
The Prince of the Forgotten

Telenor, a world of magic, adventure and war, will descend into chaos when the Forgotten Ones return...

Aywwen · Fantasy
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Chapter 4: The first steps to magical mastery

I venture towards the lake, my thoughts racing. Although the uncertainty of my survival in this world gnaws at me, one thing is certain: I must master magic if I hope to survive here. With each step, the murmur of the water becomes more audible, blending with the rustle of branches in the wind. A fine mist floats on the surface of the lake, illuminated by a bluish light emanating from the moss proliferating all around.

I sit down at the water's edge, taking a deep breath to soothe my frustration and fear. I remember the big wolf's advice: feel the magic, draw it to you... Maybe I can do it again.

I close my eyes and begin to concentrate. Inside my closed eyelids, colored dots dance. The red ones represent the element of fire, but to catch a fish, I need something else. I focus on the blue dots, striving to feel their liquid, fluid nature. Gradually, they respond to my call, gathering around my perception.

"Reach out and imagine yourself manipulating the water..." I murmur to myself, echoing the wolf's words.

I reach out towards the lake, visualizing the blue dots penetrating the water and manipulating it. A slight vibration runs through my fingers, and soon a thin trickle of water rises from the surface to form a small wave that rises and falls. Encouraged by this success, however small, I concentrate even harder. I now attempt a more advanced interaction, moving the water and attracting the fish.

I visualize the whole lake, feeling the small movements beneath the surface. Blue energy converges, creating ripples. Then something happens: a silver fish shoots out of the water, attracted by the magical wave I've created. Instinctively, I reach out my hand, and the water, still under my control, catches the fish in mid-air and gently deposits it on the bank.

I smile proudly as I gaze at my glistening catch. "Yes, I did it!"

Suddenly, a husky, laughing voice echoes behind me. "Not bad for a beginner." I turn around and see the big wolf, accompanied by a few members of the pack. They seem to be watching, assessing every effort I produce.

"Thank you," I say, out of breath from this feat. "But I've still got to... uh... clean and cook my fish."

"Exactly," replies the big wolf in a serious voice. "Magic isn't just about power, it's also about mastery and understanding. That comes with practice."

With a sharp stone, I open the fish and remove what doesn't seem edible. Thinking back to the wolf's words, I decide not to stop there. I examine the fish and concentrate again, this time on the red dots representing fire.

Having regained my concentration, I create a small flame in my palm. Cautiously, I direct it at the fish. Soon, the smell of cooked flesh fills the air, and my gaze settles proudly on this modest meal.

I sit down, exhausted but satisfied. The big wolf continues to watch me, a look of approval in his bright eyes.

"You may have a chance of survival after all," he says, looking at me intently. "But your challenges don't end there. Tomorrow, you'll have to learn other aspects of magic. You'll need to understand it in all its variations so you can defend yourself and fit into this world."

"I understand," I say, biting into my freshly cooked fish. The simple yet nourishing flavor sounds like the best meal I've had in a long time.

After eating, I realize I'm cold; after all, I'm completely naked. I gather a lot of moss and try to light it again. I recreate a flame, this time more controlled, to warm the moss. It's been an interminable day; I'm exhausted, my feet bloody, my skull on fire, but that doesn't stop me from sinking into a deep sleep.