
The prince's crazy bride

He's obsessed with ladies. He doesn't care about anything but ladies and drugs. There were his mere toy whom he could use and trash in a day. He's of Royal blood. He's Prince Phillips Knight of Xanderia. What would happen when he met his match? A crazy match. His better half? only she could put up with his imperfections. Find out in this intriguing story.

Mulikat_Muhammed · Urban
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14 Chs

prince Knight of xanderia

Chapter 1.


"She's here your majesty "my personal bodyguard said and bow in respect.

" Send her in " I said coldly and dragged my cigarette .

she walked in shortly observing the whole place , that's what they all do .

"Your majesty am honored." she said extending her hand for a handshake but I ignored.

"What's your name." I asked first.

"Carrie sir" she mumbled.

"Sit down do you want a drink?" I asked calmly.

"Yes but I want the one you drinking. " she said and took the one on the glass table.

I smiled as she sipped from it if only she knew I added marijuana to it.

"Taste really good." She confirmed.

She moved from her side and sat down on my thighs.

She fondle with my thick black hair as she planted kisses all over my face .

"Let's take it slowly shall we ? Take the elevator upstairs to the third floor go straight by your right enter the first room there ,I will join you in a moment." I said sternly.

She stood up without saying anything and went towards the elevator .

They call me prince Phillip knights the second , first son of king Vick Phillip of England and stephlana Vick the queen of England.

Talk about wealth am fucking rich , I have my own business empire , a business tycoon and a man whore.

Age 33 a sex addict ,I fuck whosoever I want with no feelings attached .

Haven't really dated before I feel it's not necessary when I can have all the fun whenever I want .

They refer to me as the sexy Demi God capable of making any lady scream my name in bed all night long.

That's enough detail about me for now.

I stood up and walked towards the bathroom for a quick shower.

After a warm shower I came out only to meet the room empty but her stuffs were still on the floor .

She had better not go close to my kitchen cause am gonna kill her.

I specifically told my boys to also tell them ,it's a one night stand nothing much .

they're not allowed to go close to anything in my house.

I walked quietly to the kitchen and there she was trying to cook something.

She's so dead today.

"What do you think you doing!" I groaned.

"Cooking ofcourse , I don't know about you princey but after that round of hot sex I'm famish and needed to eat something." she said still holding on to my casserole.

" get the fuck! outta my house if you know what's good for you." I said calmly.

" What's the problem princey? am just tryna be nice" she said getting me more Pissed.

" I said get the fuck out!!" I growled but she didn't burge.

I guess I need to try something else .God she's even putting on my shirt

What nonsense ..

I opened a drawer in the down cabinet and pulled out a pistol.

"Get the fuck outta my house before I blow your fucking skull off bitch!!" I spat pointing the gun at her.

She shook like a jelly fish and ran out of the house without picking her things.

Where did Alex gets all this stupid bitches from??

I groan softly and headed towards my room.

needed to be at the company for i have a very important meeting with the foreign investors.


I was clad in a multi colored Armani suit which added to my handsome figure.

descending from the stairs I handed my briefcase to my assistant who was standing at the end of the stair case waiting patiently for me.

I ignored his greetings and walked ahead of him towards the exit.

got into the car and the driver stepped on the wheels immediately.


I was busy sorting a few files when a knock landed on my door.

"the door isn't locked." I mumbled not staring at the door as the door pulled open and someone walked.

"what you want Alex!" I said not sparing him a glance but turned out he wasn't Alex but someone else.

"Hello Jay." she spoke and snapped at her immediately.

it was Mrs Sanchez one of the shareholders In my tech company.

"oh Hi Mrs Sanchez nice to see you Again!" I faked a smile though I knew what her motives was.

"indeed you're." she said seductively and helped herself to the couch.

"so what can I do for you? I believe the investors meeting is over." I said with my hands on my desk while watching her every move.

"stop acting like you don't know what I want Jay." sucked on finger and I chuckled.

"oh is it the part where you gonna be begging me to fuck you? nah! in your dreams bitch!" I snarl and she frown.

"what don't you like about me? I'm sexy and beautiful isn't that what you men always want from a lady?" she nagged and I chuckles softly.

"yeah but I don't really need a deranged bitch such as yourself now get your ass outta my office before I call security!" I barked and she flinch in fear.

"whatever." she angrily left my office mumbling to herself.

Good riddance.