
The Prince of the Winter: A Legend of Runeterra. (Prototype)

14 years have passed since Noxus attacked Ionia. Many have gone back to their homes and lives before the war. They seem to have rehabilitated... Tho this will change. The embodiment of the Winter, also know as The Prince of the Winter has awakened from his 14 year slumber. He now seeks revenge against the ones that trapped him in stasis, and he'll get his revenge.... Even if it means bringing the whole First Lands in front of the Immortal Bastion. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This fan fiction novel takes place in the Canon Runeterra universe of the League of Legends™ game. Some Characters, locations and other elements are copyrighted (©) and belong to Riotgames™. I do not take credit for them. Cover by Minn Hagen. The original can be found here: minnhagen.deviantart.com/gallery/

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Sylas of Dregbourne.

As the Winter stepped foot on the stairs, he was met with two dozen of soldiers and Mageseekers. In front of them stood two men, King Jarvan and the Grand Mageseeker.

"Halt, Winter!" the Grand Mageseeker yelled from below. "Do not take another step forward, or we'll attack!"

Lanius looked at them. "I suppose the alarm was for me, then?"

"Admit that you schemed to kill us within the court, as Sylas invaded!" the Grand Mageseeker framed him.

"If I wanted to kill you, I'd have already done so." Lanius exclaimed. Dark clouds formed behind him on the horizon. "My goal here was pretty simple, to just rest for a few days. But as it seems, Demacia is full of monsters and human monsters alike."

"You speak of monsters, half-breed demon?" The Grand Mageseeker questioned.

"The half-bred demon is in control of the weather, Grand Mageseeker! Never forget that!" Lanius was hurling lightning bolts at him through his eyes. "Never forget that the one in front of you is capable of eradicating your land in seconds! I will no longer stand your idiotic ways!"

Lanius pointed his hand towards the King as a lightning bolt struck in the background. "Demacia allowed mages to live a happy life, till one man humiliated you, the same man that you tried to kill for speaking to your fiancé." Lanius chuckled. "Killing one for simply keeping company to an imprisoned."

Lanius suddenly saw commotion on the gate's side of the town. He could see a mob composed of men and women with glowing hands. They were guided by a hooded man in a white sleeveless coat, with two big cuffs in his hands.

Jarvan turned his head towards that side as well. His expression changed from anger to anxiety and then rage. The rest of the soldiers and Mageseekers also turned. Their expressions mimicked the King's, and soon all of them except the Grand Mageseeker faced the crowd.

Xin Zhao emerged from the palace and stood next to him.

"Pretty bad weather, isn't it?" he casually asked in Ionian.

"Perhaps. I sense a storm coming." Lanius replied, also in Ionian.

"It's time for the wolf to dance with us. Will you join me in this battle, Winter?" the Spear of Demacia questioned.

"I'd rather challenge the wolf, than embrace the lamb. I've done so so many times, what's one more?" Lanius stated as he summoned his Krigsoks. He then raised his free hand in the air and clenched his fist.

A bolt of blue light flew from his hand into the sky, and exploded into a howling wolf head.

Xin Zhao smiled and stepped down, with the young man besides him. The Grand Mageseeker took a step back as Lanius passed by him. "In the future, consider who you enlist within your ranks, so you won't need to repeat what will happen today." he said to him with a wide grin.

"I regret nothing!" he said through his teeth, glaring daggers at the Winter.

Lanius stopped directly next to the King, adjacent to Xin Zhao.

"Your Majesty, it seems that you'll need my assistance regardless." the young man muttered.

"Every man that's willing to help is gladly accepted in Demacia, even if he committed a crimes." Jarvan stated and raised his spear.

The Demacian army marched towards the mage mob. Little by little, tgey approached them. And then they came into a complete stop leaving ten meyers between the two sides.

"Jarvan! You wouldn't expect me so soon, would you?" Sylas of Dregbourne yelled.

"As it seems, your plans of seizing the rune failed, Kingslayer!" the King muttered.

"Seizing? Oh it wasn't that what I planned. This was that foolish girls plan...which failed. You Mageseekers and soldiers are purely idiotic." It was as if Sylas' words dripped poison.

Lanius looked at him. "You seem so optimistic that you'll succeed in the end. With a madman like you here, no wonder Demacia is in internal war."

Sylas nodded negatively. "Nah...this is where you are wrong. It's the system that is at fault, not me. If the law of the stone wasn't put in place, nothing would've been this way."

"Regardless, Sylas...it's you who attacked first." Xin Zhao pointed out.

"Ice mage, you joined forces with the those that oppress us?" Sylas faked a surprised look.

"Oh I'm not an ice mage. I'm just the Winter, and I just found the source of the problem." Lanius exclaimed.

"Well see about that then, Winter." Sylas said through his teeth and clanged the chains around his wrists like whips.

"DEMACIA!" Jarvan yelled, followed by the other Demacians who rushed towards the mob.

"Annihilate them!" Sylas roared as he charged towards Jarvan, with the other mages behind him.

A clash between the two sides ensued, with Jarvan and Sylas being at the center of it. Lanius had not seen the rage that was depicted in both of their faces anywhere else. It was as if the two individuals had done terrible things to each other and wanted their head as payback.

Lanius raised his Krigsoks and slammed it on a mage, just as he was about to hit a Xin Zhao with magic bolt.




Lux and Garen stepped out of the palace and looked at the chaos that ensued. Garen first looked at his sister and then at the commotion. His eyes then landed on Sylas and Jarvan, who still fought.

"Lux, go home." he said to his little sister. His voice was stone cold.

"What? No, I'll come help you." Lux protested.

Garen clenched his fists and looked at her. "Lux, You'll go home right now!"

"No I won't, I'll come help!" she raised her voice.

"I don't want that maniac to kill you, I don't want them to see you use magic, especially uncle! It's not like the fort. Those at the fort gave an oath." Garen placed a hand on her shoulder. "Please do this for me."

Lux gave him a hug. Then something clicked inside her head. "Galio! Just like the fort!"

Garen looked at her. "Are you sure?"

"I am. Please buy me time." Lux put her hood on and rushed off.

Garen drew his sword and rushed towards the clash. He had to pay back the Kingslayer for the trauma he caused her.

"Demacia!" he yelled as he dashed forward.

Suddenly, five more sets of footsteps sounded behind him.

"Do you remember the plan?" a female voice asked.

"Nope, but let's do it!" a male voice replied.

"Ay, don't get killed for some mage-haters! We have a war to win." another male voice spoke.


Garen turned his head towards the source of the sound, as two figures swooped by him. His head darted forward again, and met with a male and female Lhotlan.

Specifically, the two Lhotlan he saw at the Inn.

"What's the hell are you doing here?!" he demanded to know and came into a hault. The two vastaya stopped as well.

"Oh, we're here to help your ugly magic-hating asses, because the Winter called us. Don't get cocky though." Xayah replied.