
The prince's crazy bride

He's obsessed with ladies. He doesn't care about anything but ladies and drugs. There were his mere toy whom he could use and trash in a day. He's of Royal blood. He's Prince Phillips Knight of Xanderia. What would happen when he met his match? A crazy match. His better half? only she could put up with his imperfections. Find out in this intriguing story.

Mulikat_Muhammed · Urban
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14 Chs

Honey moon 2


I didn't mean to do that but what can I say? He was asking for the impossible.

Well I acted outta self defense.

"Open this door now or you gonna sleep in there!" he banged on the door repeatedly but I don't plan on doing so.

" Nah it would be nice sleeping in here than doing shit with you!" I yelled back.

" You know what? Fjck you May!! Go pregnant yourself and have a fucking baby!!" his voice filled with anger and frustration. Suddenly the banging stopped.

Ptweew that was a relief.

I looked around the closet, it was filled with so many clothes and I lost count.

I got some of his clothes and placed them on the floor before laying down on.

I couldn't deny the fact that I was pretty scared..

It was cold and quiet in here for I could barely hear his voice in here. Not that I wanted to but it would have been better that way.

I closed my eyes and slowly drift to sleep.

The next morning.

I groan and stretch lazily for it was morning already.

Finally it's morning and am gonna be seeing the face of that stupid proud husband of mine.

I stood up and fixed the clothes back in their appropriate place before walking towards the closet door. Twisted the door knob and stepped out only for a cup ofLatino coffee being splash on my face by no one else but Knight.

"What the hell!!" I groan angrily.

" Morning wifey I trust you slept well? " He smirked devilishly while I glared at him

"What did you do that for?" I growled at him but he seemed less concerned for he was actually enjoying everything he was doing to me.

" Well I wanted to thank you for last night and Trust me sweetie you were amazing But come to think of it wifey if you'd destroyed my dick last night how then do we make babies? Or don't wanna make babies?" he smirked and poured more coffee on my hair.

Swears I feel like strangling the life outta his body.

"You asked for it fool!" I rolled my eyes picking up a dry tissue and wipe my face with it.

" Wifey!" he mocked me.

"You know what mister? You not the only one who knows how to play dirty I can play dirty if I want to." I smiled devilishly picking up a cup which contained hot chocolate for me and move towards him still smiling.

"Oh no no don't you dare am allergic to chocolate....."

I cut him off by forcing it into his into his mouth and also painting his face with the rest.

"That's gonna treat you right! stop playing with me dude." I grinned dropping the cup of chocolate on the troller.

He groan in pain with one hand on his chest and fell to the ground trying to breath. His eyes were Bloody red. Fear grip me as I rush to his aid.

"Oh my goodness I'm so sorry!! I thought you were joking about your allergies." I sat down on the floor and placed his head on my thigh.

So much for trying to hurt him May I mentally scold myself.

"Can you please help me up?" His voice came out more of a whisper and I immediately tried to get him into bed but the unexpected happened.

He grabbed hold of my wrist and sent me crashing on the bed while he stays on top of me.

"Who is the smart one now?" He smirked and I groan softly.

I can't believe I got fooled by him.


I'm never allergic to chocolates was only looking for a way to trap her in bed with me

The look on face her was that of terror as I brought my face closer.

"Never knew you cared so much about me darling wife?" I whispered into her ear brushing my lips against her bare skin.

"Ttch!! In your dreams mister! I was only concern because I'm too young to go to prison" she chuckled softly trying so hard to deny the fact that I had an effect on her.

" Oh really?? " I moan planting kisses allover her neckline and sucking on her earlobe earning a gasp from her unfortunately she didn't try to push me off.

I made sure I left hickeys on her . I further teased her by sucking on her cheeks and her jaw having to taste her skin which dripped of coffee.

A moan escaped her lips as she held on to me tightly.

Now that's the plan.

I stopped and moved away from her gently She gave me a confused expression.

"Now that's what I call game over darling wife. I guess you did enjoyed it but Too bad you won't get to feel it." I smirk walking towards the bathroom while she fummed in anger.

" You bastard !!! " She yelled almost bring down the hotel roof.


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