
The prince's crazy bride

He's obsessed with ladies. He doesn't care about anything but ladies and drugs. There were his mere toy whom he could use and trash in a day. He's of Royal blood. He's Prince Phillips Knight of Xanderia. What would happen when he met his match? A crazy match. His better half? only she could put up with his imperfections. Find out in this intriguing story.

Mulikat_Muhammed · Urban
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14 Chs

Running for her dear life.

Chapter 5.

Knight's POV.

What do I do now ? Gosh I can't ever take advantage of her in this state.

"Hey wake up. " I tapped her gently but she groaned and pouts childishly.

Clumsy fool?!!!

I picked up my phone and called Sam , who picked up immediately.

"Hey Sam where you at!"I voice out immediately.

"Am at home kinda what's going on? " he returned the question.

I understand what he meant perfectly.

Get a hooker right up to my mansion in five minutes." My voice filled with authority.

"Really? You gotta get a hold on yourself man. " he said like a balless Pastor .

"Save your sermon Sam just do what I asked and make sure you it known to her I just a night thing." he said sternly .

"Okay cool I'll do that right away." he responded. I hung up before he could say anything further. and glance at the crazy girl on my couch.

What's her name again ?

I pressed the bell button on the glass cabinet and Alex came running.

"You called boss." he bowed slightly.

"Take her to the guest room. "I said nonchalantly and brought out a pack of cigarette.

He me stunned expression before helping her up. Well I cared less.

On a norms I would have asked him to throw her outside or even fuck her but somehow with her I felt a restriction like there was a force pulling me to her.

I sat down on the couch smoking when a Blondie catwalked into my mansion.

Blonde hair girls are real cock suckers . Dammn. The thought of lips wrapped around my dick or made horny.

She had a smile on her face as she walked towards me .

"Good day sire I'm Yvonne." she said excitedly as she extended her hand for a handshake.

"You should know I don't do handshakes." I snapped and she gave me a disappointed look which was quickly replaced by a smile.

"Sorry about that your highness. " she said as she sat down my thighs as she ran her fingers through my body.

I grabbed hold of her hair and pulled it roughly. She yelp in pain.

I have no mercy for bitches like her , I like seeing them in pain whenever I wanna screw them.

"Am gonna fuck you right here infront of my guard ." I said in a husky voice as she groaned in pain , I bit her ear lobe teasingly.

"You wanna play dirty ? I can play dirty too." she seem to be enjoying every bit of it.

I stood up enjoying every bit of this blonde haired and took the elevator upstairs to my room where I had a heart warming shower.

I didn't bother if the bitch was still downstairs so I just slept off.


I woke up the next morning feeling better ,I did few push ups before jogging to the bathroom where I sank myself in the tub.

After a while I was done with my morning routine , I wore just shorts and a hoodie.

Kinda more like my thing.

Mom had asked me to come see her later today.

I took the stairs this time around but something caught my attention .

Someone was in my kitchen ,at first I thought it was the cook but supprisingly it was the bitch from last night Lillian or Yvonne whatever I don't remember her name.

I chuckled softly thinking of what to do to her.

I walked quietly to the dinner room and pulled out a gun from under the table before walking back to the kitchen.

"Bitch I thought I made it clear that my kitchen is off limits huh?" I stated calmly while taking out a few bullets from the gun left only three bullets and cocked it..

Her eyes were clouded by fear as she tremble like a jellyfish.

" A..m a..m...sorry I was just hungry." she shuttered as hot tears rolled down her cheeks. And that was my weakness.

I moved the gun from her head and shot the floor ,she flinched back in fear.

Next time she won't be that lucky.

"If you don't get outta my house your fucking brain is gonna be next!!" I growled ,she nodded and ran out immediately .

It was then I came to realize that she was actually wearing one of mine. ,what the fuck ??

I heaved a sigh and turned back only to meet the psycho from last night staring at me like she'd seen a ghost. She was sweating profusely.

"What did you see?" I decided to teased her.

"N....nothing ...bye thank you." She said and she ran off immediately.

Bloody hell!!

I burst an uncontrollable laughter as I watched her run into the street barefoot.

This girl needs meds am pretty sure she's off her meds.

May's POV.

I woke up the next morning with a hang over.

What the heck happened to me ?

I looked around the room but I was unfamiliar with the place .

Where am I ? Gosh I tried to remember but my head Had gone blank.

The last thing I remember was bringing a package to prince knight and he asked to ..

Oh shit !!! No !!!!no!!!

I jumped outta bed and rushed to the door but not before confirming if I'd been touched.

I heaved a sigh of relief when I found out he didn't.

I rushed downstairs only go to see him pointing a gun at a blonde hair girl .

She looked pretty scared .

Oh God if I ever sinned against you please forgive me I don't wanna die in the hands of sir Knight .

I hid behind a pillar as watched them ,he shot the floor and the girl ran out immediately scared asaf .

Who knows if am next ? I better run for my dear life too.

He turned and his eyes landed on me , I didn't wait for him to shot the floor again as I ran as fast as my legs could carry me .

I didn't bother wearing my shoes , my life was far more important than any bloody shoe.

I didn't look back as I ran fast like I was being chased by ghosts.