
The Prince Of Night

A story from the series The Princes Of Galaxies. https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-princes-of-galaxies_21734481506444505 The night. Ariadne feels as if he could only exist in the night, where he rules, and his kingdom, the most famous planet in the galaxy banished from the light forever. He has such a past, his nature is complex, but that won't stop this fiery and so ignorant princess from wanting to know and love him.

ashellion · Sci-fi
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163 Chs


  For this outing, Ariadne had opted for a trendy printed shirt dress, and decided to let her hair float freely down her back after having combed it until it shone. Wearing black leather sandals that went perfectly with her big black bag, she was ready.

- Ah this long sleep is perfect for your complexion my dear. Attacked at once the writer by seeing his pupil going down the staircase with grace to join him.

- Good morning to you also uncle Seurus, answered gently Ariadne. And thank you, she added, giving him a mischievous smile. I suppose that it was also to inform me indirectly that I was awful to my arrival of yesterday!

- But not at all, what you think. Her uncle wore a bright yellow polo shirt with gray canvas pants and soft brown loafers. A gold watch was on his wrist. 

- So you're taking me to lunch, Uncle Seurus?

- Of course I am. Let's go.

- A Bugatti Veron! Wow, you've really stepped into the big leagues, dear godfather.