
The prince's crazy bride

He's obsessed with ladies. He doesn't care about anything but ladies and drugs. There were his mere toy whom he could use and trash in a day. He's of Royal blood. He's Prince Phillips Knight of Xanderia. What would happen when he met his match? A crazy match. His better half? only she could put up with his imperfections. Find out in this intriguing story.

Mulikat_Muhammed · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Her lies


Prince Knight.

What kinda freak is that?

I couldn't help but laugh at her stupidity.

My phone keeps buzzing around , I know it's mum tryna nag about how I wasn't getting any younger.

I went back upstairs after eating and changed into something classique .

Yeah that's me , I'd received awards for the billionaire in the fashion world. five good times.

So you won't blame me if all this bitches are tryna get in my bed.

I picked up my car keys and walked past the exit heading for the parking lot.

Most times i tender to lose count of all the cars I have.

I pressed the button on the car key and a black tinted BMW made buzzing sound , I guessed that was the car.

I walked towards it and entered the driver side with my shade on as I brought the engine to life and drove off. Decided to visit the ancestral mansion after such a long time.

I got to the mansion shortly , I called out the lock code to the voice automated system on the gate and it opened up immediately.

I drove in and parked my car beside one of the cars there.

stepped outta my car as I removed my shade, my hands tucked into my pocket as I walked into the house quietly.

The guards and maids kept bowing down their heads in greetings but Ignored them as I walked towards the living room .

Mom and her darling husband were both seated cuddling with each other and watching TV.

The Butler announced my presence.

"Good morning Mom ,dad" i said as mum pecked both my cheeks, dad gave me a handshake.

After which I helped myself to a couch.

"Morning baby how have you been?" mom said with a smile.

"You know the usual." I shrugged and she shook her head in disbelief.

"Hey son how's business? Heard you got awarded the classic prince of all time.." dad chuckled softly.

"Yeah yeah whatever! you wanted to see me ?" I made myself comfortable opposite them.

" Yes dear I did because we have something important to discuss with you." she said as she glance at her husband.

" in that case let's get straight to the point. I don't have all day." i rolled my eyes dramatically.

" Can you not be rude for once Jayred?" Dad even though he sounded so calm he was pissed by my nonchalant attitude.

" Whatever." i mumbled.

" Behave yourself Jay remember he's still your father so be guided." mom snapped at me Sternly.

I brought out my phone and started playing with it.

" you forget about your stupid bachelor life and get your ass ready for you'll be getting married soon." she added.

" what the heck mom!! I have rights and you can't do that to me." I half yelled.

" I don't care Jay ,you getting married and that's final ." dad said menacingly.

" You guys are seriously annoying am out!" I said and stood up.

" Seat down Jay and I mean it!!!" mom said with a display of superiority.

I shrugged my shoulder and sat down foaming in anger.

"You're gonna be getting married to your betrothed in few weeks so deal with it!!" Her voice had become softer.

Wait ??! Betrothed?

" What are you talking about mom?" I asked to be sure of what I heard.

"You heard me Jay you're getting married to your betrothed .you better get ready. " she smiled.

Seriously?? Forcing me into marriage with so strange girl who claims to be my betrothed? What am I twelve?

" and who is this so called betrothed of mine if I may ask?" I frowned deeply.

"She's the daughter of my friend Stella Fitzgerald. Her name is Lola you were betrothed to her since when you were kids ,it's time we build the family and don't worry baby she's extremely beautiful." She replied with a smirk and I huffed.

" Whatever but just so you know I will never accept this bullshit ,for the sake of the poor girl just cancel this whole thing or am gonna make life unbearable for her. " I growled as I stood up and walked out with so much anger. Didn't bother listening anymore crap from them.

I entered my car and drove outta the villa.

I placed a call across Alex to get a bitch ready before I get home , I needed to calm my nerves.

They can't force me into getting married not when am still enjoying my bachelor's life .

I will get married when the time is right but for now haven't seen the kinda girl I want .

They're all bitches nothing more.

May's POV.

Arrived at my apartment tired and hungry.

"Oh my goodness May where the hell have been? And you weren't answering your phone!! Wait!! Have you been running? or did you cut lose Bernard's dog ?" She bashed me with so many questions which I'm unable to answer at the moment.

" I'm sorry mom I kinda got stucked somewhere and my phone was back at the workshop." I said trying to steady my breaths.

OMG I can't believe I ran all the way to my house .

Really? Was I too scared of prince Knight!

My life is too precious to me I won't wanna die now i still haven't filled my dreams of buying a car for my mom .

"In that case what's hot on your tail?" she asked with raised eyebrows. And made me sit first.

I love my mom she's very caring and sweet too. We're not actually poor we just the comfortable average family.

"Mommy when I had closed from the fashion house ,I decided to visit the zoo at that point they had a system Malfunctions and all the cage broke lose releasing the animals and They all ran towards Me like they were gonna run me over but I was lucky enough to excape and hide somewhere in Westwood and , unfortunately I slept off loosing track of time. " the lies rolled outta my tongue freely.

" Ouch dear hope you didn't get hurt ? Are you sure you're okay?" she asked with concern writtened all over her face as she examined my body for any injury.

" No mom am fine now that I'm here beside you. " i smiled and rested my head on her shoulder.

" Becareful dear and that reminds me I want to discuss something important with you but first things first go take a shower you stink ." she scrunched her face and I chuckled softly.

" be right back mom." I said and pecked her on the cheek before taking the stairs.

I wonder what she wants to talk about.