
The Prince and The Archer

A tragedy separate two people who share the most remarkable emotion in the world. LOVE. One person was born to be a brave and free spirit young man. While the other one was born to be strong, independent and ambitious young lady. The two met, be friends, sharing emotion, strive to survive but end up caught in a tragedy that change the whole world that they knew. Not long after, they meet once again. But this time, the playground has been changed and the game is tuning in a different direction. Can they survive this whole new life? Can they upstand their love?

anya_mac69 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

12: Ambush

He clapped his palm together and put them on his chest. He closed his eyes and took a moment of silence. Praying for the ancestor. May the peace always be with them.

Then, he opened his eyes. Looking at the tomb. Heavy sigh. Heavy heart.

"Father, I'm lost without you. Now that I'm walking in your shoes, I couldn't help but pity you," he slowly caresses the tomb with his finger.

"Hadrian is sick, father. Even worst, he's the Crown Prince. I'm worried about him, not only as the king but also as a father. He walks on the thin ice. Life is even harsh for him. Please help him, father. Bless him with health and please don't take him away from me," said the old king.

Looking back, King Samuel faced only sadness in his life. He lost his father and mother during a civil war. Then his brother too. He came here, following his uncle for the sake of his safety. King Richard never got married, so King Samuel had no choice but to accept The Crown Prince title. He was too young to be one, but that's the destiny that he couldn't avoid.

The thought of dethroning always in his wary. Even since the King Richard era. There were still some lords who believe the royal family is incapable to rule the kingdom. Some thirst for power, of course, there's a lot of people like them who still survived in this world. King Samuel needs to work hard to take care of his people. He needs to sacrifice his time for his family.

Even a title of a father.

"Your Excellency, we need to leave now. It's almost sunset," said his Royal Guard. He nodded as he looked at the tomb one last time. They decided to make this tomb deep into the woods, near the border. King Samuel feels sad when he realizes that his father can't even get buried in his birth land. And can't even be buried in Snowden, either.

"Let's go..."


The royal convoy moved discreetly along the path. They were in a small scale group, consist only a few trusted Royal Guard, an advisor, and King Samuel. This group always travel together, among the most powerful and trusted people. They had been working with King Samuel since day one. And will stay until King Samuel abdicated.

"The air seems... Gruel..." said Kamui, the leader of the group. He is the best Royal Guard, second in command. He was known to have a so-called sixth sense. He was not a magician, psychic, or wizard. But his guts were trained to feel the danger around him.

Everyone was in wary when he said that. But they shouldn't look so tense. It will make them look awkward and send some messages to the enemy.

"We got Shufa on move," said Finx. He was the person in charge of tactical combat and one of the members of the Strategy Unit. He was not one of the entourage but somehow King Samuel felt he should come along as well.

King Samuel rode his horse silently, but wide awake about his environment. They were deep into the forest and it must be a hassle if something happen. He decided to wear a Royal Guard cape instead of his Royal cape. So they look coordinated and that's the best camouflage move for this moment.

The sound of a horse shriek at the front line startled everyone. All of them descended from their horse, standing in formation immediately. A few seconds later, the owner of the shriek horse ran towards them.

"It's Shufa!"

Kamui stopped them from moving. He took out his sword and was ready to strike.


"Formation," the man whispered. Believing his instinct, they dropped down from horses and stood in the formation, with King Samuel right next to Kamui.

The horse kept running towards them. All eyes got bigger and scared when it nearly approached them. It stops and shrieks even louder, both front legs on the air, hoping like crazy before dropping something from its back.

"Defense!" shields up. Hundred of arrows came towards them. They stay in formation, defending each other.

Winds blow so softly. Yet, Kamui could feel something blocking their way. And that's not a good way or movement. He glanced at King Samuel who stood there with his palm touching his sword.

"On the right!" Fenix swung his sword fiercely. Hundreds of arrows flying towards them.

"Shield up!" Kamui pushed King Samuel under the shield. Ron, the only archer in the group took a cover in front of King Samuel, but at the same time discreetly launched his arrow from under the shield.

"We're outnumbered!" Yara cried from behind. He was the youngest in the group. So he tends to get panic.

"Stay in formation!" Kamui's thunderous voice makes him stuttered and stay firm at his place.

There's not long before they were surrounded by a group of black attire men, wearing all black with an iron mask.

"It's Iron Hawk!" Finx whispered enough for everyone to hear. Iron Hawk was a famous assassin group across the country. No target ever survived their attack.

Even the royal family.

"Stay awake! Guard the King!" Kamui yelled before beginning to attack them. The Royal Guard dispersed as they launch the defense attack against the group. Even King Samuel too. Yara tried his best to protect him. But, looks like King Samuel did his job better than the young man. He dwells on his sword and manages to slit the assassin that tried to kill them.

Ron took his place behind the tree, looking around in case of an archer who hiding behind the attack. There must be because they had been attacked before with arrows.

His calculation was right. Someone pierce the tree, right next to him with an arrow. He stroked back when his eyes manage to lock the target.

King Samuel swung his sword, leaning back to back with Kamui. The man nodded and both of them fought side by side.

"Look out!" Finx yelled, closing his eyes. One of the assassins swings his sword, almost cutting the king.

Time stops for a moment. Kamui turns around, covers King Samuel with his body. He almost got stabbed when suddenly an arrow came like thunder and stabbed the assassin's hand, making him yelp in pain and lose his grip.

"Good job Ron!" Yara cried in joy.

"Uh, that's not me!" everyone frowned. A figure jumps from behind the bush, pulling the string of the bow and shooting down another assassin. The arrow moves so fast, making a nice curve that injured more assassins in the way.

The harmful move made the assassins back away and run. The Royal Guard failed to catch any witness due to shock. Everybody stood still, watching the figure walking closer towards them.

"Is everyone alright?"

And they gasped, shook in disbelief.