
The prince's crazy bride

He's obsessed with ladies. He doesn't care about anything but ladies and drugs. There were his mere toy whom he could use and trash in a day. He's of Royal blood. He's Prince Phillips Knight of Xanderia. What would happen when he met his match? A crazy match. His better half? only she could put up with his imperfections. Find out in this intriguing story.

Mulikat_Muhammed · Urban
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14 Chs

Sex with Porsha.

Prince Knight's POV.

You know one thing with this parents ? They think they can just force you to do Whatever they want.

Well that's not gonna happen unless they're ready to bury this unfortunate being.

Got to my mansion shortly as my gate opened automatically, I drove in roughly didn't bother parking my car I stepped out and toss the keys to Ray he should know better .

" Where's the soap?" I asked the moment I got in.

"Welcome boss she's in the room waiting!" he responded immediately.

" Good. Hope she's been briefed? by any chance try shit am gonna kill her." I said coldly and made use of the stairs.

" Understood sir But one more thing!" he said making me stop.

" What now ? "

" Actually sir I wanted to ask why you keep calling all the girls you fvcking soap. " he blurted out stupidly and I rolled my eyes..

" Yeah more like shampoo conditioner now get on with it and do not try to spoil my mood any further ." I snapped and hurrily took the stairs to avoid any more silly questions.

I stopped imfront of doorstep and twisted the doorknob ,didn't bother knocking it's my house so why should I take permissions first? Not that there's something I haven't seen before.

I opened the door and walked in into my roon only to find her naked. her tits and ass singing the national championship song for me just begging for me to come take them. Hang in there ass and boobs coming to get you.

She gave me a seductive look and crawled out of bed before stepping closer to where I stood.

"You look tired Mr Knight let me take away your stress." She whispered and bit on my ear lobe teasingly.

I'm starting to like this one.

"What's your name?" I asked slowly taking off my blazers.

" Porsha ." she answered.

Porsha? Nice! . girls with the name are likely to be crazy sex addict . Let's see what this porsha has to offer Knight of Xandria.

"You're one hell of a character Porsha." I smirked and took off my sleeves revealing my masculine features.

Didn't fail to see the look on her face while staring at my body. she was drooling but controlled herself.

"You don't wanna do that sweetie unless you wanna get yourself into some pretty nice trouble ." I winked at her and headed for the bathroom but i stopped when I remember something.

Sex in the shower with this porsha girl shouldn't be a big deal.

"One more thing sweetie I want my conditioner in the bathroom right now! That's if you know what I mean." I winked and she trailed behind me. Damn I love girls with the fat ass.

spanked her big ass the moment she got closer to me.

I slammed her against the cold bathroom wall kissing her aggressively while she tries to keep up with my pace.

I lifted her up encircling her long legs around my torso.

I turned on the shower and planted wet kisses all over her body making her moan in pleasure.

She fondle with my black sexy hair with her extremely long fake nails . I love it when my hair is being played with.

I slowly inserted three fingers into her Honeypot turns out was dripping wet already , she gasps as I did that.

Her moans came out softly and i find myself getting a hard on.

I took one of her tits into my mouth and gave it a pretty good suck same thing goes to the other one. Dropped her on the floor and brought out my d**k.

after a hot round of Sex I got outta bed and dropped some cash in front of her.

"Your services are no longer needed, i expect you to be outta my house In five minutes. Oh and keep the change!" I smiled walking towards the bathroom.

I stepped into the jacuzzi for a warm bath.


After my session in the bathroom I wore my royal bathrobe and stepped outta the bathroom unfortunately Porsha had left.

Am sure this day is a day she won't forget in a lifetime.

was hungry so i went downstairs for lunch. the chef had prepared all my favorite dishes and i couldn't wait to have a taste of all this.

helping myself to a chair I picked up the cutlery and dug into the tamales.

hmm so tasty.

"excuse sir." I was interrupted by Alex. i glared at he before focusing more on my meal.

"what do you want?" I asked without sparing him a glance.

"I found this in the guest room." he showed me a pair of shoes which I actually recognized instantly.

it belongs to the clumsy fool who ran away from me.

"throw it outta my property." I said nonchalantly while stuffing my mouth with Grilled chicken.

he bow and left with the shoes. I smiled unconsciously thinking about how she displayed her stupidity in front of me.

maybe I should find her and let her finish what she started.