
The Prince of Curse : Time

The curse has been nicknamed the "Prince of Time" in a world full of mystery, history that has never been written. The mission to find the truth about who he was was never clear. Like a time machine, the world changes in an instant at the same time. The 5 seasons humans become clues to reveal the truth in the past and the future. Magic is the source of everything. Behind the mystery of life, love stories also affect the world in which they travel. Will love be real? * Cut Ara *

Cut_Ara · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Underground Prisoners Disappeared

It's good to see Moin-Moin smiling again, I'm so grateful to you God.

"Prince ...." Tamsa screamed as she ran. It looks like something happened.

"What's the matter Tamsa? Why are you in such a hurry?" I asked in surprise.

"It's bad Prince, King ..." Tamsa decided.

"What? What's with the king?" I asked in panic, Tamsa still didn't answer. "Say it!" I shouted standing up.

"Dear Prince, something has happened in the palace today," he said, looking down.

"Which matter?

"The underground prisoner has escaped, sorry Prince, it's not that I didn't watch him, I swear to always supervise the dungeon, but the prisoner didn't escape by opening the prison and then running, but the prisoner suddenly disappeared, it seems like he's been kidnapped by an expert. black magic. Sorry Prince, to penetrate my mistake the Prince has the right to punish or kill me! " Tamsa said so long and then gave himself up.

"Never mind, the most important thing we have to find her, now I order all the palace guards to look for that sneaky prisoner!" I commanded firmly. Tamsa looked down and left. "Wait! I prevented him.

"What's the matter, Prince?"

"Why was the first person you told this news was me? Where is the King?" my surprise.

"Forgive Prince, I was looking for the King earlier, but the advisor told me that the King was being treated, his blood vomiting disease recurred," said Tamsa.

"Alright, continue my orders!" I said. Advisor huh? I never trusted this adviser, maybe he has something to do with everything that has happened in the palace, the sick king and the escaped prisoners. Then I must take action to keep the adviser away from the palace.

"Moin-Moin, stay in the palace, I'll be right back!" I ordered Moin-Moin, then left.

"Eh ..."

Anyway I need to quickly take action before ...

"Pa .. Prince, Prince where are you going?" Tamsa asked in front of the palace gate.

"Why are you still here?"

"Oh, I have carried out your orders to order the guards to find that woman," said Tamsa as if thinking of something.

"Then you ... why don't you go find her?"

"My goodness, Prince, I just want to keep watch around the palace to make sure if any black magic appears again, then I will report to the Prince." Tamsa really cares about the palace, I really trust him.

"Then continue, I will go to see the King and there is something I have to do with the advisor, I am leaving!" I said growled and hurried away.

"W ... wait the Prince!" I looked back. "Look, Prince, I don't think it's the right time to take other action, sorry Prince but, the current condition is a very emergency, shouldn't we find that prisoner right away? I also feel that although the palace guards are many, but to face magic. and black magic is very risky. Sorry Prince if I can beg, please face that black magic, we are only weak bodyguards, do not have blue blood and are not allowed to learn magic, only the prince can do it, so help us! " Tamsa kneels to me, I think he has a big soul, a sense of humanity and his fellow guards he hopes that none of his friends will be hurt.

"Then okay, I'll take care of that advisor later. You're right now the most important thing I have to find that cunning woman and black magic who kidnapped her! I returned to the palace for a while then went looking for her," I said then returned to the palace to take my magic wand.

In the Saka palace, the only ones allowed to use magic wands are nobles and royal heirs. Just like my mother, her blood flowed to me, although I'm not very good at using wands and spells, but I will try to be, because I'm sure my father's blood flows to me, he is very good at using white magic. So I know from the story of 'Prince Buth and White Magic' which I read from a history book in 1862.

After I took my wand, I went to see Moin-Moin.

"Moin-Moin, stay in the palace, I'll be right back!" then I left, Moin-Moin silent looking at me with sparkling eyes. I'm sorry Moin-Moin, please don't worry about anything!

I got on my horse and searched as fast as I could. I searched Tuha Mountain, but there is no magic scent on this mountain, this mountain is too peaceful to be contaminated by strange creatures. In that case, I'm looking for him on the next mountain. Nothing really, some of the bodyguards who were looking for him there looked tiring, never mind this is not the time to feel sorry, duty is still duty. I searched all the way to the last mountain, namely Mount Siru. No, there isn't any sign here. What's all this, why is it that there are no signs everywhere?

"Prince!" one of the palace guards summoned me from afar on his horse. It seems like he is very panicked and wants to report something important, have they discovered the existence of magic?

The guard reached me and got off his horse. "My goodness prince! There is something going on in the palace!"

"What? What happened? Could it be ..."

"That's right, Prince, that black magic has entered the palace, and the King has been attacked by that black magic," said the guard bowed regretfully.

"This is bad, it's no wonder I've been looking everywhere but she's not there," I said angrily. It gets in my mind, if the king is attacked it means ... Moin-Moin!

I got on my horse and returned quickly to the palace, but even though my horse's movement was fast it still took about 4 hours to arrive at the palace. I won't let someone hurt Moin-Moin and the people I love!

Arriving at the palace at night, I immediately rushed into the palace. The first person I looked for was Moin-Moin, fortunately I saw that Moin-Moin was fine.

"Moin-Moin!" I hugged her tight.

"My goodness, Prince! Because I can't protect the King!" Tamsa looked down.

"What are you doing? Isn't it your job to protect the King? Even though you are in the palace, but you ..." I said angrily at the Tamsa I trusted.

"Forgive Prince, I saw it myself, at that time I was also in the palace after escorting the King from treatment, he ... Guard Tamsa is a traitor, he has collaborated with black magic, I saw him myself Prince!" said the advisor firmly.

"Traitor?" I glared at Tamsa and the Advisor, I circled them. "Let me tell you who the real traitors in this palace are!" I said angrily. Everyone is whispering and wondering who is the traitor I mean. "Guards, put the Counselor into the dungeon!" my orders. Everyone didn't expect it, but that's how it was.

Wait, Prince! What was my fault, everything I said was true. Prince, Tamsa is the real traitor, why are you punishing me? "The advisor is still defending him.

"Then can you explain why you always bring the king to the place of treatment and what causes the King to get so sick? Isn't it all because of you? Then, you even made the story of Tamsa betraying and about disputes with black magic. You know I've dreamed of betrayal. that, because only you know about it then I am very sure you are the traitor, the Guards carry out my orders! I'm sure after the King knows your true nature then you will die in his hands!" I said very angrily.

The guards immediately arrested the Advisor and took him to prison.

"Wait! Prince, you can imprison me, but remember one thing, never let anger get into you, stay calm as your teacher taught you to use arrows, it is used not only when shooting but also when you face fear. Prince, clear water can be melting dirty stones, a person's sincerity can only be seen from the clearness of the water. I believe in the King, and I leave my duty to you, because I also trust you!" That's what the Counselor said one last time.

Those words were the incantations I used to say when eliminating witches. That spell is a secret between me and Queen Sabiru, how does the Counselor know? No, I can't let my guard down because of that spell, maybe the Counselor knows because he in cahoots with black magic, no, black magic can't possibly know the spell, no ... no ... no ... who should I believe , alright, this is not a time to be confused, I should trust people who are loyal to me rather than people who have clearly been traitors.
