
The Prince of the Forgotten

Telenor, a world of magic, adventure and war, will descend into chaos when the Forgotten Ones return...

Aywwen · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: The cavern

"What am I to do then? What should I do in this world? Argh, this is getting on my nerves. Besides, what world am I from?

- I don't know what world you're from, human, and I don't know why the goddess summoned you. You'll learn the answers as you go along. If you stay alive...

- If? If I stay alive???

The gigantic wolf nods. I'm completely lost. I let out a sigh. I just want to sleep.

The wolf looks at me.

- I have to teach you customs and, above all, toughen you up. I don't know what your world is like, but it's certainly nothing like yours.

I don't answer.

- Follow me," he says in a tone without appeal.

I will. I really just want to sleep.

The other wolves follow suit. For what seems like an eternity, I follow the big wolf. We finally reach the entrance to an old cave. The wolf enters, and I follow hesitantly. Do I really have a choice? Not really, no.

As I cross the threshold, I'm surprised. The cavern is immense, illuminated by a kind of reflective foam that emits a blue light. It's absolutely magnificent. The wolf looks at me with pride. Why is he proud? Because it's his home?

At the bottom of the cave, there's a small natural lake. Without hesitation, I rush to the lake to drink. The water is cold, but so good. I drink until I'm thirsty.

- You're unconscious, human.

I look at him with water dripping from my mouth. - Why is that?

- Many lakes and ponds are dangerous, not only for drinking, but also because of the dangerous beasts that lurk or prowl nearby.

- Beasts? What kind of beasts?

- There are so many different kinds that I won't waste my time listing them," he says, yawning.

I look around and notice that the other wolves are gone.

- Where are the other wolves?

- Some have gone to get something to eat, others are exploring, and still others are standing guard around the cave.

The wolf settles in one spot of the cave and doesn't move. I explore the cave for a while. It's really big. I notice a tunnel. I follow it for a while and land in a room worthy of a palace. A huge hall in the depths of the cavern, with huge marble pillars covered in gold leaf supporting the vault, which looks like the starry sky outside. Even the two moons are represented, exactly as in today's sky. It's bizarre. On the floor, a huge red carpet leads to a dais with a magnificent black and red seat. I want to go there, I feel like the throne is calling me.

The wolf seems to materialize behind me. He walks around me and says:

- You might be able to claim that throne one day, but for now, I strongly advise you not to go near it. You'd lose your life.

Stunned, I ask him why.

- Magic will kill you.

Magic what? Magic? Is there really such a thing? I quickly accept. Nothing surprises me anymore.

- Follow my lead. You've seen enough for today. My children have brought food.

Backwards, I follow the wolf.

We arrive back in the huge cave. A pack of wolves is there, almost all of them gigantic, but some of them are normal-sized cubs. The pack's hunters have caught a deer and some kind of giant buffalo.

- Should I eat the meat raw?

The wolf looks at me and says:

- If you wish, but I think it makes humans... sick, doesn't it? You have to cook it, don't you?

- Yes, cooked is better. It annoys me. I know some things about my old world, but there's so much I don't know.

- Do you have a lighter or matches to light the wood? Should I go and get some wood, since there's none here?

- Lighter? Matches? What's this?" he says, looking at me as if I'm an idiot.

- Uh, they're fire-starting tools.

- I don't know," he says, shaking his head.

- You can start a fire with moss, I think. It's too dangerous to go outside.

- And how do I light moss without tools?

- With magic.

- Magic???

I look at the wolf, incredulous. How on earth can I use magic?