
One Bad Day (2)



Noticing that his first question was unanswered, Lord El-Melloi II spoke again.

"You didn't answer my first question, what are you doing here, Reines?" He repeated, observing his 'little sister' carefully for any signs of lie.

The smirk from before made a return as she noticed the suspicious look on his face.

"Oh nothing, I was just on my way to your office and I found something interesting." She explained vaguely.

"And what's that?" Lord El-Melloi II inquired, his frown deepening at the mischievous tone lying beneath her gentle voice.

"Like I said, something interesting." Reines grinned.

The mere sight caused a seed of dread to appear in the pit of his stomach.

Just as he was about to insist on getting a real answer out of her instead of vague words, a loud noise of something breaking thundered above their heads.

Four eyes snapped to the ceiling with expressions that varied from surprise and curiosity, then they heard muffled voices that were loud enough to pass through the concrete. Two female voices were heard, shrieking at one another, and Lord El-Melloi II recognized both of them entirely.

The color from his face began to drain the longer he listened.







The second he heard another crash, the long-haired professor bolted, going pass an amused-looking Reines and an impassive-looking Trimmau and up the stairs as if the hounds of hell were nipping at his feet. He didn't even heard Gray calling after him as he went up the stairs as fast as his weak body can allow.

His destination: the office.

By the time he arrived, he was panting and ready to keel over out of pushing his weak body past its limits.

But Lord El-Melloi II persevered, gritting his teeth as he forced the doors to his office to open.

Only to gasped as he was immediately horrifying sight.

His office was in disarray. Splinters of wood and broken glass were littered in the center of the room where the coffee table was once standing. The couches were moved and tumbled over, and there were small holes spread all over them that were two to three centimeters wide. The bookshelves were also damaged and skewed, with most of the books on the ground, dirtied and trampled upon.

Seeing his precious tomes and research notes lying carelessly on the dirtied floor was enough to bring the normally composed professor onto his knees in despair.

"NOOOOOOO!" He wailed.

The sound his voice caused the occupants in the room to snap their attention to him in surprise.

Lord El-Melloi II, however, didn't care about that.

Instead, anger had replaced his sadness like a switch.

Immediately, his eyes sought out the probable suspects for the cause of his once clean office.

Immediately, his eyes sought out the probable suspects for the cause of his once clean office.

Taking notice of the two twin-tailed haired cousins, who were still fighting and pulling each other's hairs… and somehow remained oblivious to his presence.

"Grrr… let go, you gorilla!" Rin shouted, glaring at the blonde.

"You let go first, you insolent barbarian!" Luvia fired back, returning the glare with equal ferocity.

Righteous anger bubbled up in his chest, Lord El-Melloi II didn't noticed Gray nervously backing away from him as he pointed an accusing finger at the two idiots with his teeth bared in anger.




Nothing much to say, except... poor MC. He just got dragged in to trouble when he only wanted to visit someone.

Anyways, that's all for now. Hope you guys enjoyed these two chapters. Stay tuned for the new ones next week.

Thank you for reading. Stay safe and healthy, guys!

Au revoir pour le moment! :)

Regius_Sanguiscreators' thoughts
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