to consider this as an opportunity to show them that there is indeed still some goodness left in this land."

Reinhold closed his eyes tightly and let out a heavy sigh. "You are right."

The advisor gave a satisfied smile before continuing, "I'm very much pleased that you think so. I shall inform the headmaster of your arrival."

Reinhold couldn't help but voice his curiosity, "How many mages do we have this year?" He was genuinely curious to know the answer since the last time he was here, there was only 4 of them.

The advisor's disappointment was evident on his face. "Only one, I'm afraid. It was a bit of a shock for everyone, especially the headmaster. He's never been fond of having a single mage in the academy and now we only have one."

The king frowned in disappointment. "Is that so? What's the reason for such a drastic decline of mage talent these past decades? I used to know quite a few talented young ones back in the day."

The question hung heavy in the air, a weight that Reinhold could not escape. Reinhold's heart clenched with a mix of sadness and understanding as he posed the question to himself. Deep down, he already knew the answer.

For nearly two thousand years, this academy has stood as a symbol of excellence and honor. Reinhold himself was once a student here, long ago when he was just a child. It is the oldest and most prestigious academy as it once beckoned the finest mages and fiercest warriors across the continent, but its illustrious legacy now hangs by a thread.

Unfortunately, the values it once held dear have slowly diminished over time. In its glory days, all who crossed its threshold were treated as equals, regardless of title or status, were considered brothers. They learn about the precious things and great responsibilities of power before receiving it.

Now, this academy is nothing more than a place for nobles, or rather 'fools', to flaunt their family status and a playground to hunt talented individuals for their own 'politic game' and bolster their own ranks. The ideals that once bound students together as brothers have been overshadowed by greed and power. It hurts to see what this academy has become—a shell of its former self.

The king sighed, feeling a pang of nostalgia for his younger days.

Once a haven of enlightenment and virtuousness, the esteemed academy gradually succumbed to corruption and greed. The revered magicians, known for their wisdom and formidable powers, made a heartbreaking decision. They retreated to the magical towers nestled in the depths of the Whispering Forest, far from those who coveted their abilities for their own personal gain.

A wave of regret washed over Reinhold. He wished desperately that he could change things. But alas, he knew that such a thing was impossible, for the world had grown too dark and cruel.

"But please don't be too quick to despair, Your Grace. This year our academy welcomes up to 4 Awakened Rank students and 8 Adamantite level students." The advisor's voice cut through the heavy fog of memories, bringing Reinhold's mind back to reality. The king shook his head, clearing away the remnants of his thoughts.

"Adamantites and Awakened Rank at this age? Really? That is quite impressive, Tibertus." Reinhold said in surprise.

The concept of Rank and Level was deeply ingrained in the society of nobles as a way to quantify and compare one's strength and power. These metrics were carefully calculated and constantly monitored by the ruling class, with magical towers playing a crucial role in their measurement.

The mystical energy emanating from these towers would determine an individual's true Rank and Level, solidifying their place in the hierarchy. It was a system shrouded in mystery and coveted by many, for it held the key to gaining influence and status in this world governed by strength.

The Rank order is arranged as follows:

Mythical Rank


Legendary Rank


Heroic Rank


Awakened Rank


Adamantite Level


Diamond Level






Reinhold had never paid much attention to the ranking system. As someone with the blood of the chosen one, he saw it as a shallow and arbitrary way to categorize people based on their power and status. To him, it seemed absurd that the nobles placed so much value on something so superficial and devoid of any true measure of worth.

It was like saying a person's value was solely based on the strength of their muscles. Such a notion was laughable to Reinhold, but he knew that changing the world's perspective would not happen overnight. All he could do was continue to strive for excellence and lead by example, showing that true strength did not always equate to cruelty or arrogance.

The thought of seeing the academy's students filled him with mixed emotions. On one hand, it would be exciting to see what new and talented youths have to offer. However, he couldn't shake off the nagging sense of foreboding. He wondered if the current generation had the potential to bring forth positive change or simply repeat the mistakes of the past? Only time will tell.

The king turned his attention back to the Royal Advisor and spoke with a firm tone.

"I'll attend the graduation day. Let us see what kind of promising talent the academy will have for our continent." His words rang loud and clear through the room, causing all present to hold their breaths and await his next words with bated breath. There was a tense silence that lingered in the air.

"Very well, then, we will prepare everything accordingly for your attendance, Your Grace." Tibertus said with pride and excitement in his voice as he bowed his head in gratitude to the king.

Reinhold smiled, his heart swelling with pride at the thought of seeing his kingdom's future leaders and warriors come together for a common cause.

This was an opportunity to show the citizens of the realm that their rulers cared about them, and that there were still people who wanted to make a difference in their world. The sight of hundreds upon hundreds of young faces, filled with hope and determination, would surely lift their spirits, reinvigorating their faith in humanity.

The image brought joy to the king's heart. He knew that it would be a beautiful day indeed.

"I'm looking forward to meeting this talented generation." Reinhold said with a smile.

With that, everyone bowed in unison and left the room, leaving only a few guards and servants behind to clean up after dinner.

Reinhold rose to his feet, stretching his limbs and letting out a yawn before walking down from the high table. His footsteps echoed through the empty hall, reverberating against the stone walls. As he walked past, the servants bowed and murmured their greetings, keeping their heads lowered in deference. He paid no attention to them, however, as his thoughts were occupied by the day that awaits him in the near future.

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