
Chapter 1


The very first word that came out of my mouth when I saw my reflection at the mirror. I was a child with blue light hair and with white eyes.

And somehow Ive realized that I was in Sephtis Tavarius's body.

Sephtis was the weak and useless child from the novel I was reading entitled "Weak Prince"

the title was really plain and simple.

Sephtis had a twin brother named Ares Tavarius they weren't very close since they were completely different one strong one weak one smart and one dumb.

"Now that I remember I believe I died on my previous life,But that doesn't matter what matters is why am I here at the 4th prince's body??"

After a while knocks at the door were heard

"Who i--" Sephtis was cut of by his words after the maids and the head maid barged in his room. Sephtis didnt mind at first and decided to judge how people treat Sephtis before making a commotion.

"The emperor ordered you to sit with them and eat a meal with them today so get changed and do it faster" The head maid stated looking at Sephtis with disgust and unpleased face.

*Ahh this maid is sure annoying but ill let it slide* Sephtis thought to himself as he got changed with his clothes....

"This clothes are so plain and ugly" Sephtis mumbled with pure hatred and annoyance.

Sephtis got to the dining room where he's family were waiting for him. As he entered the room all eyes were placed to him.

"Sephtis" his mother called with a bright wide smile "Come sit with us" Sephtis did what he was told and sat beside his twin brother.

"What do you want?" Sephtis asked not even moving his meal, Everyone looked at him with complete shock.

They must be thinking how could the weak shy 4th prince talk back luke that to his own mother.

"We wanted you to..eat with us is something wrong with that??" His father stated looking at his son still in shock

"Tch,be grateful that mother and father are letting you eat with us" Loreley stated looking at her brother with pure annoyance.

Loreley Tavarius is the 1st princess at the Tavarius Kingdom and 12 in age she has gray hair and dark blue eyes she also is a spoiled brat everyone called her the "Spoiled Princess".

"Loreley dont say something like that to your older brother, but what you said was true" The 1st prince Xiu Tavarius stated.

Xiu Tavarius was the first born son the son who'd become an emperor after his father has resigned he is 23 years old Xiu had light blue long hair with dark blue eyes.

"Aish lets get this over with I have alot of things to do" Alper stated and continued to eat his food.

Alper Tavarius being the troublemaker but also a hard worker child with the age of 19. Alper has white tinted with gray hair and with white eyes.

"You call this a family meeting when none of us even talk and all we do is insult and hate on Sephtis" Gio stated not making any eye contact to his family.

Gio the 3rd prince the most smart and intelligent to the family 14 in age had always been quiet he doesn't have any favourites but to study and to improve his skills he has white hair with tinted light blue and with dark blue eyes.

"Now,now me and your mother decided to do this everyday starting from now."

Emperor Than Tavarius a 43 year old man with a very good condition is the family head of the Tavarius kingdom no one dares to disobey him.He has white hair with tinted gray on its tips and with dark blue eyes.

"Yes, so from now on try to get along with each other"

Empress Tania a 40 year old women who's greedy for money and awards she was always the spotlight stealer but even so she is very kind she has light blue hair and white eyes.

"More like try to show everyone that were all in good terms and that we all care for each other, drop the act mother and father its no use" Ares stated with an expressionless face and glanced at his twin brother Sephtis.

"Its all what your hobby is anyways manipulating people and make them believe things" He added still with that expressionless face.

Everything was silent for a while, and everyone started to leave except for the twins.

Sephtis:"That was quite a show that I was almost decieved"

Ares: Its always like that every morning and night.

Sephtis: *What if I become close to him In the novel he was also mistreated but not as worse as how they mistreat me*

Sephtis: "Hey Ares wanna join me every morning and night and lets eat together at my room"

Ares being shocked that his brother asked him to eat with him? and not that even morning and night?

Ares: What?

Sephtis: "I said what I said just come to my room at night if youre willing to"

Sephtis stood up and went out of the dining room and head to his room.

Sephtis was topped by his sister Loreley on heading to his room.

Sephtis: "What do you want now?"


Sephtis: "Ok? so what?"

Loreley snapped after those words got out of Sephtis's mouth


Sephtis: "Tell me when I get there"


Loreley smiles and points his fingers to his brother

Sephtis: "And Im your older brother, look I dont have any time for you and I never will have time for you so move"

Sephtis continued to walk and slightly pushed Loreley away.

Loreley: *Tch what has gotten in to him?? every time I do that he apologizes and kneels down...tch this is the worst*

As she walks down the stairs.

As Sephtis got to his room he saw the maids laying down on his bed and using his table and even eating the sweets on his table playing with everything on his room It was a real mess.

Everyone looked as Sephtis banged the door.

Cory(Maid): Oi what's your deal?? How dare you bang the door so loud?

Pauline: Hahha of Cory dont you remember?? hes an attention seeker" as she continues to eat the sweets

Stephanie: Oh please I hope he was never Young master Ares's twin to begin with

Cory: I agree just look at him he looks like a beggar.

Laura: "Im so sorry young master I tried to stop them bu--"

After Laura finished her sentence the room was filled with Intense and heavy aura everyone was unable to move and was sweating. Everyone slowly looked at Sephtis and meet his gace with pure shock they felt very nervous Sephtis eyes were glowing and has already changed to Golden eyes everyone knew that he was really mad and pissed.

Guards and maids from the outside rushed to Sephtis's room after opening the door everyone was in pure shock their Prince was emotionless but he shows the signs of annoyance and anger.

Everyone but his twin went to his room.

The empress rushed in and saw his son on that state she tried to get to him but was unable to when he almost reached him.

It was a very intense aura black smoke was filling the room everyone was sweating and on their knees.

*You weren't messing with me but you were messing with the real Sephtis and his twin this son of a bitches doesnt know how to respect people.People with these attitudes are the worst*

Not so long Ares went inside the room and tapped Sephtis's shoulders.

Ares: Try your best to get out of here and leave the rest to me

Everyone tried their best to move and get out of the room. It took them a few minutes but they managed.

Ares closed the door and looked at Sephtis.

Ares: Get a hold of yourself and get out of there.I know you can stop this so drop it.

After those words came out the black smoke was getting in Sephtis's body and bringing Sephtis back to its normal self.