
The prince's crazy bride

He's obsessed with ladies. He doesn't care about anything but ladies and drugs. There were his mere toy whom he could use and trash in a day. He's of Royal blood. He's Prince Phillips Knight of Xanderia. What would happen when he met his match? A crazy match. His better half? only she could put up with his imperfections. Find out in this intriguing story.

Mulikat_Muhammed · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Honey Moon saga.


I went back outside to look for Spencer unfortunately he left I couldn't find him.

I feel so guilty about it He just got beaten up for nothing.

So he can mess around yet gets angry when I do so?

Game on! two can play.

I got into our room without speaking to him.

Our meal was brought to room but I had lost appetite and lay down quietly avoiding him.

Later that night.

I felt something pressing against my body from behind making me feel so uncomfortable. I flutter my eyes open immediately and a pair of strong arms around my tiny body.

It was Knight he slept close to me with his dick pressing against my ass.

I jerked outta bed angrily.

"Bloody hell!!" I half yelled and he opened his eyes lazily.

"Don't even dare to shout okay? I'm legally married to you and so I deserve every right to your body." he smirked and I rolled my eyes

" You got to be kidding me." I mumbled with folded arms.

" Quit whining and come back to the bed let's make babies for moms." he said nonchalantly and huffed. Who does he think he is?

" Then you'll have to kill me first cause am not getting pregnant for someone like you." I blurted out.

" Oh yeah? You should be glad you got married to a very handsome dude like me and trust me my d*ck is big enough to satisfy you now stop pretending and come back here. " he grinned from ear to ear. Ttch! Handsome my foot.

This prince is seriously mad.

"I you're gonna have to force me then." I rolled my eyes.

"You leave me no choice but to do it the hard way." he snort and tried coming closer but I was quick to grab a cocktail wine bottle and pointed it at him aggressively.

"Come any closer and am gonna smash your head and cut off your balls with this." I boldy said pointing out the bottle.

" Calm down Wife. We're not making love okay? I'm just gonna get you pregnant else mom is gonna have my head on a stake." He said Calmly.

Actually he's right but I won't give him the pleasure till he begs for it.

"I said stay away from me." i half yelled and smashed the bottle against the wall still holding the sharp broken piece.

" Oh my gush what's that up there? " he pointed behind me and I got distracted immediately not noticing that he was closer. Before I could say duck He'd collected the bottle from me and carried me on his shoulder to the bed.

"Let me down you idio !!" I punched his back but he didn't budge.

He pinned me down to the bed as his face was just inch apart from mine.

His hot breath fanned my face.

"Can you keep quiet for once?" He whisper audibly.

" I said don't wanna make babies is that too much to ask? " I hissed.

" Oh really are you sure you don't want me?" he said huskily and bit my ear lobe.



" Oh really are you sure you don't want me ?" I whispered into her ear and bit her ear lobe teasingly.

She closed her eyes while her lips tremble.

"Tell me wifey don't you want me?" I asked with a teasing smile.

"N.... O." she shuttered.

I trailed my lips on her neck line up to her lips.

I nibble on the bottom lip and bit it playfully.

Her moan came out muffled.

" Tell me wifey." My voice barely audible.

I planted kisses on her cleavage squeeze her soft tits in my hands.

She gasps as I did that.

I could tell she was already getting wet.

I didn't kiss her yet just teasing her.

"Do you wanna make babies or not ?".

"Yes I wanna make babies not twins else am gonna hang them alongside you." she said boldly with her eyes closed enjoying the warmth of pleasure flow around her body.

" Then you're not ready to make babies because my sperm produce more than one babies." I scoff and moved away from her.

The truth is there's no such thing as that I wanted to keep teasing her till she beg me to fuck her.

She growled at me .

" Don't you dare ! "

"I already did wifey." I smirked and wanted going to sleep but she grabbed hold of my ear and bite it almost chewing on it.

"Argh!!!!" I yelled in pain.

My scream could be heard all over the place but unfortunately the room is sound proof.

"I got married to a animal in human skin." I wince in pain as I tried freeing my ear from her sharp teeth.

Luckily I was able to free my ear. I picked my pillow and ran away from her.

"The next time you try shit with me am gonna cut off your tiny dick! " she said threatened.

" And I got married to a zombie that plans on eating my ears for breakfast. You can have the bed." I placed the pillow on the couch and massaged my ear tenderly before laying down on the couch.

Even though have never done it before this witch made me lay on the couch.

"Oh yeah thanks you're one generous husband." she blow an invisible kiss and spread out legs all over the bed.

Nice one mom and dad you just gave out your son to a psychopath.

Where's the clumsy fool I met some days ago? I mean she wasn't this confident when I first met her. I thought she was gonna be easy to control but right now I don't know what to think anymore.