
King of the Wolves

It was cold night and Second Prince of Werios Ren was still doing his paper work

'' Tch.. I hate paperworks, I should be with my brother Laurence in the Great War!" he shouted.

His fairy blond hair were long to the bottom. His eyes, so blue, so clear and cold were like ice. Pure.. and so dead. He thrown papers trought the room and watched like they are slowly falling on the floor.

" I should be with my brother in the war, he mutterd, like a man and Second Prince of this kingdom!! Why am I still in this city! Its always so cold and raining!" The room he was in, looked like a square. The walls were made of cement and stone. The floor was made of the most beutiful wood he could see. On the floor was carpet, made of red wool, and in the midlle was erb of the kingdom. The White wolf, with blue eyes. Werion. The saint Wolf, the God of the wolves.

The blue eyed beast. He had many names, and many stories about him.

Prince's eyes looked at this symbol. Simbol of power and guidence. " Tch.. I hate wolves. " He mutterd. Behind him was a big table, made of the same wood as the floor, and behind the table was window. A window that prince was watching over his City. The Capital city of his kingdom. Capitol.

The city of Wall. The Capitol was protected by one hundred feet tall wall called Ezra. The wall was named after First King of Werios's wife Queen Ezra from Genweld.

,, I hate it.. he said, I hate this bloody War!!" he shouted through the room.

Ren looked once more at the Capitol through the window. The moon gave the city strange and misterious luster. He turned and left the study. The door to the study was made of oak wood. They were massive and difficult to open. The handle was ball-shaped and made entirely of gold.

,,That door might weigh a ton!" thought prince.

,,C-Come on.. open..UP!" as soon as the door opened, Ren stumbled on the door step and almost fell.

,,Shit!" Ren cursed. As he straightened his fairy hair curled. The corridor where Ren was at the moment, and his Study were located in the North Wing of the Castle. The Corridor was about fourty meters long, and ten meters wide. To his right, there were twelve windows, a meter apart. The windows were lined with dark blue curtains wearing lily paterns.

To his left were eight royal chambers, three offices and one huge bedroom. As Ren was walking, he heard the door of one of the chambers slowly opened. Then he felt the big, cold hands, touch his shoulders. He turned at the speed of the light and kicked the unknown. He didn't know where, but it must have hurt. The man groaned.

,, My lord, I'm so sorry I scared you so much."

P-please, spare m-my life! I din't mean i-it I-I swear!!" he begged. Wait a minute! Ren recognized that man. Daric Windwalker! His loyal bodyguard and faithful friend. ,, Please my lord have a mercy!"

Daric knelt on one knee and begged Ren for forgivness.

Ren began to laugh out loud, shedding tears.

Daric wondered.

,,My l-lord is everything allright?? Why are you laughting?'

Ren wipped the tear from his eye and shook his head.

,,No everything is alright Daric, I was just laughting becouse you were so scared that i will execute you. Of course I will never do that! Your my loyal friend after all. Isn't that right?" he smiled. His smile was purer then the moon it self. Daric thought.

,,Stand up, Daric."

,,Yes, my lord."

When Daric stood up, he was a head taller than the prince. He had massive and muscular body coverred with armor made of silver. His face was hearth shaped, his raven hair, which he had combed back, shone in the moonlight. His face was tanned and covered with single scar.

It streched from right sleep, under the eye, to the left cheek.

However his voice was not threatening as his appierence. He had the voice of healthy man on his twenties. After having a few battles in row, he was relativly young. He had somthing after twenty- eight. Ren was only twenty-four.

Daric's eyes were different from the others. He had them as yellow as amber..no.. as yellow as gold!

He smiled.

,,Thank you my lord for your mercy."

,,Again, no need to thank me Daric." he repeated the smile.

,,Daric, don't you want to put that armor away? It's almost after midnight." he raised eyebrow.

,,You still wear it even if it's night."

Daric's face grew serious.

,,If I put that armor down... some warrior, assasin or whatever could appear, and kill the only heir to the throne!?"

,,How would you like it if your hearth was pierced by dagger of the Empire?!"

Daric stared at Reno with furrowed eyebrow.

Ren said to himself: ,,Don't start laughting..don't start laughting..don't.

Ren burst out laughting.

,,Hahahahaha..! Oh please Daric.. I'm sure that no one would ever assasinate me!"

,,And why is that!?" he asked.

,,Why? Ren smiled, Becouse I have you! My loyal bodyguard and friend."

Daric knelt . ,,I'm not whorthy of your amusement, my Prince. And I never will be." He took Ren's hand and kissed it. Suddenly, his face grew serious..and he started crying. He stood up againg, but grief overcome him.

,,I'm so so So sorry lord Ren!

Please, forgive me what I'm going to say...!"

,,W-what do you mean Daric, what happened?

Ren stood there scalded. ,,What does Daric mean?"

,, What he wants..That's when Ren remembered what Daric told him, when he asked him, why he wouldn't take off his armor.

,, ... and kill the only heir of the throne?!"

Only heir? What does he ment? What does..wait..n-no.

Ren began to breath hard. His pupils narrowed into small slits.

,,Daric..don't tell me..

What happened to my brother? Where is Laurence!?" The tears began to flow down his cheeks.

,,I'm sorry.. your Majesty...but your brother..King Laurence Werios, has fallen in battle!"

Ren angrily took Daric by his shoulders and shook him. ,,P-please Daric... say it's not true..please..Please!"

As Ren slowly closed his eyes, tears ran down his face faster than before. He slid to the cold floor and hugged Daric stiffly.

Daric finnished the last words of report.

,, Laurence Werios, The King of the Wolves..has fallen."