

Ben arrived at the restaurant at least twenty minutes before the stipulated time of the date, and thankfully he arrived before Dan. 

The last thing he wanted was for Dan to watch him walk down to their table. Walking in the stiletto heels was hard enough already, and he didn't want to have to do so under the watchful gaze of another man. 

He hadn't imagined that pretending to be Bella would cause him so much discomfort. Apart from the fact that he could feel the cold draft of air between his legs, it felt weird for his calf to be bare. He didn't even want to think about how Joan had made him wax his legs. 

He had never felt more self-conscious or vulnerable in all his life than he felt at that moment. It had taken all the self-control he could muster not to tug down the three-quarter-length evening dress he was wearing with every step he took.

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