
The Prince of Curse : Time

The curse has been nicknamed the "Prince of Time" in a world full of mystery, history that has never been written. The mission to find the truth about who he was was never clear. Like a time machine, the world changes in an instant at the same time. The 5 seasons humans become clues to reveal the truth in the past and the future. Magic is the source of everything. Behind the mystery of life, love stories also affect the world in which they travel. Will love be real? * Cut Ara *

Cut_Ara · Fantasy
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The Same Failure

Hh ... hhh ... I dreamed again. Hhhh ... I was crying and shaking while sleeping. But, how could this all seem real. Hiks ... hiks ... if it is real, is it true that Prince Cristal and Princess Amoi died because of princess Buroe's magic? Unbelievable, poor them. Hiks ... hiks ...! Huh, the pearl necklace is shining, what does that mean? A lizard in the cave told me, which meant that the story was true and true.

I ran from the cave at dawn to Buroe's grandmother's house, I was really waiting for the truth from Buroe's grandmother. Unresolved problems must end peacefully without resentment.

Finally I arrived at Buroe's grandmother's house at noon. I felt tired and fell limp in front of them. Grandma Buroe is smiling broadly again, I don't know what she is thinking, but it was all planned, she knows who I really am, so I have to ask her "what is my relationship with the past?" Now is the time to know the truth.

"Grandma, admit that you bewitched your siblings and siblings!" I said to her.

"Owh ... the voice of the little girl I miss, the old you and the resurrected you, you are the same curious girl and unfortunately you are poor girls. Hahahaa…" Still she had a big laugh, for her this is just a joke, just see how I will reveal the truth.

"Slowly or sooner everything will be revealed, you better finish everything, so that their spirits leave in peace ..." I cried and hoped so.

"Is that so, I was wrong! Oh God forgive all my sins, I ... I ... hahahahaha ...." To her all joke, you cunning witch!

I was about to stand up, but my legs went numb as soon as I saw Grandma Buroe's hand controlling my body.

"Moin-Moin, get the pot on the firewood! I want to give my guest the best cuisine ever."

She thinks I will eat it, I won't. Never again will I be fooled by an evil magician like her. Moin-Moin did what the witch ordered, Moin-Moin's eyes turned green, I think Moin-Moin is being controlled and utilized.

"Say, what is my relationship with the past? And why are you targeting me and trying to get rid of me? " I asked looking at her sharply.

"Here, Grandma!" Moin-Moin gave the pot to Buroe's grandmother. Moin-Moin doesn't even look at me. After bringing the pot she stood upright beside the house.

Grandma Buroe opened the lid and found that it was not food, but water which I thought had been cast.

"Uh… I forgot, it turns out I didn't cook delicious food, but delicious water. You know I'm old, I will be happy to give you a delicious tasting spring. Take it! " said Grandma Buroe with her ekting. She thinks I will accept hers offer, so just keep hers thoughts.

"My hands are getting sore, you don't want the water? Okay, I better throw it away before the water becomes cloudy," she said, turning around. "But ... don't you feel tired?" she continued, smiling broadly.

Bsyurrrr ... Grandma Buroe deliberately doused me with water from the pot.

"Grandmother! What are you doing?" Moin-Moin woke up and panicked.

"Too bad an evil witch, my weakness is not just a water spring, but sleeping during the day!" I bully it.

"I know, you take it easy. I've prepared everything," she said. Grandma Buroe lit a fire on a wooden branch and chanted a spell.

"What are you doing?" I panicked even more. Could it be ... she put me to sleep with hers magic. I tightened my eyelids and tried not to fall asleep, but I couldn't hold it in, my eyes began to close tightly. I glanced at Moin-Moin which was busy with green balls.


I woke up from sleep, just like when my body disappeared that was stranded to a further place, getting back to Moin-Moin was my greatest journey. All right, now let me see my new mission, where is it? I don't think there's a single leaf here. Oh, my identification necklace ... Violet? Why am I wearing Violet's necklace and where am I?

"Jaaaa ..." Someone startled me. "Hahaha ... look at your surprise, you're so cute, hahaha ..." He's a handsome man with piercings in his ears.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"I am Prince Schnee-J, Your Majesty! Hahaha, our Violet acts really well, right?"

He knew Violet. Wait, I understand, just like when I was in Amoi's body and entered the story of Prince Buth and Princess Katrinei, then that means I will meet them at Konai's palace. This is my chance to reveal the truth to Prince Buth and Princess Katrinei, and stop Princess Buroe with her evil plans.

"Schnee-J, when is the celebration of Katrinei's daughter's pregnancy party at Konai Palace?" I asked him as if I was Violet.

"Schnee-J? You always call me My Love," he wondered.

"Oh… I just… act! Yes, act. " I'm finished.

"Hahaha ... your act is really bad, you have to learn more from me, huh!" he said, stroking my head.

"Erm, let's say when the party starts?"

"What do you mean, the party question was celebrated two months ago, My love ..." he replied softly.

"What ... two months ago, now ... how is the princess now?" I asked in surprise.

"They are fine. I know you must be worried because next month we will get married soon and we will also have children. I wanted to see how I was called Father, not even the King or Your Majesty. Shiit, want any position, if you already have a child then it's better that the child calls i'm Dad, right? My love! You hear me?"

"Hah?" I woke up from my reverie and felt anxious for Katrinei's daughter.

"Are you all right, My love?" asked Prince Schnee-J anxiously.

"No, I have to go to Konai Palace to inform the Princess." I ran away from Prince Schnee-J.

"Hey wait, why don't you just give me a letter?" Prince Schnee-J was after me.

Arriving at the courtyard of Konai Palace, I didn't even know what to get through, the many bodyguards and the tight security.

"My love, you seriously want to do this?" asked Prince Schnee-J.

"Um, of course. Are you afraid?" I asked back.

"Heh, scared? I am Prince Schnee-J, the single most handsome Prince in the world and I will marry the most beautiful Princess Violet in the world, pledging to be willing to sacrifice for my loyalty to her and the people," said Prince Schnee-J, making me laugh.

Suddenly I saw a black robe from the backyard of the palace, a person in black robes was riding a horse.

"Come on, quickly!" We ran after the person.

"Stop ....!" For an instant the horse stopped.

The person driving it looked back. As it turned out, she was Princess Buroe.

There is nothing I can do now, apart from stopping that witch from committing crimes in the next two months.

"Princess Buroe! You have to stop committing crimes to your brother. Don't do something heinous, I know you can't take it, but ... don't you see the results of your crime. You ... became a murderer. Princess Amoi and Prince Cristal ... hiks ... hiks .... please stop doing it, please ...!" I said while kneeling at her.

"My love, what are you doing?" asked Prince Schnee-J.

"Prince, bring your fiancé back!" ordered Princess Buroe.

I ran and stopped the horse from walking. "Princess Buroe, I know you have a kind heart. Don't turn the dew into the mud of hell. If you stop committing crimes, then history will be better off later," I kept pleading.

"People say history can't be changed, so what are you doing, changing it?" Princess Buroe gave me a sharp look.

"Ya, if I can do it why not. All I have to do is stop you! " i said firmly.

"Stop me ... then I'll stop you, anyway I need more carcasses for my potion, hahahaha ...." Princess Buroe teased me with her wand.

"What are you doing, Princess? My love, My love ...! " screamed Prince Schnee-J.

"N ... no Prince, you go!" i said weakly.

"No ... I promise you My love, I will hold your hand and die with you, I'm willing to do it for my love."
