
The prince's crazy bride

He's obsessed with ladies. He doesn't care about anything but ladies and drugs. There were his mere toy whom he could use and trash in a day. He's of Royal blood. He's Prince Phillips Knight of Xanderia. What would happen when he met his match? A crazy match. His better half? only she could put up with his imperfections. Find out in this intriguing story.

Mulikat_Muhammed · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

The wedding.

Chapter 10


I still can't believe I'm getting married to that prince that's bent on ruining my life.

I sat down by the mirror as my makeup was being done .

"You look beautiful my dear ." mom said hapily and hugged me.

I didn't bother replying.

" I know you still mad at me but just know everything is gonna be alright soon if you trust your heart." she assured me.

" Okay. " i responded dryly.

I wonder what she meant by that.

My wedding dress was one the most expensive project madam Arie has ever worked on. Trust me you won't wanna see the look on her face when she found out the prince was getting married to me.

I feel different and scared too.

"Here all set !" the make up artist said as she made me look at my reflection and I was stunned.

Is that really me? Seriously make up is a mask and right now I look more than just beautiful.

Mom helped me wore my stilettos and held my hand.

"Let's go dear you don't wanna keep your groom waiting." she giggled excitedly and I huff. Deep down I wanted Jordan to be here.

The cars and chauffeur were waiting outside.

Mom held up my dress and helped me in .

face it May you are getting married today and there's nothing you can do about it.

The drive to St Louis Church was unusually short , expected it to be a long ride I mean long enough to think of a way out but that's not gonna happen.

The car came to halt infront of the chapel.

The wedding bells rings , mom came out with the help of the chauffeur and she stretched out her hand which I took and stepped outta the car as cameras were clicking .

The press were everywhere I almost went blind due to so many camera flash.

Lucky enough the securities were able to clear up the exit and I was led into the church.

glanced around the place nervously my face covered .Jordan was nowhere to found Guess she couldn't make it.

I turned towards the alter there stood the devil looking extraordinary gorgeous.

Stop it May you Shouldn't to be drooling over him. I mentally scold myself as I held onto mom tightly and together she walked me to Aisle.

She let go of my hand at aisle while standing next to the cute bastard who had a proud smirk on.

He ran his eyes all over my body like he was actually boring holes on my skin.

The priest read out the vows and so wedding commandments.

" Do you prince Knights of Xandria take miss Lola Fitzgerald to be your lawfully wedded bride ? "

He looked at me as we locked eyes deep down I wanted his answer to be no .

" Yes of course I do!" he said the last part with a smirk.

"And do you miss Lola Fitzgerald take prince Knight to your lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in wealth? "

I took a deep breath . Mom was busy whispering a yes yes.

Have gone far and there's no going back on this .

"I do!" i dropped those two most powerful words.

" You have been joined in holy matrimony and wi'll now pronounced you as man and wife . You may now kiss the bride." the priest said with a smile.

What! No there's no way I'm kissing this man.

He scoffs and moved closer to me.

pulled me close by the waist and crashed his lips on mine forcefully trying to gain access while everyone cheered us.

I managed to get him off me as I push him off slightly.

This pervert just stole my first kiss!!

"Am so proud of you baby." His mom pulled me into an unexpected hug and whisper into my ear.

"Whip his ass If he tries shit with you." I was surprised by her advice at the same time happy someone is on my side.

" Thanks ma'am." I grinned.

She turned to my grumpy husband who faked a smile.

"And make sure you be of good behavior okay?" She pulled his cheek playfully.

" Ofcourse mom! I'm glad to have such a beautiful woman as my bride." he said in between clenched teeth and glared at me.

"A limo is waiting outside you guys will be taken to a hotel room where you gonna spend your honeymoon." she said Smiling sheepishly. Oh no! Not the honey moon shit.

Mom rushed to me and hugged me again only this time she had tears in her eyes.

"Come on mom it's not as if I'm actually leaving the country Don't worry we gonna be in touch " I assured hugging her tightly.

I know deep down i was gonna miss her so much.

Hold on a sec! remind me again why I'm actually scared of prince Knight?

I mean he's my husband now and I don't have to scared of him infact this is the time to teach him a good lesson.

He held my hand and together we walked outta the church faking happiness while everyone thinks we're hapily married.

He pushed off my hand as soon as we got in our ride which took us straight to hotel de Delmonico.


The ride to the hotel was awfully quiet and kinda love it .

All I was thinking of was how am gonna eat her up tonight. Am gonna make her scream my name out loud.

I chuckled at my own crazy thoughts.

She looked at me and scoffs.


The car came to halt infront of hotel de Delmonico.

Our luggage which mom had packed up for us were taken to our hotel room which was a presidential suite.

I walked hastily towards the room while my clumsy wife trailed after me.

got in first and almost slammed the door on her face.

"What the heck man!" She glared and I chuckled.

" Oops sorry I didn't see anyone there." i grinned and went towards the walk-in closet.

I quickly took off the tuxedo i was actually and came out in just shorts. Finally some peace and quiet.

She closed her eyes immediately I stepped outta the closet.

"Hey stop acting like you haven't seen this before." I teased and walked towards the bathroom.

" Do you know you actually look like a mad man?" She furrowed her brows.

"Whatever wifey!" I yelled from the bathroom.

After bathing I came out with a towel wrapped loosely around my waist as water drip off my body.

She ran her eyes through my body and looked away angrily.

"Stop drooling wifey." I winked and went over to the balcony of the suite. The hotel had a very good sight of London.

She groan softly and headed towards the bathroom Soon I had water running.

Tonight am gonna get a taste of that thing she's been hiding.

She came out shortly clad in a golden bathrobe. Couldn't take my eyes off her flawless skin for she looked beautiful without the artificials.

Suddenly find myself walking towards her with a smirk plastered on my face while she kept moving back wards till there was no where to run as she hit her back against the bathroom door. A gasp escaped her lips.

I caged her in between my hands and leaned closer, close enough to inhale her strawberry smell.

"How about we finish what we started wifey?" I said huskily and planted a kiss on her neck.

She shuttered as I did that .

Her strawberry breath fanned my face gently giving me a hard on.

"F.... finish what?" She stammered foolishly I chuckle in excitement.

"You know better darling wife! you're my property now so you can't deny me of sex." i tickled her on the waist and a moan escaped her lips.

" No way am letting you touch me!" she smiled devilish and gave me a kick right in the forbidden zone.

"Wtf!! May!" I groaned in pain and fell to the ground with my hands on my c*ck as I massaged it.

She ran into the closet and locked the door.

This wife of mine will be the end of me.