
The prince's crazy bride

He's obsessed with ladies. He doesn't care about anything but ladies and drugs. There were his mere toy whom he could use and trash in a day. He's of Royal blood. He's Prince Phillips Knight of Xanderia. What would happen when he met his match? A crazy match. His better half? only she could put up with his imperfections. Find out in this intriguing story.

Mulikat_Muhammed · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

The visit

Chapter 8


Mom didn't say anything about what she wanted to discuss with me and I didn't bother her about it.

I went to work as usual with madam Arie being a dick. She wants to know when went down in the prince's mansion and why he'd called her.

I simply told her nothing happened. Jordan on the other hand was acting rather strange lately.

Well that's none of my business .

I came back from work the following day tired as hell.

Mom was seated watching TV when I got in.

"Hey mom." I mumbled as I slumped on the nearest couch.

" Welcome sweetie ,how was work today ?"she asked with loving smile and stroke my hair.

" Same as always mom. " I rolled my eyes dramatically.

"Sorry baby.I made lunch! " she said trying to cheer me up but I was seriously not in the mood to eat anything.

" Nah I'll pass!" I said grumpily.

"Alright alright if you say so . sweetie I want to discuss something important with you hope you don't mind?" She asked with a blank expression.

" Of course not mom what is it ?"

"Have been wanting to tell you this for awhile now but I was just waiting for the right moment." She sighed tiredly.

" Come on mom just tell me already.!" I was getting curious by the moment.

"Years ago I was close friends with the royal family and helped them countless time! In order to strengthen the bond between us we got you betrothed to one of their sons. You're of age now dear and I think it's time you get married." she said and I gave out a nervous laugh.

"Is this some kinda joke mom? Please its not funny!" I shook my head in disapproval .

"Calm down dear please and listen to me ,i did everything for you my dear.you won't have to tolerate madam Arie again please just trust me on this! i want what's best for you sweetie." she said with teary eyes and I felt my heart broke into thousand pieces.

I hate seeing my mom in tears ,it breaks my heart especially when am the reason for her sadness.

How do I tell mom that the prince I met is a ruthless one? How do I explain to her that I'm not ready yet?

"But mom what if I don't wanna get married?" I muttered dryly.

Inwardly I was praying hard to God

God please let it not be that heartless prince else am gonna pretend to be mad .

He will have no option than to let me be, who wants to get married to a crazy person anyway?

"You have to dear it's for the best .am sure your dad is gonna be happy wherever he's. " she sniffed.

" Which of the sons If i may ask?"

"Prince j?Jayred Phillip the second " mom said Calmly.

Ptweew thank goodness it's not prince Knight .

That Pervert! I cursed inwardly.

"Mom I'm seriously not happy about this but I'll do it if that's gonna make you happy." mumbled playing with my fingers.

"They'll be here soon , I want you to look your best okay?" She added.

" But this is too sudden mom. I only just got to know about this arrangement." i complained and she flashed me a faint smile.

" We just want you guys to get to know each other better dear and pretty sure you two are gonna get along pretty well. " she explained and hug me to herself.

"Am sorry baby" she kissed my hair and we remained that way.


" What the heck mom this is bullshit , how can I get married to someone I don't know huh ?" I ran my fingers into my hair frustratedly.

" Don't worry about that we're gonna pay her a courtesy visit right now so go get dressed and no more nagging like a child!" she said and pinch my ear.

" Oouch mom stop treating me like a kid!for crying out loud I'm old enough to make decisions for myself and I don't feel like getting married now. Still wanna enjoy my life and not trapped with that thing called marriage." I rolled my eyes dramatically.

" Have you been spanked before?" She asked as she took o of her stiletto .

I moved back Abit . Don't be surprise am pretty scared of my mother , atleast she's the only one am scared of.

"Nope." I popped the p.

"Is either you go get dressed or you gonna have issue with me and am gonna disown you Jay! So get your ass moving!" she said with superiority.

" Okay fine you win. I'll be right back." I mumbled and took the elevator upstairs.

I took out a black tuxedo suit from my closet and alongside blue inners.

Got dressed shortly and gelled my hair back.

I look breathtaking yes I know.

"Wow Jay you look so gorgeous!", mom said and pulled my cheek playfully. I groan as she did that.

"Thanks for the compliment! can we go please?" I rolled my eyes.

" Am sure you gonna like her. " she squeak as we got to the car.

Since I'll be riding with mom will be going with two cars loaded with secret service securities.

I didn't take the wheel ,the chauffeur did.

He drove us straight to the so called bride to be's apartment.

Gosh she's living in Wintergreen towards Davis town.

I boiled with anger as I thought of all the things am gonna do to this so called bride.

The car came to halt infront of a mini size mansion . The door was opened for mom by the chauffeur .

I didn't wait for him to do the same for me as I came out immediately.

I fixed my blazer properly before trailing behind mom who walked ahead of me .

Didnt bother with the door bell as the door was pulled open by a lady in a mid sixties. Let me guess? She's the bride's mom?

"Its nice to see you again old friend!" she greeted grinning from ear to ear.

" Yes dear it been awhile since we last saw ,I won't lie I missed your company. " mom smiled.

" Good day ma'am." I muttered dryly as her eyes landed on me.

"Oh look at you Jay !you've grown into a handsome looking man! " she said with chuckle.

I blushed heavily.

" Oh please mind my manners ,come on in !" she said and ushered us in .

Her apartment is quite impressive and Classic too.

"Am sorry everything happened in such short period of time but I hope you understand?" she said looking at me.

I faked a smile and sat down observing the whole place looking for a picture of her child but unfortunately I didn't see any pictures of her older self.

Just ones of when she was still little.

" Where's she ?" Mom asked.

"Ohh yeah she's upstairs, I'll go get her right away!" she stood up and walk towards the staircase.

She stood by the stair case and called out to her.

"Sweetie come downstairs quickly we have guests!" She called out to her.

"Coming!" she answered.

Damn that voice sounds so familiar and babyish too.

" She'll be with us shortly!" she grinned taking her seat opposite as they both had a lot to talk about.

The clicking sound from shoe caught my attention as I fixed my gaze on the stairs eagerly waiting to see her face.

Don't blame me! I can't get married to a ugly looking lady.

I almost burst into laughter when I saw who my bride was. This is hilarious.

So mom actually got me betrothed to a clumsy fool like her ?

I feel pity for her in advance because am gonna make her life a living hell.

The look on her face was that of fear as she saw me .Her jaw thinned with frustration.

The lost focus and missed a step causing her to fall.she blacked out immediately.


This fool can't pass for a bride at all.