
The prince's crazy bride

He's obsessed with ladies. He doesn't care about anything but ladies and drugs. There were his mere toy whom he could use and trash in a day. He's of Royal blood. He's Prince Phillips Knight of Xanderia. What would happen when he met his match? A crazy match. His better half? only she could put up with his imperfections. Find out in this intriguing story.

Mulikat_Muhammed · Urban
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14 Chs

Prince Knight of Xanderia 2

Chapter 2.

Prince Knights POV.

"Where did you get those girls from huh ??" I snapped at Alex he bowed immediately.

"Am sorry your highness she was the only suitable person we could get. " he said with his head down.

" I thought I told you to always tell them the rules before paying and bringing them to me??!! " i said groan softly.

" I did your highness maybe she thought it doesn't hold much importance. " he defended.

" Whatever bring me the fish!" i said and lit up a cigarette.

When I said fish you should understand I meant a girl. Shortly she walked into my mansion elegantly looking so pretty from a distance.

That get me wrong but I was only picturing how she was gonna look without clothes on my bed.

She was a tall lady with attractive features cream like lips.

"Good day your highness." she greeted unable to control her happiness of seeing me in person.

I ignored her greeting and took my time to take a proper look at the lady standing before me.

"What's your name?" i Asked.

"Jordan your majesty ,it's an honor to finally meet you." she said hapily like she would devour me anytime.

"Why are you here ?" I asked dryly.

"was told you needed my services." she said with an irritating smile starting to piss me off.

"Hope you remember the rules? It's a one night stand not more nothing less and I expect you to stick to it for your safety. " I reminded her so there wasn't gonna be a breach in the Contract.

She nodded.

" Good now try to put me in the mood." I commanded.

" Okay?" she said with a seductive look and dropped her clutch on the couch and advanced towards me giving me those sexy look as she sat on my thigh Her short dressed pulled up above her ass giving me access to her round big ass looking like a size 12 actually.


after dealing with the whore I left her in the guest room and went towards my study room.

had a few office files to look into.

"bring the documents to my study room." I said into the intercom before relaxing into the comfy leather Chair.

shortly the door slides open revealing Alex holding the document.

he bow slightly and dropped the files on my desk.

"one more thing as Rolland to see me right now." I said and he nodded before leaving immediately.

my attention was drawn to my buzzing phone I needed no one to tell me who it.

a sigh escaped my lips as i picked up the phone and answered the call.

"what is it mom?" I relaxed against the chair with my eyes closed.

" language young man!" she scold and I huffed.

"okay fine can you just tell me at least while you called or did dad put you up for this?" i frown deeply.

"On please lets be civil here. we both know how much your dad loves you so can please drop whatever you're holding against him?"her voice had softened.

"whatever mom." I rolled my eyes dramatically.

"I want you at the ancestral mansion Jay we have something important to tell you ." she said and I raised my eyebrow.

"why? all family meeting was always held in the family hotel Del Delmonico. is there something you're not telling me mom?"

"you have two days be at the mansion. have fun while it last son." she hang up leaving me confused.

what does she mean by that?


May's POV.

"Wake up sleepy head! " I heard mom's voice in my head but I didn't bother opening my eyes .

I was dreaming, a beautiful dream actually.

In my dream I was trapped in a dessert but my prince charming came to my rescue he took me on his horse , I couldn't see his face properly but I could tell he was very handsome.

My journey to dreamland was put to an end when cold water landed on my body , I jumped outta bed in fright hitting my butt on the floor with a loud thud. Ouch!! That did hurt.

"Mom!!" I whinned rubbing my butt as I saw the water container in her hand.

"It seems like you finally took a day off." She scoffs and I gasps as reality dawned on me.

Holy cow ?!! Am fucking late !! Madame Arie will have my head on a stake.

Oops I forgot to introduce myself.

I'm May Lola Fitzgerald , weird name right ? Virgin at 25.

An average girl actually I work at one of the biggest fashion house in London England capital.

Mystique collection one of prestigious fashion house, the most finest and expensive brand to be precise.

I live a mini apartment withmom and my little sister Isabel.

That's enough detail about me . I quickly got dressed without bathing. Don't blame me. I won't wanna have my head on a stake.

Yeah I know am dirty just that I'm extremely late I won't wanna waste one more minute here else Madame Arie will be furious.

I rushed downstairs to the dinner area mom and Isabel were seated already taking breakfast.

I grabbed a mouthful of broccoli cheese and held the remaining in my hand.

"Let me guess you didn't take your bath." Isabel said with a evil grin.

"None of your business sneak peak." I rolled my eyes and rushed out with my mouth full.

I boarded a taxi and headed straight to mystique.

Got there a short while as I began to pray Madame Arie did not show up at the studio today.

But my prayers backfired when I saw her standing by the receptionist waiting for me to come in.

She stamps her foot on the floor angrily I needed no one to tell me what's going to happen next.

"Good morning Madame Ariel." I greeted trying so hard not to maintain eye contact with her.

"What's the time on your watch May? " she shot daggers at me.

God she looks so terrible with those fake facials.

"Erm . 10:30 ma'am." I shuttered.

"You slept over your destiny that you forgot you have to deliver some packages to the Elmondo today" she barked at me making me bow my head in respect.

" Sorry ma'am. " I managed to say .

Madame Arie is very chubby lady in her mid 40 with fluffy cheeks. She's always not in her best mood so try not to get in her way.

Whenever she does her crazy make over she looks like the mummy or maybe a zombie.😂😋😤

"What are you still doing here you fool !!" She roared.

"Sorry sorry!! I scrawled away and went upstairs to the main studio where we make all the clothes .

"May ?!!" I heard Jordan's voice from behind.

"Hey babe what's up with you?" I smiled at her.

Is it just me or does she look more beautiful than the last time I saw her.

Well Jordan is the one friend I have at the moment she's a pretty nice person just that her wayward life was the only difference between us.

Mom doesn't really approve of our friendship she feels she's gonna drag me into waywardness if am not being careful.

"Am good girlfriend thanks for covering for me yesterday I really appreciate" she said and pecked my cheek.

" You still haven't told me the side job you do." I raised an eyebrow..

" Smiles it's not an easy job though but don't worry babes you gonna find out soon for now let's get back to work .you don't want Madame Arie on your tail do you?" She giggled and went back to her station.

I smirked and started to work , what does she mean by not an easy job?

If the pay is very good then I don't care , there's no such thing as easy job.

They're all very stressful depending on how you handle it.

I fixed my headset as I play Roddy ricch -float , my best song at the moment . Listening to trap songs was one of the reasons why people fine me weird.

Jordan catwalked to my station with a smile on her face I knew instantly that she wants something .

"Babes I need a favor from you dear ." she said fidgeting with her fingers.

" What's wrong Jordan? " I asked.

" I need you to cover for me my mom just called me she's terribly sick ." she made a sad expression.

" Hmm but you know we gonna be delivering the clothes to the Elmondo today we need to finish up in time. " i said calmly.

" That's why am here girlfriend. Can you please please please cover for me I promise I won't stay long " she pleaded giving me those cute puppy eyes.

" Okay fine I'll but just this one time." i said.

"Thanks dear i owe you one. " she said and giggled away.